jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 15 2014

link 1.5 development

  • Widgets:
  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Other topics:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – May 14 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 2 pending tickets +2
    • 410 tickets total +2
    • 36 pull requests -4
  • Globalize
  • Download builder
  • _on() signature
  • checkbox focus outline
    • Active checkbox needs a focus indicator
    • Leaving it up to the user to style ui-state-focus is awful
    • jQuery Mobile currently uses box-shadow to add a custom focus outline
    • Can't recreate native outline
    • Still no solution, will continue discussion elsewhere

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 12 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, timmywil, markelog, gibson042

link 1.11.2 / 2.1.2 watch

  • Anything that requires a patch release?

link Angular use of .data()

  • Makes use of jQuery._data()
  • Issues:
    • copying _data(node, ‘events’) won’t work with events with setup/teardown hooks
  • Should we expose in the 2.x branch so Angular 1.3 could use it?
    • Yes, we need to leave jQuery._data() in place
    • Perhaps document so people would know to leave it alone?

link Pulls

link 1.12/2.2 planning

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 08 2014

link 1.5 development

  • .trigger( "change" )
  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Widgets:
    • Remove style options from widgets, use classes in markup instead
      • Web-UI-Framework team is working on this
    • Table review
      • Gabriel will work on this
    • Navbar review
    • Listview review
      • no planning yet
    • Toolbar review
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu review
      • no planning yet
    • Panel review
      • review or wait for rewrite
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Other topics:

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 05 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, timmywil, markelog

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

  • Shipped last week
  • Any feedback or bugs?
  • Let's make this the last before 1.12/2.2 barring bad regressions

link The demise of jquery-latest

  • Google folks are on board to make /1/ point to 1.11.1
  • Dave to make a blog post

link 1.12/2.2 planning

link CSS selector escaping?

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 01 2014

link 1.5 development

  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Widgets:
    • Remove style options from widgets, use classes in markup instead
      • Web-UI-Framework team is working on this
    • Table review
      • Gabriel will work on this
    • Navbar review
      • Cory will work on this (with Jasper)
    • Listview review
      • no planning yet
    • Toolbar review
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu review
      • no planning yet
    • Panel review
      • review or wait for rewrite
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Last week:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 30 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 1 pending tickets +1
    • 412 tickets total +4
    • 41 pull requests +4
  • Duplicates
    • Should get these two autocomplete issues with lots of duplicate tickets addressed:
    • TJ volunteered last week, nothing visible yet
  • Button
    • working on checkboxradio and controlgroup
    • Did another review and testing round, lots to fix
    • will make controlgroup filter out hidden elements, if too slow, don't use the JS widget
    • will make controlgroup support selectmenu and textinputs, shouldn't require more then a few lines of extra CSS
    • Need to discuss with Jasper and Scott a more generic .ui-btn class as currently in jQuery Mobile, affects selectmenu, button, checkbox; controlgroup could use that instead of each widget individually
    • Decided to support anchors
    • Focus styling for active radio/checkbox
      • Perhaps add outline to .ui-state-focus
      • Alex to ping Chris Coyier to see if there's a good solution
  • Globalize
  • Selectmenu
  • Release
    • Release 1.11.0-beta.1
    • Need to fix menu and tooltip regressions
    • Need to fix prerelease script to push JS files to CDN
    • Should remove -cdn postfix from zip file to put that on jqueryui.com
  • Download builder
    • Offer pre-releases? Seems sane for beta and rc releases, since its more likely that people will test those with their custom builds
      • Let's try it with rc.1, since we're likely not doing another beta; or even for beta.1, Rafael will put it on stage
    • buildCSSBundles() from Ghislain's AMD builder is working
    • Discussing how to simplify our bundle, please chime in on that issue.
  • Menu

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 28 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, m_gol

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1 RC2

  • Shipped last week
  • Any feedback or bugs?

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1 final

  • Release? How about Thursday 5/1
  • Code changes to land:

link Sizzle pulls

link Velocity: replacement for $.animate

link 1.12/2.2 planning

  • Tickets and pulls already tagged
  • Who wants what?
  • Take a look and let's discuss next week
  • We'll do async

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 24 2014

link Last week: