Chassis Team Meeting – May 12 2015

  • Close current meter styling PR
  • kristyjy to start work on scss style guide
  • New issue created for , , and div based fallback. geekman-rohit to work on this.
  • Issue created to convert SCSS comments into valid css comments.
  • Created Chassis Theme roller repo.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 11 2015

Attending: timmywil, arthurvr, DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Blockers without pull requests

  • Currently only 3

link Beta release todo

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE! Nice work.

link jQuery 3.0 beta

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 07 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 281 tickets (-1)
    • 27 pull requests (-2)

link 1.5.0

link Other Topics

  • team page
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5
      • UI DB should be ready to go, with the node-0.12-supporting version published to npm
  • Navigation
    • Talking with Ian Maffett from Intel about brining in aspects of App Framework
      • Specifically interested in multi container support
  • html style checking

jQuery UI Team Meeting – May 06 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 378 tickets total -0
    • 18 pull requests -4
  • Button
    • Alex and Jörn worked through another round of review
    • Scott to review
  • 1.9 git build
    • Removed listing from CDN, but file still exists
  • Form reset handling
    • Handle common logic for resetting input-based widgets when their form is reset
    • Utility functions, mixin, extension, or widget?
    • Scott to prototype mixin and extension for review
  • Form-related methods
    • .labels(), .form(), and $.ui.escapeSelector() landed in master
    • Only .labels() is public API; needs docs
  • Draggable/Mouse blur on interaction

jQuery Content Team Meeting – May 06 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 248 (+2)
  • Attending: Arthur, Alex, Anne, Aurelio

link Content:

  • Should we agree priorities? (e.g. Issues vs PRs?)
    • Agreed to address PRs from new contributors quickly (ideally 1-2 weeks)
  • Arthur will be working through v3 tickets this week
  • Arthur needs help checking
    • We need help from someone with a Windows setup
      • Alex will test when he gets a chance
  • Need a solution for contributors that use only the github web interface and have their username as name (i.e. the CLA will not match as we need a valid name and the name is not the username).
    • Maybe improve the documentation on contribute as well
  • Actions from last meeting:

PEP Team Meeting – May 05 2015

Chassis Team Meeting – May 05 2015

Open PRs:

  • Meter Styling
    • New comments need Addressing
  • Color Palette
    • Waiting on changes
  • Table Styling
    • Decided to move 'scrollable' styling to a new issue so it can be consistent everywhere (even for non table situations)
  • Typography
    • Landed!


  • Performance testing
    • Discussion regarding the use of local files for performance testing to cut back on network traffic and what sort of tests we should do (Appending, scrolling, appending + scrolling)
  • sfrisk to create the following issues:
    • adjust scss comments to standard css comments
    • create issue for visual scroll indicator
    • / issue with a JS fallback solution

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 04 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, gibson042, arthurvr

link Patches 1.11.3 and 2.1.4 released!

link PRs

link Blockers (list getting shorter!)

link Beta release todo

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE! Nice work.

link jQuery 3.0 beta

PEP Team Meeting – Apr 30 2015