jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 24 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 289 tickets (+4)
    • 34 pull requests (+5)

link 1.5.0

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 21 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog

link 1.12.2/2.2.2

  • Shipped!

link Upgrade Guide

link 3.0

link Issues needing review

link Migrate

  • Dave to work on some open tickets this week
  • Help needed, especially on show/hide (gibson to help)

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 15 2016

  • Released stable version with new API Doc's and tests
  • Created grunt JSASS released
  • Working on PR for chassis but running into issues with Node sass
  • For future notice, if you have a variable file it depends on another variable file, you must put the dependency at the top of your file to get the order right
  • Future naming conventions for variables, have file names reflect the variable prefix (btn.js for variables starting with $btn- for example), also simplify prefixes
  • Don’t have variables that are just ‘default’ but say what they’re to “$color-default” for example
  • Update jsass to accept JS variable references to other variables, and output the SCSS variable

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 14 2016

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol, all3fox, gibson042

link 1.12.2/2.2.2

link PRs

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2996 detached.show()
    • Must make decision for 3.0
    • Keep current behavior, update later if needed
    • Poll (excluding gibson042 and markelog)
      • jQuery("<div/>").hide().css("display"): 2.5–0 "none"
      • jQuery("<div/>").show().css("display"): 1.5–0 ""

link Upgrade Guide

link BrowserStack IE 6 clients

  • BrowserStack keeps 2 constantly online IE 6 clients just for us. They may turn them off after 1.12.2.

link jQuery Periodic runs for 1.x/2.x - still needed?

  • Stop after 1.12.2/2.2.2

link Migrate

PEP Team Meeting – Mar 10 2016

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 09 2016

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Mar 09 2016

  • Ticket Triage: 283 (issues +PR) (+3)
  • Attending: Anne, Karl

link Content

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 08 2016

Attending: sfrisk, kristyjy, geekman-rohit, thej, sagarhani


  • Work almost done, arschmitz is updating jsass and grunt plugin for jsass, just needs to published/tested
  • asrchmitz is also writing up docs to help with use
  • Buttons
  • ‘not-allowed’ variable added and tweaks to default
  • sfrisk to pull in
  • Typography Variables
  • Pulled In!
  • Testing: Added Pure for sass unit testing #35
  • thej to look into the current lib for pure and pending prs to see what uses we can find for Pure
  • thej to write more example tests
  • Typography: Added basic styles for paragraphs and lists
  • Recently update, please review
  • Accessibility testing
  • arschmitz to pull in

To Do For Next Week kristyjy: tables sfrisk: pull in buttons pr, finish up inputs geekman-rohit: meter arschmitz: jsass work, pull in accessibility thej: look into Pure, come up with some more test examples everyone: review basic styles for paragraph and lists

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 07 2016

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, DaveMethvin, gibson042

link Fixing the 3.0.0 milestone

  • A non-trivial amount of issues backported to 1.12/2.2 had a 3.0.0 milestone
  • m_gol looked at all 3.0.0 issues and changed the relevant ones, adding a comment: “This has been backported to 1.12.0 & 2.2.0 so I changed the milestone (it used to say 3.0.0).”
  • What should we do about those tickets? They weren’t mentioned in the 1.12.0/2.2.0 blog post, they won’t be mentioned in the 3.0.0 one.
    • Timmy can add them to the blog post if we compile a list

link Changelogs

  • Create changelog archive page for core?
    • 3.0+ only
  • Dave to start an upgrade guide on jquery.com

link PRs

link Migrate