link Nov 19 Meeting Notes
John Neumann (JN), Allen Wirfs-Brock (AWB), Yehuda Katz (YK), Eric Ferraiuolo (EF), Erik Arvidsson (EA), Rick Hudson (RH), Matt Sweeney (MS), Rafael Weinstein (RWS), Alex Russell (AR), Rick Waldron (RW), Dmitry Soshnikov (DS), Jeff Morrison (JM), Sebastian Markbage (SM), Ben Newman (BN), Reid Burke (RB), Waldemar Horwat (WH), Doug Crockford (DC), Tom Van Custem (TVC), Mark Miller (MM)
JN: (Introductions)
DC: (Logistics)
JN: ...updating status of RFTG
...Adopt agenda?
Unanimous approval
JN: Approval of Sept Minutes?
Unanimous approval
link ES6 Status
AWB: (presenting Luke's spreadsheet with remaining features that need attention)!59602&app=Excel&authkey=!AAMixsO0TuyPYwc
...Function.prototype.toString still needs attention
BE: Mark is to write spec, in this case under-specify
- Refutable pattern matching is deferred
- still need specification for enumerate / getOwnPropertyKeys/Symbols in various places
- Proxy handlers, cut
- C-style for-let
BE: We agreed on semantics
AWB: We agreed on outer capture, but won't try to update per iteration. Need per iteration binding.
YK: This is the consensus I recall
- Modules, static semantics complete
- No loader/runtime semantics yet.
- Dave will have a complete spec this meeting
YK: (confirms that it's complete)
AWB: Yes, but not yet in the spec.
- Standard Modules deferred.
(TVC dials in)
link 4.4 Finalizing the Proxy API for ES6
(Presented by Tom Van Cutsem)
TVC: First three relate to es-discuss threads, re: simplifying Proxy. Jason Orendorff expressed concerns.
AWB: Looked for traps for call
BE: Total traps?
AWB: Now 14 traps.
BE: Cool. Not including hasOwn()?
AWB: Not including
TVC: The next is invoke()
trap. Leave out for now to avoid inconsistencies with get()
YK: How do you implement virtual objects? ie. an object whose this
object is always the proxy. Can't do it reliably without invoke.
WH: Still not reliable, even with invoke.
YK: So what are the cases?
AWB: Can still implement a virtual object or full membrane, or thin wrapper.
YK: Not the use case. Want to make an object where this
is the proxy and not the target.
TVC: Are you arguing that this
should remain bound to the proxy object upon forwarding? If yes, this is the default.
YK: As long as maintaining equivalence between
AWB: yes.
TVC: Regarding Handler API: not enough motivating use cases for proxy handlers without community use. Propose to defer.
AWB: Let's publish the library code
TVC: It's already on github, as part of my shim. I will publish it as a separate project to make it more accessible.
TVC: Proxy
as a constructor? Currently, no new
throws TypeError
AWB: Not really a "class"
AR: You create new ones?
AWB: No prototype
AR: Gives an instance, why not "new"
AWB: Would need an @@create
YK: Then shouldn't be capitalized
BE: We can do "proxy"
AWB: (to Tom) the concern is: if it's not "new-able", should it be little-p proxy?
TVC: Given choice between little-p proxy and requiring new
, I prefer new
RW: Agree with Alex, new Proxy()
creates new Proxies, so allow new
AR: Let's not duck the charge on @@create.
WH: Proxy is not a class.
YK: ...But has allocation
WH: I would hate to specify what happens when subclassing from Proxy
AWB: Must create a special constructor
TVC: @@create doesn't make sense here
BE: Is Proxy a class?
(General: no)
DS: What is typeof and instanceof
AWB/BE: object
BE: Capital P
AWB: Ca???
DS: Whatever Proxy creates?
BE: That depends on what is created.
DS: By default?
BE: typeof depends if there is a call trap. instanceof depends on the prototype chain. All in the spec, so can create any object (apart from private state issues)
AWB: Ok, into the future... would value objects allow new
BE: (int64 example)
...back to why should new
throw on Proxy constructor.
