jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 03 2012

April 2, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: dmethvin, timmywil, mikesherov, gnarf
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


New issues?

Bad TinyMCE .attr() duck punch seems to be resolved by their beta

Bug tracker misbehavin’ again last week

  • Who knows why, but a reboot fixed it…

Style guide: Did we remove the ambiguous “space around quotes” rule?

  • Dave to create epic email thread regarding this

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11539 Do we want to change our support for text nodes?

  • gibson042: traversing is safe for text nodes, manipulation is not?


1.8 (April 9 Beta)

Dev on master or branch? Consensus: 1.8 on Development Branch

1.8 Feature branch — we’ll land PRs there?

Specific process?

  • Make standard PRs but against 1.8 branch (after I create it)
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/branches
  • Um, create 1.8 branch (BRANCH is 1.8pre b/c there was 1.8 subs?)
  • WHY CAN’T I label PRs? (gnarf: maybe bc issues are off?)

Several PRs ready to land

jaubourg has been a good boy

Pinged Chad Killingsworth re Closure Compiler, he made a Sizzle PR for some issues to simplify CC work (haven’t reviewed it yet)

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 28 2012

  • Still need to investigate unit test failures.
  • Working on new build process.
    • Development is occurring in the grunt branch.
    • Need to add HTML lint task.
    • Verified correctness of CDN output.
    • Created CSS plugin for minification and lint tasks.
  • Fixed ARIA implementation and added full keyboard support for accordion.
  • Added animation tests for accordion.
  • Ready to release 1.9m7.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 21 2012

  • Still need to investigate unit test failures.
  • Working on new build process.
    • Development is occurring in the grunt branch.
    • adm-zip is still too slow and can't be uncompressed.
    • Need to add HTML lint task.
    • Need to compare to old build to verify correctness.
    • Started code review.
  • Working on ARIA updates for accordion.
  • Updated QUnit in all branches.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 14 2012

  • Still need to investigate unit test failures.
  • Working on new build process.
    • Development is occurring in the grunt branch.
    • The adm-zip module has been updated, will investigate switching back to it.
    • Adding HTML lint, thanks to work by Mike Smith.
    • Need to compare to old build to verify correctness.
  • Addressed most of the open issues from the accordion code review.
  • Need to upgrade to QUnit 1.4.0 in master and all branches.
  • The next 1.9 milestone release should be released very soon
    • Waiting on accordion ARIA review/updates.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 07 2012

  • Still need to investigate unit test failures.
  • Working on new build process.
    • Development is occurring in the grunt branch.
    • Finished zip task, unified header, and many other tasks (both old and new functionality).
    • Working on CDN and themes download tasks.
    • Need to fix a problem with banners not working inside concat tasks. Will sent a pull request to grunt.
    • Hoping to finish migration to grunt soon and use it for the 1.8.19 release.
  • Performed a code review of accordion.
    • Trying to work through the open TODOs this week.
  • Updating QUnit.
    • Reverted the fixture resetting change and pulled QUnit master instead of 1.3.0.
    • Will pull 1.4.0 when it's released (hopefully by end of week).
    • Need to update all branches after 1.4.0 is pulled in.
  • Finished consistent naming for .data() keys.
    • Limited scope to plugins that are not being rewritten.

Testing Team Meeting – Mar 05 2012

Had the first QUnit IRC meeting this week, going through most open tickets to figure out what to focus on. Some, like simulating events, still need a lot more thinking and input, others will get addressed over the next days/weeks. Will do a followup meeting, probably at the same time (Thursday, noon EST).

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 29 2012

  • Investigating unit test failures.
    • Seems to be related to BrowserStack API usage.
  • Working on new build process.
    • Migrating to grunt.
    • Working on a zip task for gunt.
    • Need a new task for creating a unified header in concatenated files.
  • Tooltip is pretty stable.
    • Still gathering feedback, but not expecting any big API or implementation changes.
  • Reviewing accordion for completeness and usage of new widget APIs.
  • 1.8.18 was released.
    • jqueryui.com now uses code.jquery.com.
    • We're no longer waiting for the Microsoft or Google CDNs to update prior to announcing releases.
  • Updating QUnit.
    • QUnit 1.3.0's change to fixture resetting broke the button tests.
    • Will revert the QUnit change, then update QUnit.
  • Working on consistent naming for .data() keys.
  • Making progress on new API site.
  • Looking to implement new site and new docs for 1.9, but leverage existing download builder and ThemeRoller (to be replaced in 1.10).