Testing Team Meeting – Jan 14 2015

  • QUnit
    • Landed double export for node, to make require(“qunit”).QUnit work on all “CommonJS”-like envs
    • Still need to fix a 1.16 regression to finish 1.17. James to tackle that.
    • Moved last qunit-plugin repos of the jQuery GitHub organization
    • Let’s add test/reporter-html to grunt
  • TestSwarm
    • Updated the readme to indicate the kind-of abandoned project status
  • Testing Infrastructure
    • Still trying to get browserstack-runner working on Travis. Issues are on their end, testing every now and then, making progress.
    • Got Globalize tests to pass in browserstack-runner locally. Sent PR to run on Travis, waiting for issues to get resolved before landing it.
  • CSS Testing (mostly performance testing; for Chassis, UI, Mobile)
    • Alex talked to Kristofer, will discuss next steps soon
    • Will start implementing it in Chassis
  • Site spider
    • Alex rewrote it recently
    • Publishing standalone module for Arthur to use it with gulp and h5bp
  • jshint vs eslint
    • Both active, neither uses esprima

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Jan 14 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 278 (-55 in 2 weeks, -76 in 4 weeks)
  • Attending: Arthur, Anne, Corey, Ralph, Aurelio, Karl, Scott, Alex, Dan, Brian (brianarn)

link Learn Site

  • Determine the Future of the learn site
    • Foundation issue 347
    • Discussion document
    • We want to ease the process of landing PRs
      • Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the labels
      • Agreed to relax commit message style guides for content site repos (.com/.net/.org repos) if necessary to ease maintain/land content, but not api sites
    • See how we can get more help from the community
      • Aurelio to draft blog post
    • Agreed: carry out an analysis of the articles, and develop a matrix of articles/library version
      • Tracking Document.
      • Thinking about adding rating to learn content e.g. did you find this article useful 1-5? but would also need to know the reader's expertise, so 1–5 my expertise on this subject and 1–5 article's usefuleness
      • Dan to see if Bazaarvoice could donate rating service
    • Agreed: The learn site should contain THREE types of learning documents to match the users learning styles: articles, tutorials and videos
      • distinction between article and tutorial: a tutorial walks you through some process step by step and an article just explains a concept or set of APIs
      • A long-term plan/wish is to have interactive tutorials as part of the learn site. (Propose as a GSOC project?)
    • Proposed: in addition to code snippets, we should have the full example in a jsbin to enable users to manipulate the code and enable us to easily update it.
      • Discussion deferred to next meeting
    • Proposed: We should add the type(s) to the document and enable users to search by topic/keywords and/or type
      • Discussion deferred to next meeting

link Repos at healthy cadence

  • We aim to have less than 5 issues or be closing more issues than we open on all content-related repos

Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 13 2015

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 12 2015

Attending: DaveMethvin, jaubourg, timmywil, arthurvr, gibson042, markelog, m_gol

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Pull Requests and Issues

  • Style of Support comments
  • .unwrap() conditioned by a selector
  • jQuery.Deferred enhancements
  • jQuery.parseHTML("")
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1998
  • I like the idea of doing more here but given how much we need to do for 3.0 I'm okay with just this change if nobody has time to take something more ambitious.
  • Let's ask Krinkle to update the PR for the more ambitious changes that track what the native method does, see comments in the PR from timmywil and gibson042
  • Funny characters in tag names
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1988
  • Same here as with parseHTML, if someone can take it now we could do more but otherwise let's land this smaller fix. (But note gibson042 comments regarding colons for namespaces.)
  • Let's land this now (hyphens), do a second commit for the more general changes (unusual characters, namespaces)

  • Inserted scripts run async
  • jquery-release tasks (timmywil)

PEP Team Meeting – Jan 12 2015

  • Testing
    • Currently using Mocha and Chai
    • Adopt Intern
      • Provides non-simulated events through Webdriver API
      • Compatible with Chai
    • Colin available to answer any questions about Intern and assist with implementation.
    • Jacques to work on initial implementation.
    • Would be nice to run W3C tests, but they require user interaction.
      • Can manually run them on occasion to verify proper functionality.Nom
      • Can skip anything that involves capabilities that a device doesn’t have, like multi touch on IE8
  • Browser support (overlaps with testing)
    • Adopt baseline from jQuery UI/Mobile? Currently means IE8+
    • Or stick with IE9+, provide hooks to implement IE8 support elsewhere, probably using jQuery events
    • Need to at least test that the polyfill doesn’t crash IE8
    • Need to automate tests with the jQuery wrapper in IE8, to verify the hooks actually work
  • Project Lead
    • Volunteers or nominations?
    • Nominations for Scott
      • Scott willing to accept, but is happy to have someone take over at any point
  • Scott replaced Polymer loader
    • Less crazy now, but should probably use a real build system
    • Go for AMD with r.js, instead of just concatenating files
    • Single entry point that includes everything in the correct order
  • Schedule for future meetings
    • Weekly, reduce later if there’s not enough to discuss
    • Scott to send another Doodle
    • Fall back to today’s time if we can’t find something else
    • Create Freenode channel: #pep
      • Move notifications from #jqueryui-dev to #pep
      • Add to CONTRIBUTING.md
    • 10 minutes for planning, 50 minutes for venting
  • Adoption
    • Planned
      • Dojo 2
      • jQuery UI
      • Intel App Framework (eventually)
    • Replace IBM’s dpointer?
      • Was supposed to go into Dojo 2
      • IBM will discuss internally
      • Requires support for AMD and IE9 (from last meeting)
    • Talk to about adoption:
      • Wikipedia
      • WordPress
    • MS Open Tech will promote it and contribute code, no immediate plans for using it
  • Misc.
    • Rename repo to PEP
  • Touch action