BE: Seems counter intuitive: Proxy constructs objects. int64
creates a value. callables construct objects
[ inaudible ]
BE: these are object constructor functions, which is what people want to do with "new"
AWB: this is somewhere in the middle between newing a class and a random function that returns an object
BE: in either case, it returns a new object and proxies are factories for object
AWB: yeah, I agree...spec currently calls them "proxy factory functions"
BE: pretty weird not to have "new" on this.. feels natural
YK: Intuitively, the difference between returning an object and not a value
AWB: we can do it...need to make it an exotic object with a special [[Construct]]
AR: agree. Making it exotic is good.
TVC: what's the summary?
AWB: we allow new, we do it by making it exotic.
EA: Do we REQUIRE "new"?
WH: what does Map do without new
EA: Throws
BE: Why are we requiring new
RW: Needed for subclassing
AWB: my objection is that we're trying to tell a story about objects, classes, and @@create... this confuses the story
YK: there's already a weird split...saying you have to use new
avoids the confusion
AR/RW: agree
AWB: we could go either way, and it's subtle, but most people won't see the subtlety
RW/BE: the conservative thing to do is to throw now and we can walk it back later
AWB: agree
JM: Removing the throw might change control flows?
BE: non-issue, rare.
link Consensus/Resolution
- Drop
- Drop
- Postpone proxy handlers API
new Proxy
by making Proxy an exotic function that has it's own internal construct. (this is only "action" item)
link ES6 Status (cont)
- Symbols in place
- Binary data deferred
- RegExp look behind deferred
WH: No comprehensive specification of which variant of RegExp lookbehind was wanted. Followed up on es-discuss and got no good answer to questions.
AWB: No one has stepped up, deferred to ES7
- Completion reform has bugs, but that's just work for me
- Global scope, Dave has some possible changes he wants to discuss at this meeting
- Eval scope, now simplified because can't eval a module
- function scope, needs spec some design issues still open
- Promises, Domenic has a complete delta, just needs to be added
- Internal Method Invariants. If we're going to keep this section, someone needs to provide spec ready text.
MM: If Tom will collaborate with me on this, I will commit to producing this.
AWB: I can live without this section
MM: ES5 had that section, I will talk to Tom about creating this for ES6
AWB: For the end of this year, we need a feature complete spec. Essentially a "candidate spec". This means all the features there are sufficiently specified to allow an implementor to implement. I think we have a shot at it. There is work to do. Questions remain in modules, but Dave can update us. Dave and Jason (Orendorff) have been working like crazy to finish modules, including a reference implementation.
MM: The spec we want to be feature complete includes modules?
AWB: Yes.
MM: The loader stuff as well?
AWB: Yes.
... Over the next 6-9 months, we need implementors to work and provide feedback. We should push forward with what he have now (this includes modules)
link 4.1 Review Latest Specification Draft
(Allen Wirfs-Brock)
(request slides)
Discussion re: arguments.caller, arguments.callee in non-strict and strict mode.
Discussion re: default param aliasing
BE: (tries aliasing on SM)
YK: Issues with arguments.caller, arguments.callee in framework uses.
BE: Do we want three types of arguments?
YK: It's not really three types
link BE: Fair to say there are three observably different kinds of arguments
MM: Adopt some semantics where aliasing
BE: Deep aliasing of destructured parameters is bad
AR: Walk back poisoning entirely?
MM: No.
MM: Any simple parameter is aliased and any new style parameter is not
... on defaults I could go either way.
AWB: Back to scheduling
BE: If there is destructuring, no deep aliasing.
WH: Easier to explain if the rules are compositional.
link Consensus/Resolution
- Parameter issues
- default params, alias is independent
- destructuring has no name for top level object, no aliasing
- rest has no aliasing
- non-strict mode arguments have unpoisoned caller and callee
... Continue discussion re: do Arrow Functions have an arguments object?
link 4.3 Should 'arguments' in an arrow body be from nearest outer defining scope, or early error?
