- Ticket triage
- 379 tickets total +2
- 23 pull requests +8
- Button
- Jörn finished another round of review
- Alex to push another set of updates
- Trac spam
- Scott reached out to Trac team
- Multiple members of the Trac team are helping with the Trac upgrade now
- AMDifying tests
- New PR: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1511
- Lots of changes to the implementation
- Major problem:
doesn't support AMD - Close https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1335
- Tooltip endlessly append to the DOM for the ARIA live region
- http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/10689
- Need to determine if the JAWS bug with deletions still exists
- Need to determine how to handle long selectmenu lists
- http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/11606
- jQuery Mobile currently displays a dialog
Author Archives: builder
jQuery Content Team Meeting – Mar 25 2015
- Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
- 256 (+11 in 2 weeks)
- Attending: Arthur, Alex, Sarah, Anne, Scott, Aurelio
link GSOC:
- Currently no proposal for issue tracking
- 3 proposals for Interactive tutorials with others possibly being prepared.
- After discussion with various team members and Kris, it was decided that the additional infrastructure for the initially proposed project (backend using node and a mySQL database) could be a risk for the long-term maintenance. Instead, we can improve the current jQuery Learning Center (learn.jquery.com) by adding small entries for users to test their understanding, for which http://koans.herokuapp.com/en seems to be a good solution, so for example, where we have http://learn.jquery.com/jquery-ui/getting-started/#jquery-ui-basics-using-options we could add something like http://jsbin.com/gofirumecu/1/edit?html,js,output (we could only present the user with a small data entry to get the code required, and give them some feedback on the correctness using qunit)
- All students working on their proposal have been informed.
- Discussion: we’ll investigate also another system (proposed by Arthur and Alex) that requires no infrastructure. Just sample code and unit test using QUnit. Alex will write something up to explain this to the current students preparing a proposal
link Actions from last meeting:
- check past messages and see if any contain private info, then, make mailing public
- Not done - ongoing
- Anne to update matrix with details (mail sent/consent received)
- ongoing
- Aurelio to see how we can get more help from the community
- Blog Post ready. We can publish!
link Genesis script:
- Not had a chance to discuss further.
link Spider:
- http://jenkins.jquery.com/view/Websites/
- runs every night
Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 24 2015
- Performance Testing
- We should probably cap off the number of frameworks we add.
- Focus on adding new components, such as checkboxes and the rest of the html4 form components, geekman-rohit to start working on this
- Setup view.css-chassis.com
- Up and running!
- Typography PR
- Status: Changes are being made, shall update PR when more polished
- ramasilveyra to fix media queries to em to typography pr
- Style Guide
- Discussion continuing on HTML style guide.
- Table Styling
- Tables with
s that span multiple cols/rows will be supported. - Discussed having stripped tables, as an optional feature, will need to figure out how to do this even with filtering
- marestad and sfrisk to play with this on codepen
- Tables with
- GSoC Students
- Deadline is Friday, and other PSA notes.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 23 2015
Attending: timmywil, arthurvr, m_gol, gibson042, markelog, scott_gonzalez, arschmitz
link Deferred has LANDED!
- Are there action items for compat before 3.0.0 beta?
- NO, but more Promises/A+ testing in real browsers and in Node before final
link Current failures on master and compat
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2148 PR for dimensions failures, ok to land? yes
- http://swarm.jquery.org/result/62559
- Older failures: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2104
link Beta release todo
- Dave to draft blog post
- jquery-release now has changelog generation
- output: https://gist.github.com/scottgonzalez/aa3c9ec76f71dc058f93
- Does it need modification? Looks good.
- Issue list helps catch missing refs
- Any missing issues in migrate? Tabled for next week
- Issues tagged behavior-change: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3Abehavior-change+is%3Aopen
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/issues
- data, once it’s done
link Standardize invalid input
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2134
- throw for invalids or fail silently?
link Sizzle blockers
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/316 Limit teardown to IE (timmywil)
- completed √
- gibson to do follow-up commit to https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/commit/c5f386eb08a83661494845e23d471c1e68de89ae
- Sizzle release this week or next
link 3.0 Blocker issues
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3ABlocker
- Deferred
- Data
- timmy
- showhide
- [hidden] where available (gibson)
- investigation https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2057
- markelog to get to this after async exec
- domManip interception
- (gibson)
- .width fractations (mgol)
link outerHTML? https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2151
- No, too easy for user to do without a first-class method requiring extra support
link iOS bug wrt. jQuery.each: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2145
- bigger issue than the qsa issue last patch
- If perf is not an issue, we’ll do a patch release
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/324 Test Sizzle on iOS8 (not possible for Core now)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2154 Update jsdom
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2121 Test in iojs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2003 .unwrap( selector )
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2043 .offset() with Shadow DOM
- timmywil to land, needs cherry-pick to compat with some extra stuff
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1714 .position() when parent scrolled
- needs input from mike
link jQuery 3.0 beta
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 23 2015
- Ticket triage
- 414 tickets total, +0
- 32 pull requests, +3
- Scott and Alex to work through PRs next week
- Menu
- Regression with active styling
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14919
- Scott and Jörn fixed and merged
- Checkboxradio
- Checked radios with no icon break on initialization
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14939
- Alex has a PR
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1686
- Good to merge
- Selectmenu
- Still some styling issues in Firefox
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14938
- Alex has a PR
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1685
- Resizable
- Regression with westward resize of grids
- https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/14916
- 1.12.0-rc.1
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 19 2015
- Ticket Triage:
- 283 tickets (+0)
- 35 pull requests (+0)
link 1.5.0
- ui-1-12 all up to date
- pushing right now with latest from ui
- Classes
- Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
- Cory is fixing review comments
- Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
- Landed in ui-1-12
- Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
- Button
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- Auto Init
- New module details
- no update
- New module details
- Accordion
- sarah working on this start actual work today
- no update
- sarah working on this start actual work today
- esformatter
- lots of PR's for this to get us closer to style guide compliance and using jscs
- UMD Wrapper
- qunit
- upgraded to 1.17.1
- Had to fix some issues in the tests
- upgraded to 1.17.1
link Other Topics
- testing
- Should we switch from QUnit to intern?
