jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 16 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, arthurvr, arschmitz

link Should we return null for attributes?

link Current failures on master and compat.

link Review migrate PRs for Dave

link Dave to draft blog post for beta

link Standarize invalid input

link Sizzle blockers

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link PRs

link jQuery 3.0 beta

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 12 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 283 tickets (+0)
    • 35 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • not up to date anymore but no api changes
  • Classes questions
  • Classes
    • On master in ui!
      • only took 4 years!
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • Reviewed
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Reviewed
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
      • affected by choices on data- attributes
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • qunit-assert-classes
    • use everywhere
      • need to bump version in bower.json to pull in new checks

link Other Topics

  • testing
    • Should we switch from QUnit to intern?
      • Everyone seems to like the idea of intern
  • team page
  • GSoC
    • There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
  • Websites
    • grunt task
      • discussion on how this will work has moved to content
  • Demo Spider
    • Replace with Spider.js
      • no update
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5

Testing Team Meeting – Mar 11 2015

  • QUnit
    • Leo and Jörn working on multiple PRs, mostly contributions from GSoC students
    • Timo has limited availability, mostly for advising, maybe code reviews.
    • James also limited, focus on js-reporters
  • browserstack-runner
    • Works decent for QUnit, still getting a few timeouts, reported to BrowserStack

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Mar 11 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 245 (-7 in 2 weeks)
  • Attending: Arthur, Alex, Sarah, Anne, Scott, Aurelio, Karl

link Genesis script

  • will clone build and deploy all websites, update all the sites at once and clone and deploy all the sites at once if you don’t have them
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-wp-content/pull/346
    • discussion:
      • Not frequent use, but could be useful
      • raised concerns: risk of losing uncommitted work in master
    • decision: next meeting to decide and continue the discussion on the PR on GH

link Site Spider

link Trello

  • Only used for task management. Should we remove from readme and keep to team only?
    • Agreed to remove from readme. Doesn’t add value to contributors

link Actions from last meeting:

  • check past messages and see if any contain private info, then, make mailing public
    • Not done - ongoing
  • Anne to update matrix with details (mail sent/consent received)
    • ongoing
  • Aurelio to see how we can get more help from the community
    • blog post
    • Looks good!
      • Last few comments were addressed and Karl did a final check
      • aim to publish Monday 12ET and tweet again tuesday 10GMT
      • Scott will add Aurelio as Author.
        • Done

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 10 2015


  • Labels added to indicate phases for issue according to Chassis Roadmap
  • File Structure
    • Initial commit landed, closed the issue so work can begin on CSS goals for Phase One.
  • Create Semantic Color Variable Names
    • sfrisk and others added some suggestions for variable names for required colors for Phase One to be used for the themeroller/customization. Prefer a smaller/simpler list of variables starting out.
  • Next Steps
    • Styling for typography, form elements, form validation (will need color variables), html4 elements, tables, and finally Grid.
  • Create a Grid System
    • Looking for a flexible grid, similar to suzy
    • This is a lower priority for Phase One, styling for other elements should be done first.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 09 2015

Attending: timmywil, gibson042, markelog, arthurvr

link Should we return null for attributes?

link Combine our 2 branches and use build script to generate master from compat?

  • Timmy thinks yes, but we should wait until after 3.0 for that significant an overhaul.
  • Need issue opened

link Current failures on master and compat. Go green!

link Sizzle blockers

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link PRs

link jQuery 3.0 beta

PEP Team Meeting – Mar 05 2015

  • New Intern PR from Colin
    • https://github.com/jquery/PEP/pull/167
    • Fixes bad test completion
    • Adds Travis CI support using BrowserStack to launch browsers
    • Shows some failing tests
    • Should add a method for spawning the browsers locally without specifying BrowserStack credentials
      • Can use grunt-selenium-server or we can write a tunnel for Dig Dug
      • Scott and Alex to work on a Dig Dug tunnrl
  • Release script
    • Scott has started working on this
    • We need a different name than PEP for publishing to npm
      • Should make sure the name is available on Bower as well
      • pepjs suggested, not too much interest in any name
    • Should we automate updating gh-pages or keep that manual?
      • Automate copying samples

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 05 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 283 tickets (+0)
    • 35 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • not up to date anymore but no api changes
  • Classes questions
  • Classes
      • Updating right now
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • Reviewed
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Reviewed
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
      • affected by choices on data- attributes
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • qunit-assert-classes
    • use everywhere
      • re-wirte added hasClassesStrict, hasClassRegex, lacksClassRegex, hasClassStart, lacksClassStart, hasClassPartial, lacksClassPartial

link Other Topics

  • team page
  • GSoC
    • There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
  • Websites
    • grunt task
  • Demo Spider
    • Replace with Spider.js
  • perf-testing buttons WE WIN!
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5