(Brendan Eich)
AWB: Arrows don't have an arguments object, but arguments
is a keyword inside arrow functions.
WH: let arguments = ...
not allowed, recapping ES5 strict rules that were applied to new forms in ES6.
questions about conditionally reserved words
AWB: what if the outer function does say let arguments = ...;
, what is it in the arrow function?
MM: (whiteboard)
[3, 2, 1].forEach(v => v + arguments);
YK: this
, super
, arguments
should refer to its outer.
WH: and are inconsistent. The former omits keywords such as "arguments", while claiming to be based on the latter.
link Consensus/Resolution
is lexically captured by arrow functions
- and are inconsistent (file a bug)
- yield cannot mean "yield to the outer"
AWB/BE: yield just follows the rules for yield
MM: (whiteboard)
return function * bar() {
AWB: ...Computed property keys: No dynamic checking for duplicate computed property name in object literals or classes
MM: Cannot statically repeat properties in object literals
AWB: This isn't a static object literal
MM: ...
YK: The most common usage will by for symbols, eg. @@iterator
AWB: We don't have a mechanism for runtime checks like this and shouldn't be adding such checks
MM: The create and overwrite paths are very different (define v. assign)
WH: Pick one or the other. If we're going to do static checking, do it consistently. Either always check or never check
AWB: The complications I ran into were in gets and sets, it's not just "does this property exist"...
BE: We do want computed property gets and sets
...We should do checks.
AWB: It's not that non-strict doesn't check...
MM: given that we do dynamic checks in strict mode, you prefer NOT doing them in sloppy mode?
AWB: I don't like the dynamic checks either way
MM: that wasn't the question
AWB: the precedent in ES5 for object literals is that strict mode has "more" static checks.
AWB: "from a language design perspective", we should have them the same in both cases
BE: I'm w/ WH and ARB, we want the check in strict mode
AWB: so you don't want the check in sloppy mode?
BE: I don't think there is only one consistent position, and I'm ok with no dynamic check in non-strict mode
... discussion of the current static checks in non-strict mode ...
link Consensus/Resolution
- No change, this is the semantics:
o2 = {x:42, get x()}, // static error
o4 = {x:42, get [name]() {}};
AWB: the consensus is that for dynamically computed property names we will dynamically check the things we would have statically checked.
WH: Pop quiz. What does the following parse as?
return function * bar() {
yield (baz) => yield * baz
[Almost nobody guessed all of these right.]
Current answer, with all optional semicolons inserted:
return function * bar() {
yield (baz) => yield * baz;
link Consensus/Resolution
- Update
yield * [Lexical goal InputElementRegexp]
=> yield [no LineTerminator here] * [Lexical goal InputElementRegexp]
link Class/optional yield arg ambiguity
class foo extends yield {}
Proposed solutions:
- Disallow trailing yield in extends clause
- Requires an extra parameter to Expression and AssignmentExpression
- extends LeftHandSideExpression
- would be only place an expression isnt explicitly Expression or AssignmentExpression
BE: (whiteboard)
class C extends (A + B) {
BE: Should have no trailing yield, as a static error
... lost track here...
WH: (whiteboard) Counterexample to claim about never requiring parentheses in expressions that would be unambiguous without them:
WH: Think of "extends" as having the same precedence as assignment operators. That's why class C extends (A + B) would require parentheses.
link Consensus/Resolution
- extends LeftHandSideExpression
- would be only place an expression isnt explicitly Expression or AssignmentExpression
link Cross-Realm Symbol Registration
(need slide)
Symbol.for(key) => aSymbol
Symbol.keyFor(aSymbol) => key
- Where for all strings S:
Symbol.keyFor(Symbol.for(S)) === S
- the use case for
is serialization
Revisiting discussion from last meeting, re: Symbol.
Discussion regarding the value, or lack of, registered Symbols over Strings.
DH: Is it necessary to be Symbol.keyFor()? What about
DS: Is there direct correspondance between Symbol
and toString
DH: If the symbol is registered, toString
does the same as Symbol.keyFor
AWB: is this good?
