jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 16 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 139 tickets (-21)
    • 9 pull requests (-2)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 15 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 13 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, markelog, jbedard

link 3.0 Released!

link Issues needing review

link 3.0.1

link Migrate

link jQuery 4.0 event changes WIP

  • Using one aEL per jQuery event and native event object:
  • https://github.com/dmethvin/jquery/commits/v4-native-events
  • Seems to pass jQuery UI unit tests
  • Not too many fails in our units: http://imgur.com/tewiRFR
  • Issues with stopPropagation on delegated events, success depends on whether the delegated ones are attached first since we're doing 1:1 handlers
  • Could we use a capturing handler somehow to fix this? (jbedard)
  • Still need to review use of jQuery.event.special and .trigger()
  • Can we use native event for .trigger() and not even do our own bubbling in most cases?

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 09 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 160 tickets (-32)
    • 11 pull requests (+3)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 08 2016

Chassis Team Meeting – Jun 07 2016

  • Buttons: Removed underline from link buttons on hover
  • CLA Matched, Everyone to review.
  • Please Review
  • Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to README.md
  • Wait for CLA Valid before pulling in
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • Wait for changes from kristyjy
  • Style guide
  • New Component: Inputs
  • Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
  • Please Review
  • New Components: Modal
  • Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
  • Please Review
  • Notifications: Styling
  • Wait for CLA fix and then merge into a branch
  • Please Review

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 06 2016

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, jbedard, gibson042, markelog

link TSC grouping

link PRs

link 3.0

link 3.0 Upgrade Guide

link Migrate

link Browserstack can drop their dedicated IE6 machine

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 02 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 192 tickets (-6)
    • 8 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Jun 02 2016

  • Ticket Triage: 272 (issues +PR) (-2)
  • Attending : Connor, Aurelio, Anne

link Content

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 01 2016