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jan 08 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 262 tickets +0
    • 34 pull requests +0

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 07 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 394 tickets total +2
    • 34 pull requests -3
  • 1.11.x Regressions
  • AMD
  • Classes option
  • Button
    • New button PR
    • Alex to push update based on classes changes
    • Jörn to review after the classes update
  • RTL
    • All tickets
    • The obvious changes are element locations swapping, but there are some more complex situations:
    • #5440 Theme - icon placement, scrollbars (from hidden content?)
    • #10655 Menu - arrow keys for opening submenus
    • #10658 Slider - lowest value on the right
    • Suggestion: Use dir attribute in markup to determine direction instead of using an option
    • PR for spinner based on this suggestion
    • Alex to ask Ariya for his contact. Hoping for help from IBM, at least with testing. Also ping Hans Hillen and Dylan Barrel
    • Scott to schedule a call to hash out details with all those who have experience and are willing to help.
    • Compare KendoUI implementation
    • Jacques to bring up RTL on IBM's internal governance call
  • Tooltips in native dialogs
    • #10739
    • Scott to ping browser vendors and spec authors about odd overflow constraints
  • Selectmenu
    • Should we check for hidden options?
    • Alex says hiding options isn't consistently supported natively
    • Alex to close with explanation
    • Perhaps we shoud advise him to use disabled attr in addition to display:none and hide the generated, disabled items via CSS.
  • New default theme
    • Rafael testing DB/TR integration
    • Decided to make the new theme the new default, as "Base", keep UI Lightness and Smoothness in the TR gallery
    • Update tooltip to use ui-widget-shadow class (via classes option, once that lands), move box-shodow definition into theme.css/.ui-widget-shadow, update TR to demo that instead of the weird fake shadow we have currently

Project Leads Meeting – Jan 07 2015

Attending: Dave, Scott, Sarah, Alex, Rafael, Kris, Jörn

link Core

  • Working on 3.0, hope for beta next week

link UI

  • Going to schedule a call about RTL support
    • Looking for help from Hans, Deque, IBM, and others
  • Almost ready to land datepicker/calendar split (in datepicker branch)
  • Getting close to having the classes option finished
  • Also getting close to finishing button rewrite
  • Updating the base theme to be more modern, but not making major changes to ThemeRoller. Keeping Smoothness and UI Lightness in the gallery, while the new theme will be available as “Base” and it will be the default everywhere.

link Mobile

  • overall quiet due to holidays
  • new autoinit module prototype
  • Landed lots of PR’s
  • Pulling in latest round of Classes and button updates
    • Needed for continued progress on 1.5
  • General barking

link Chassis

  • Most PRs that have been submitted thus far have been for administrative tasks, but working up to the point where actual code can be submitted!
  • Decided to go with a BEM naming convention
  • Looking into setting up our own performance testing
  • isaacdurazo is going to create a logo
  • we have someone working on an initial PR on how to get the SVG icon placeholder potentially working
  • atomic structure for organizing code
  • working on coming up with code style guides for sass as well as more in-depth html style guide.
  • Looking into how we want to do documentation (generated vs non generated)
  • People are showing up to meetings and talking!!!! :-D

link QUnit

  • Moved qunit-composite and qunit-reporter-qunit off the organization to James’ repo
  • Fixing 1.16 regressions. Since a new feature also landed in master, those will go into 1.17.
  • Got browserstack-runner Travis integration working, waiting for them to fix some issues causing workers to timeout. Once this lands, will also land it for Globalize, then look into UI and talk to Oleg about Sizzle (replace Karma?)

link Pointer Events

  • Scheduling a call to discuss next steps for PEP, now that its on the jQuery organization

link Globalize

  • MessageFormat is supported \o/! Thanks to Alex Sexton and Scott to get the licensing approved and landed and Eemeli to make the necessary changes to SlexAxton/messageformat.js.
  • Unit and functional tests automated to run on all supported browsers. Implemented browserstack-runner, including running PRs on Travis, same blocker as for QUnit

link CLA checker

Chassis Team Meeting – Jan 06 2015

  • Determine which SVG icon set to use #1
    • Initial discussion to cover which icons to support from the get go, based on current discussion in the issue
    • Decided to start out by created a SVG icon builder for just 3 placeholder icons to test the ability to select certain icons for builds, add in custom icons, replace icons, etc. michaelarestad to make a PR
  • Style Guide #11
    • Discussions in issue were leaning towards generated documentation.
    • Decided we needed to specify what we're talking about when mentioning "Style Guide," since the issue was getting slightly off topic compared to original description. (For example, Code Style Guide vs Pattern Library vs Design Style Guide). Issue is leaning towards auto-generated (or not) docs instead of "pattern library," which is really more what the topic was about. sfrisk renamed issue to "Pattern Library" to help focus issue. Discussion involving the generation of documentation moved to a separate issue/ Concerns raised regarding inline (auto-generated) documentation and how it could clutter code. Also discussed need for code style guides for scss and html.
  • File structure #29
    • MichaelArestad and cbracco opting for atomic structure in issue
    • Majority leaning towards atomic structure, with 100% complete modularity and independence. Discussion turned to possibly bundeling component styles with components rather than in the sass folder (possibly going the include/require an external spreadsheat route). Example here. However, general opinion seemed to be that putting components styling outside of the sass folder might be harder for new people to follow. Pros for that method would be making it easier to use just a button (for example), without pulling down everything in the repo. However, with a good builder, this shouldn't be a problem (similar to what has been done in jQuery mobile)