DH: What does Symbol.keyFor
return if the symbol is unregistered?
link Consensus/Resolution
- Agree on proposed API.
- If the symbol is unregistered:
Symbol.keyFor(unregistered symbol)
returns undefined
Symbol.keyFor(not a symbol)
AWB: An issue about Symbols not being usable as WeakMap keys...
...which is ok...
This lead to discussion about (re)naming of WeakMap. It's possible that WeakMap may be renamed SideTable
link Introduce a Prototype object that contains sloppy arguments object @@iterator function?
Discussion re:
AWB/MM: instanceof is generally misused
AWB: Current spec: all built-in iterators. Self hostable
MM: Issues are with consistency.
BE: (whiteboard)
Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] !== (function() {
return arguments[Symbol.iterator];
MM: ...future JS programmers learning classes without understanding prototypes. Let's not unnecessarily introduce new abstractions that can't be understood within these semantics.
(meta discussion)
AWB: (describing a spec that used class inheritance for all new inherited objects, eg. Array.Iterator
BE: Return to the question... should arguments
be iterable, and how?
AWB/MM: (discussion re:
link Consensus/Resolution
link Conventions for ignore over-ride of @@iterator
MM: Why is this a spec issue?
AWB: @@iterator is bad example, @@toStringTag is better
BE: Use undefined
, not "falsey"
AWB: re: new Map(?, "is")
BE/RW: new Map(undefined, "is")
defaults to empty list
AWB: Happy with undefined.
link Consensus/Resolution
link (function Foo() {}).bind(x).name?
AWB: What about anonymous function expressions?
RW: No name is made
AWB: What about bound anonymous function expressions?
RW: Same, no name.
DS: Could bound functions delegate their name? Do we want to do that?
BE: Might be interesting to find out, can chat with Brandon about this.
link Consensus/Resolution
- "bind" wins over "bound"
- Brandon needs to review the spec.
link 9 ECMA 404 W3C TAG / TPAC report
(Alex Russell)
AR: (recapping JSON specification leading to 404)
... There are people at the IETF that want more restrictions, eg. a number types, character encoding.
WH/MM: what does that mean?
AWB: Let's avoid doing what they're doing.
AR: They want to restrict all the things, that we're simply not willing to do.
... The draft revision includes non-normative "advice". They've also diverged on what is "valid JSON".
RW: Specifically, they've changed JSON so that JSONValue is not the top level grammar production, using JSONText instead. This means only "{}" and "[]", which is incompatible with Ecma-404.
AR: (proposal to work together)
STH: 3 levels.
- Bytes on the wire. For example reject UTF-32
- Sequence of unicode code points that make up a valid JSON sequence. This is covered by ECMA 404.
- Semantics of this structure. For example, reject numbers with a thousand digits.
link Consensus/Resolution
- Alex will draft statement to send to IETF last call, due Thursday
link 4.9 Reconsidering
(Dave Herman)
DH: might be a mistake
AWB: Could be trying to fill one of two purposes:
- the finest distinction possible
- what you really wish triple equal was
For general use, you want -0 and +0 to be equated, NaN to equal NaN
MM, WH: Multiple NaNs are not visible in JavaScript
AWB, DH: Different NaNs are distinguishable if aliased via TypedArrays
AWB: Hence does not discriminate as finely as possible
WH: That would be a mistake. ES1-5 clearly state that the NaN values are indistinguishable, and some implementations rely on that for NaN-boxing. should consider all NaNs to be the same.
[ discussion ]
AWB: NaNs are technically still not distinguishable in ECMAScript because an implementation has the freedom to write any quiet NaN bit pattern into a TypedArray, not necessarily the one that generated the NaN; in fact, writing the same NaN twice might generate different bit patterns.
Discussion about equating NaN values (
MM: The spec allows 0/0 to be written to a TypedArray twice with different actual bit pattern.
More discussion re: IEEE NaN
link Consensus/Resolution