Chassis Team Meeting – May 31 2016

  • Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to
  • Few wording changes done?
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • Add full width version
  • Style guide
  • Notifications and modals currently being worked on
  • New Component: Inputs
  • Please review
  • Sfrisk to put on (once cla issues resolved)
  • New Components: Modal
  • Please review
  • Sfrisk to put on (once cla issues resolved)
  • Notifications: Styling
  • Adjust colors to match buttons
  • Remove external theme for showing code
  • Please review
  • Sfrisk to put on (once cla issues resolved)
  • Accessibility testing
  • Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help (asrchmitz)

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 26 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 198 tickets (-33)
    • 8 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

Chassis Team Meeting – May 24 2016

  • Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to
  • Few wording changes done?
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • Add full width version
  • Style guide
  • Notifications and modals currently being worked on
  • Accessibility testing
  • Good to pull in, but needs some master merging help

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 23 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, gibson042

link 1.12.4, 2.2.4, and 3.0.0-rc1 released!

  • Migrate 1.4.1 and 3.0.0-rc1 also released
  • 3.0 final to be released after 2 weeks of RC

link 1.12-stable & 2.2-stable

  • No more updates that aren’t at blocker priority

link 3.0 Upgrade Guide

  • Angular good
  • Bootstrap checked (PR submitted)
  • Ember?

link Migrate

link Drop yandex from Sizzle

link Allow Browserstack to drop dedicated IE6 machine next week

  • This means stopping testing it in Core on 1.x-stable and in Sizzle on master

link No meeting next week

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 19 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 229 tickets (-57)
    • 8 pull requests (+3)

link 1.5.0

jQuery Content Team Meeting – May 19 2016

  • Ticket Triage: 274 (issues +PR) (+2)
  • Attending: Connor, Aurelio, Anne

link Content

PEP Team Meeting – May 19 2016

jQuery UI Team Meeting – May 18 2016

Chassis Team Meeting – May 17 2016

  • Documentation: Add note about running Grunt tests to
  • Few wording changes, then good to pull in
  • [WIP] Tables: Table styling
  • CSS classes, div based example
  • Start looking into additional features we might want
  • How do we want to handle responsive
  • Create ticket for discussion
  • Images : Basic styling No update. Might need to do this ourselves
  • Style guide
  • Updated issue with additional items
  • Buttons/Inputs+State examples - post them on relevant issues for review

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 16 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, jbedard, m_gol, gibson042

link 1.12.4/2.2.4

link 3.0 Upgrade Guide

link Migrate