jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 23 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 21 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, markelog, gibson042

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1 RC

  • m_gol did RC1
  • I published an RC1 blog post for about 5 minutes
  • I missed the update required to Sizzle (but there was a ticket)
  • gibson042 landed it Friday
  • Dave set up a VM, can (or will try to) publish the beta today
  • To simplify, let's call this RC2 and not speak of RC1 :-)

link "browser" KEYWORD for npm

link Open tickets for .1 release

  • IE11 being stupid
  • Way to prevent accidental release without latest Sizzle
  • slideUp/Down on inline elements
  • We're getting a ton of spam on the tracker
  • Ideas on how to reduce it?
  • Delete the spammy posts when you see them
  • Lots of fake logins being created as well

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 17 2014

link Last week:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 16 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 14 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, markelog, gibson042

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

  • Bugs or feedback since release?
  • Open tickets for release
  • ship date for next beta?
  • thursday 17th

link Ticket/pull discussion

  • Multiple args for jQuery.merge
  • DOMNodeRemoved text node
  • Event capturing support
  • Changes to tags for Bower?
  • npm 1.x tag
  • Karma!

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 10 2014

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 09 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 3 pending tickets +0
    • 409 tickets total +1
    • 45 pull requests +5
  • Button
    • working on checkboxradio
    • ready for functional and accessibility testing
      • First round of code review and update is done, will do another round
    • Determine if we really want to support anchors
  • Globalize
  • Selectmenu
    • Started final review
    • Ideas for better demos?
      • Shopping cart with dropdowns for color and size
    • Still need to review tests and docs
  • Release

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 03 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 31 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, timmywil, markelog

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

  • Bugs or feedback since release?
  • Open tickets

link Forum thread: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/matchers-and-pseudos

  • timmywil and/or gibson042 comment?

link http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1477

  • May be a cantfix
  • I hate focus issues. A LOT.

link Karma

  • markelog finishing this up soon

link Browser support

  • m_gol to add iOS6 and Android 4.0+ to support page
  • Need to fix Android 2.3 on unit tests
  • Need a solution for WWA support to avoid regressions!