Project Leads Meeting – Mar 04 2015

Attending: Scott, Kris, Alex, Sarah, Rafael

link Core

  • No report

link UI

  • Hoping to land classes option by end of week
  • Landed CSS dependencies
    • Same as what jQuery Mobile does

link Mobile

  • Working on PRs for classes updates
  • Switching from the current demo system spider to Alex’s new spider
  • Updating all icons to be inline instead of absolute positioning

link Chassis

link QUnit

  • No report

link PEP

  • Working on release script

link Globalize

link Other

*CLA checker

  • Getting lots of errors due to unforeseen timing issues (I think they’re actually new)

  • Alex to get spider on all sites, expected to be done by next week

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 03 2015

Version 1.0 Goals

  • Release Summer 2015
  • Features
    • Typography
    • HTML4 Elements
    • HTML5 Elements(?)
    • Form Validation
    • Form input state styling
    • grid
    • color pallet


Pull Requests:

Goals for the Week:

  • Land PRs so we can start coding!
  • Add labels to help organize issues by release
  • sfrisk to create issue on color variables

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 02 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol, arthurvr, gibson042

link PR Review (any we can land right now?)

link Current failures on master and compat

link Sizzle blockers

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link jQuery 3.0 beta

PEP Team Meeting – Feb 26 2015

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 26 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 283 tickets (+3)
    • 35 pull requests (+2)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • latest classes, button, tests
  • Classes questions
  • Classes
      • Updating right now
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • Reviewed
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Reviewed
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
      • affected by choices on data- attributes
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • qunit-assert-classes
    • use everywhere
      • re-wirte added hasClassesStrict, hasClassRegex, lacksClassRegex, hasClassStart, lacksClassStart, hasClassPartial, lacksClassPartial

link Other Topics

  • team page
    • Will be on the, will use gravatars and link to GH plus possibly twitter
  • GSoC
    • There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
  • Websites
    • grunt task Demo Spider
    • Replace with Spider.js
  • perf-testing buttons WE WIN!

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 25 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 393 tickets total +3
    • 25 pull requests -3
  • Classes option
    • Alex pushed another update, Scott to review PR #1411 again
  • Tabs problem with auth in URLs in Firefox
    • Will also be a problem in Chrome stable very soon
    • Recommending not to use this authentication mechanism
    • Will provide an extension to workaround it, but will land "fix" in tabs directly
  • CSS dependencies PR is ready to land
  • .outerWidth() setter detection is slow
    • See if performance is better when attaching the test element to the document
    • If not, switch to inference based on function length
  • Delay any decision about publishing to npm until after 1.12

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Feb 25 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 252 (-1 in 2 weeks)
  • Attending: Arthur, Sarah, Alex, Anne

link Site Spider:

  • Alex been working on it for a while. The idea is to have it on all content repo, and add it on a grunt task. It checks for errors and deadlinks, missing resources, etc. Currently reporting a lot of errors and Alex needs help from us to fix those. Alex will be trying to add the task to the repos over the next week or 2.

link Learn Site

  • Email from Justin Crawford!topic/jquery-content-team/MaXPstGj1os

    • Awesome!
    • Can we think of a response?
    • Jörn asked why the mailing list wasn’t public. There is no reason for the jquery-content-team not to be public...
    • action: check past messages and see if any contain private info, then, make mailing public
  • Analysis of the articles, and develop a matrix of articles/library version:

  • Actions from last meeting:

    • Anne to speak with the Legal team to identify what document we need to receive consent from Authors to have their content on the Learn site.
      • Email is ok. Anne started sending emails. Will need to pdf responses and save to Foundation Dropbox.
      • Anne to update matrix with details (mail sent/consent received)
    • Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the label in place. Action completed.
      • Action Completed
    • Make doc public for comments
      • Action Completed
  • Actions from last meeting:

    • Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the label
      • in place. minor issues
      • currently for jquery jquery-license jquery-mobile jquery-ui
    • Aurelio to see how we can get more help from the community
      • Draft Post
      • Looks good! A few comments need addressing and a final review from Karl would be great.
    • Dan to investigate whether BV could donate rating services
      • Outcome: yes, if we want it we can have it. A little more red-tape to work through on the BV end.
      • Action ongoing

link All Content Sites:

link Repos at healthy cadence:

  • We aim to have less than 5 issues or be closing more issues than we open on all content-related repos
    • We continue to make good progress. Big thanks to everyone!

Testing Team Meeting – Feb 25 2015

  • QUnit
    • Leo prototyping to test ES6 features via Goiabada:
    • babel works well for transpiling ES6, but to output browser-compatible code we need another step; browserify doesn’t support UMD, still need to solve that
    • alternative: disable babel’s es6.modules transform, then use esperanto to transform to UMD
    • Scott to put together a test
  • TestSwarm
    • Moved to new server, seems to work fine
  • browserstack-runner
    • Enabled browserstack-runner for Travis, including PRs, for QUnit repo
    • Will do the same for Globalize once requirejs load issues are resolved
    • jQuery UI takes 5+ minutes to run everything, times out before finishing

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 24 2015