- Everyone seems to like the idea of intern
- Should we switch from QUnit to intern?
- team page
- Will be on the jquerymobile.com/about, will use gravatars and link to GH plus possibly twitter
- https://github.com/jquery/jquerymobile.com/pull/120
- GSoC
- There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
- Websites
- grunt task
- discussion on how this will work has moved to content
- grunt task
- Demo Spider
- Replace with Spider.js
- no update
- Replace with Spider.js
- Builder
- we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5
PEP Team Meeting – Mar 19 2015
- Scott making progress on release script
- Rename npm and bower packages to pepjs
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 18 2015
- Ticket triage
- 377 tickets total -4
- 15 pull requests -5
- Classes option landed in master
- Still need to write API docs
- A few widgets landed with
classes: {}
which need to be removed
- Trac spam
- Scott to reach out to Trac team to see if they can suggest a person to help with the upgrade
- If that doens't work, reach out to the WordPress team
- AMDifying tests
- New PR: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1511
- Reduces existing PR down to just updating the accordion test suite
- Easier to iterate on changes
- Deal with
using a separate module the depends on jQuery, sets the flag, then returns jQuery
- Alex to send a PR that uses strict class checks in tests
Project Leads Meeting – Mar 18 2015
Attending: Scott, Jörn, Alex, Timmy, Rafael, Richard, Dave
link Core
- Team has been busy recently, should pick up soon
- Will have Sizzle release this week
- Dave putting together beta blog post
- Dave made good progress on jquery migrate issues
link UI
- Landed classes option
- Still having serious spam issues with Trac, going to contact Trac team itself and WordPress team (they have a good setup)
- Lots of style fixes from esformatter
- Updated to latest jscs, splitting targets to increase coverage
- Update to latest grunt-html, increasing coverage on html files as well
link Mobile
- Working on esformatter updates
- jscs next
- grunt-html
- csslint
- csscomb is on chassis will look into
- Updated to QUnit 1.17
- updating UMD wrapper to match ui
- easier to integrate with new download builder
- Looking at switching to intern for testing
- Still working on classes option in mobile widgets
link Chassis
- Lots of PRs landing
- Performance testing landed
- Potential GSoC students helping out with adding more frameworks for performance testing
- Initial file structure landed
- Potential collaboration with Dojo 2
- Travis CI testing
- Roadmap for Chassis
- Development on Typography has started, Form Elements / Form Validation to be started soon
link QUnit
- Landed smaller improvements to HTML reporter
- Improving diff module, first by adopting google diff-patch-match
- Splitting core module, in preparation for moving to ES6 modules
- Improving propEqual()
- ...and more!
link PEP
- Working on release script
- GitHub changelog generation: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-release/pull/8
link Globalize
- PRs from GSoC students, both docs improvements and smaller enhancements
- Working on validatePostCode feature
- Working on relative time feature
- Waiting for some quotes for 1.0 blog post (Twitter, Adobe)
link Other
- CLA checker
- Matching on name now
- Using source branches instead of GitHub’s internal PR branches
- Alex has spider running on all sites
- Enabling secrets for GitHub web hooks
Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 17 2015
- Drop source map for generated files
- Browsers currently don't handle these well, so they shouldn't be included in production files. Would be useful to include them for dev testing, however.
- arschmitz to handle this
- Setup view.css-chassis.com
- Useful for viewing CSS/HTML PRs.
- Almost done, just waiting on domain changes.
- Create Semantic Color Variable Names
- If anyone has any other suggestions, please add them to the issue.
- SCSS and HTML Style Guides
- This still needs to get done. Please commit any suggestions for the HTML style guide to the contribute repo.
- prasunanand offered to work on the SCSS style guide.
- Performance Testing
- More frameworks have been added thanks to potential GSoC students.
- Pattern Library
- Need to create a folder that demos the CSS, now that we have a typography PR. Should go in a folder called 'demo'.
- Question time for GSoC Students
- Last 15 minutes covered any questions people had regarding Chassis, proposal ideas, requirements, etc.