jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 10 2015

Attending: timmywil, gibson042, DaveMethvin, markelog, gnarf

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link markelog to open a PR to use new QUnit constructors and update jscs

link Current failures on master and compat

  • None

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 06 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 251 tickets (+9)
    • 22 pull requests (-11)

link 1.5.0

  • 1.5-dev
  • Loader Classes
    • Update loader widget
      • ready to merge
  • Toolbar Classes
    • Once over review
      • second review done waiting for update - almost there -cgack
  • pagecontainer
  • Accordion
    • PR Submitted
      • no updates
  • editorconfig
    • we should add this
      • no update
  • Core breakup and file re org
    • split up done doing re-org
      • landing in ui today
  • Filterable no-filter
  • Bootstrap
  • Form hash
  • qunit update
  • Accessibility
    • grunt-axe-webdriver
      • we should use this
  • CSS and demo updates
    • Jasper submitted pr
  • RTL
    • IBM Bidi
      • wants to help

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 05 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 393 tickets total, -0
    • 27 pull requests, +1
  • Button
    • PR still needs another review
  • Datepicker
    • Hoping for contributions from IBM, specifically for bidi support
  • Splitting up core
    • Just a missing Trac issue to reference the path changes
    • Alex to file that, then merge
  • Trac upgrade
    • Making progress, testing GitHub auth, to replace htpasswd
  • jquery-mousewheel
    • Jump to jQuery 1.7 dependency justifies a major version bump
    • Going to remove browserify test
    • Should it be available from the CDN? No

Project Leads Meeting – Aug 05 2015

Attending: Gabriel, Alex, Rafael, Jörn, Sarah, Richard, Timmy

link Core

  • Okay to make jQuery.access (gh-2513), jQuery.dir and jQuery.sibling (gh-2512) private?
    • Okay for UI and Mobile.
  • gh-2505: Degrading support for Android 2.3 in master: only guarantee successful interpretation and lack of exceptions (still fully supported in compat, as will be non-browser environments [gh-2501)

link UI

  • Finishing core-breakup, lots of rebasing of button rewrite afterwards
  • Once that is done and button is reviewed and merge, we can release 1.12 (beta or RC?)
  • Met with IBM about bidi contributions to jQuery UI, start with RTL support for datepicker rewrite.

link Mobile

  • IBM Bidi will also be helping with jQuery Mobile
  • Landing classes PRs
  • Updated Collapsible
  • Working on updating to UI download builder

link Chassis

  • Build is fixed! :-D
  • jsass landed, working on converting existing PRs to using jsass for variables
  • Finalizing a lot of commonly used variables for use in media queries
  • various build PRs to improve linting across project
  • Adding accessibility testing w/ grunt-axe-webdriver https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-grunt-webdriver
  • Initial SCSS style guide, undergoing review
  • Working on picking out default color scheme that is accessibility friendly
  • Overall PRs are picking up and commits from outside the usual group is picking up
  • Performance testing - working on getting that to apply to Chassis demos

link QUnit

  • Going to release 1.19 soon

link PEP

  • Decided to support CSS touch-action with style attribute and working around invalid style properties using mutation observers (which PEP already uses). Removes need to generate and inject stylesheets.
  • John Dalton working on W3C test automation

link Globalize

  • Runtime support close to land.
  • Question: Separate distribution files for AMD and CJS instead of using UMD? #467
    • Original problem: webpack tries to use AMD (because it shows up first) instead of CJS: #441
  • Twitter: Nicolas might be back from vacation. Need to resume talk.

link Other

  • jquery-license now looks at all names for a given email address and outputs errors for “neglected” authors; remaining tasks are posting a comment on unsigned new PRs and checking for broken clones
  • Good progress on js-reporters, implementing adapters and infrastructure to test those. Still looking for feedback on proposed event data. gitter
    • nice for the GitHub integration
    • makes cross-project collaboration harder unless everyone uses it
    • Maybe we can improve our GitHub integration on IRC instead? Timmy to look into that

Chassis Team Meeting – Aug 04 2015

Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, arschmitz

Performance Testing PRs:

  • Performance: Add BEM-Components to test suite
  • Not ready to be pulled in
  • Need the work on #60 to be completed first, write tests that test what we want, have a way to run them where the environment will be consistent, make this work with chassis demos and integrate into our CI. Will need to create seperate issues to encompass the scope of work
  • Performance: Add checkbox to performance suite
  • Not ready to be pulled in

Build Related PRs

  • The Build is Fixed!
  • Build: make JSCS and JSHint lint the grunt config too
  • merge conflict, sfrisk to fix while arthurvr is away on vacation
  • Linting: Add scss variable files to linting
  • fix needs to be removed
  • Build: heirarchial prefixer for scss variable files
  • Please Review
  • Build: add accessibility testing
  • Please Review

CSS/SCSS Related PRs

  • Typography: Add breakpoint variables and use them
  • Please Review
  • [hidden] { display: none !important; }
  • Please Review
  • Buttons: Initial pass at buttons, covering sizes, options, disabled, active, focus, and hover states
  • sfrisk needs to merge in master changes to adjust variables
  • sfrisk needs to also come up with better contrasting colors
  • Table styling
  • This PR work can be taken over by someone else. Volunteers?


  • Style Guide: Initial commit of SCSS style guide
  • Initial PR in, please review
  • Contributing: Adding information about the weekly IRC meeting
  • sfrisk to make updates
  • README: Improve wording, formatting, links, headers
  • Please Review

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 03 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, gibson042, m_gol

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Gitter

  • Will try gitter next week, if we can work out publishing the logs by then

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE

Testing Team Meeting – Jul 31 2015

link JS Reporters GSoC Project

  • July 17th - July 30th, 2015 author: Franziska Carstens

    • Done Last Week

      • added test infrastructure

        • we can now run npm test
        • Travis CI integration
      • started #20, #21, #22

      • finally understood JavaScript’s Function.prototype.bind ;-)

    • To Be Discussed

      • #20 (see discussion there)
      • #21 do we need a build script?
    • Next Steps

      • remove test.skipped
      • implement start Events with suite and test objects
      • try to add QUnit to the test script
      • complete #21 (either build script or sed.js)
      • complete #20, #22
  • July 16th - July 22th, 2015 author: Franziska Carstens

    • Done Last Week

      • finished pull request
      • added JasmineAdapter
      • added ConsoleReporter
      • added table for start events
    • To Be Discussed

      • Do we want to include an extra skipped attribute or not?
      • Data for runStart and suiteStart (Where do we get the data from?)
    • Next Steps

      • finish PR fpr JasmineAdapter and ConsoleReporter
      • set up test infrastructure
      • implement Start Events

PEP Team Meeting – Jul 30 2015

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 30 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 242 tickets (+0)
    • 43 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • 1.5-dev
  • Page classes
    • Update Page
      • final testing / ready to land
  • Popup classes
    • Update Popup
      • landed
  • Loader Classes
    • Update loader widget
      • One more thing and it's ready
  • Toolbar Classes
    • Once over review
      • Classes looks good needs some updates in orther areas
  • Accordion
    • PR Submitted
      • Reviewed, needs updates
  • editorconfig
    • we should add this
  • Core breakup and file re org
    • we need to update any ui dependencies to match
      • should land in next day or so in ui
  • Filterable no-filter
  • Form hash
  • backcompat
    • jasper found issue with some portions
      • Fixed again
  • helper classes to make icons float
  • CSS and demo updates
    • Jasper submitted pr
      • rebasing with backcompat fix, Jasper fixing mini controlgroup button height