jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 30 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 281 tickets (-1)
    • 29 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • 1.5-dev
    • landed all esformatter updates!!
  • ui updates
    • Button
      • Working through files 1 at a time with Jörn trying to get this landed on master
    • new core methods getFormParent, getLabel coming
  • Classes
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • toolbar, rangeslider, flipswitch ready for review, Cory working on slider
        • waiting on alex to review
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Landed in 1.5-dev
        • waiting on alex to review
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • PR has been updated
  • Qunit
    • unstable since upgraded to 1.17.1

link Other Topics

  • team page
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5
      • UI DB should be ready to go, with the node-0.12-supporting version published to npm
  • Navigation
    • Talking with Ian Maffett from Intel about brining in aspects of App Framework
      • Specifically interested in multi container support
  • html style checking

Project Leads Meeting – Apr 29 2015

Attending: Timmy, Scott, Rafael, Kris, Alex, Richard

link Core

  • Released 1.11.3 and 2.1.4
  • Continuing work on 3.0

link UI

  • Fixed use of AMD in TestSwarm via a shim configuration
  • Adding .labels() method to mimic native element.labels
  • Removing 1.9 git build from CDN

link Mobile

  • esformatter
    • update all the files to get closes to following style guides
  • Starting to work on porting some tests to intern
  • Updated AMD wrapper to be UMD and match UI
  • Working on switching to UI Download builder

link Chassis

  • Typography getting ready to land
  • Base table styling about to land
  • Usage examples for logo looking good
  • Going to use colors from logos for initial color pallet
  • Getting started on form elements starting with buttons

link QUnit

  • no report

link PEP

link Globalize

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 29 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 378 tickets total -1
    • 22 pull requests -2
  • Button
    • Alex and Jörn working through another round of review
  • 1.9 git build
    • We still have the 1.9 git build on the CDN
    • It's never been a proper build because it doesn't have its own theme directory
    • Drop from the CDN
  • Autocomplete focus handling
    • Separate handling for hover and focus
    • Hovering would highlight the item, but pressing enter would not select it
    • Would remove the Firefox workaround for hovering over newly visible elements (which is about to become the common behavior in all browsers)
  • Tooltip endlessly append to the DOM for the ARIA live region
    • Dylan is testing a simplified approach in our supported browser/AT combinations
  • Selectmenu height
    • Scott to work with Alex on this
  • Tooltip focus/click behavior

Chassis Team Meeting – Apr 28 2015

Open PRs:

  • Meter Styling
    • on view.css, needs meter scss added to the compiled css file
  • Chassis Palette
    • sfrisk needs to change things
  • Table Styling
    • Alex going to go over in detail this week
  • Typography
    • Ready to land
  • BEM Components to Test Suite + Gumby and Skeleton to Test suite waiting on having files to be local


  • HTML Style Guide
    • Waiting for status form slayslot
  • Textinput/Textarea styling
    • michealarestad to work on this after typography
  • Buttons
    • sfrisk to work on this after palette changes done
  • SCSS and BEM Style Guide
    • Ready for someone to start writing
  • Create Styled Checkboxes/Radio Buttons for jQuery UI/Mobile Support
    • Waiting on buttons

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 27 2015

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, gibson042, markelog, DaveMethvin

link Patch to be released today!

  • timmywil to do this after meeting

link PRs

link Issue review (label issues for review)

link Beta release todo

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE! Nice work.

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link jQuery 3.0 beta

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 23 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 282 tickets (+2)
    • 29 pull requests (-32)

link 1.5.0

  • 1.5-dev
    • landed all esformatter updates!!
  • ui updates
    • Button
      • Working through files 1 at a time with Jörn trying to get this landed on master
    • new core methods getFormParent, getLabel coming
  • Classes
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • toolbar, rangeslider, flipswitch ready for review, Cory working on slider
        • waiting on alex to review
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Landed in 1.5-dev
        • waiting on alex to review
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • PR has been updated
  • enhanced option
    • we need to re think this in light of the classes option
  • esformatter
    • lots of PR's for this to get us closer to style guide compliance and using jscs
      • all landed
  • Qunit
    • unstable since upgraded to 1.17.1

link Other Topics

  • team page
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5
      • UI DB should be ready to go, with the node-0.12-supporting version published to npm
  • Navigation
    • Talking with Ian Maffett from Intel about brining in aspects of App Framework
      • Specifically interested in multi container support
  • html style checking

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Apr 22 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 246 (-10 in 4 weeks)
  • Attending: Arthur, Alex, Sarah, Anne, Scott, Aurelio

link Spider:

link CLA:

  • Legal advises that if someone signs the CLA with their full name (first middle lastname) and their gitconfig is first lastname, we ask them to sign again. It was recommended also that as a result the CLA checker should check against an array of matches instead of first match.

link Content:

Testing Team Meeting – Apr 22 2015

  • QUnit
    • Module split needs final review, should land soon
    • Diff optimization can land, last discussion is resolved
    • need to make progress on nested suites and jsreporters to get closer to 2.0
    • stdout reporter looks good, found how QUnit ends up on the global object, once fixed this can land
  • browserstack-runner
    • Still lots of timeouts, making the CI results unreliable, if not useless. Try to escalate that.
  • TestSwarm
    • Added AMD support

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 22 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 379 tickets total +5
    • 24 pull requests +1
  • Button
    • Alex and Jörn working through another round of review
    • Create a private method for finding the form from an input
      • Only need for IE8, which will be dropped in less than a year
    • Create a public method for finding the label from an input
      • Mimic native element.labels
  • AMDifying tests
    • Scott and Jörn got tests working in TestSwarm and IE8
  • Classes API docs
    • Jörn finished docs, landed in 1-12
  • Slider scrollbar demo
    • Custom scrollbars are generally terrible; this implementation is far from ideal
    • Delete the demo
  • Tooltip endlessly append to the DOM for the ARIA live region
    • http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/10689
    • Scott met with Dylan to go over our AT support and discuss potential solutions
    • Dylan is testing a simplified approach in our supported browser/AT combinations
  • 1.12 docs
    • Jörn is making good progress