jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 09 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 367 tickets -4
    • 41 pull requests +14

link 1.4.5

  • need to re-check issues as Apple fixed Safari in a patch
    • so we may not need 1.4.5 if selectmenu is fixed by this.

link 1.5.0

  • waiting on some updates in UI
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
    • Alex implementing setOption handling in ui we will need to update in mobile to match
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • Prototyped with input from TJ, PR to follow from Alex
  • Table
    • needs review
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • Theme update
    • Jasper working in branch button-css
  • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • working way through websites one at a time
  • CSS
  • Cordova Issues
    • Lisa helping out
  • Welcome Cory
    • WELCOME!
  • jsbin links
    • use .html extension in bin version number
    • can also be done by changing the x-requested-with header in the ajaxSetup
    • the idea is to get that fixed in our template

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 08 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 399 tickets total +1
    • 41 pull requests -2
  • Button
    • Alex and Scott discussed back compat; documented on wiki
      • No back compat for two icons. There's no upgrade path anyway, so users will need to drop one of the icons to upgrad eventually.
  • Checkboxradio
    • Icon should be turned on by default
  • Datepicker
    • Scott did first round of review on new PR
  • Globalize
    • Had a discussion with IBM and Dojo about collaboration and adoption of cldr-data and cldr.js
      • John to work with Rafael to integrate the cldr-data module
      • Rafael and Jörn to check out the i18n requirejs plugin
      • Rafael/John to schedule a follow-up meeting once there’s some progress to look at
  • Classes option

Testing Team Meeting – Oct 08 2014

  • QUnit
    • Working towards 1.16
    • Finishing lots of stuff
    • Updated commitplease, can now specify components
      • Test vs Tests, is QUnit.test part of Core?
    • Will not rename, but drop config.before/afterEach, revisit along with nested suites
    • Jörn to review and merge Mislav’s two PRs
  • TestSwarm
    • n/a
  • Testing Infrastructure

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 06 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol

link Trac

link Promise Error telemetry

  • mikesherov will talk to Domenic

link Promises/A+ compat

link $.xhr

link versioning proposals (see last week for deeper discussion)

  • version- and API-synchronized
  • jquery 1.11.1 → jquery-compat 3.0.0
  • jquery 2.1.1 → jquery 3.0.0
  • methods & properties existing in both packages have identical signatures & structure for a given version
  • public API MUST NOT exist only in jquery-compat distribution
  • public API MAY exist only in jquery distribution
  • files on cdn are jquery-3.0.0.js and jquery-compat-3.0.0.js etc.
  • RESOLVED: we use the same version number for both branches
  • dmethvin to make a blog post

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 02 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 371 tickets +3
    • 27 pull requests +0

link 1.4.5

  • Lets do this in next 2 weeks

link 1.5.0

  • Classes
    • PRs need updating
    • Alex implementing setOption handling in ui we will need to update in mobile to match
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • Prototyped with input from tj PR to follow from Alex
  • Table
    • needs review
  • Navbar
    • Waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • Dialog
    • Removed widget + related nav special handling and added classes option to page extension
  • Theme update
    • Jasper working in branch button-css

Project Leads Meeting – Oct 01 2014

Attending: Dave, Scott, Alex, Kris, Jörn, Rafael

link Core

  • Moving to Github issues
  • Still need a working Trac
    • Don't currently have one
  • Breaking changes for .then require a version bump
    • can't capture both API and browser changes easily
    • two npm packages?
      • jquery-compat (1.x-like)
        • Start at version 1.12.0?
      • jquery (2.x-like)
        • Start at version 3.0.0
    • Continue with one jquery repo tho and two branches
  • $.xhr call for comments
  • https://gist.github.com/markelog/42d43a489afb7201ddd6
  • need more fleshed-out examples with real-world use of xhr object, etc.

link UI

  • One more PR to land, then ready for 1.11.2
  • Starting work on 1.12 afterwards, including ripping out IE7 support and doing the font-size change
  • Good progress on button and datepicker rewrites

link Mobile

  • Looking into ios8 issues will do a 1.4.5 soon to address some big ones
  • 1.5 work continuing very tied to ui 1.12
  • Lisa Seacat DeLuca is is working on phonegap and cordova issues.
  • Stand alone module for declarative widgets usable with any widget and with ui as well
    • New module removes current performance penalty for reading data- options

link Globalize

link CSS Framework

  • Scott sent out email to all the CSS framework makers
  • Starting to get some (but not a lot) of responses
  • Haven’t contacted Bootstrap themes authors

link QUnit

link Testing

  • browserstack-runner reuse worker PR landed and published
  • No timeline on Travis fix, will likely take at least several weeks
  • Considering basic obfuscation of BrowserStack credentials (over plain text) to at least communicate that those aren’t intended for other projects. Deobfuscation also has to be in the repo, but might be just enough indirection until Travis implements our suggestion. In the worst case, our tests run slower or time out due to someone else abusing our account.

link Infrastructure

  • Website Crawler to verify no 404’s missing resources or script errors on sites
    • Being implemented as grunt plugin
    • PR’s for all websites in the works to fix current issues
  • Created script to clone and deploy or update app jquery-wp-content sites
  • Hackers and DDOS :(

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 01 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 29 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, jaubourg, gibson042

link Update on web site attacks

link Trac

  • Let's switch to Github issues
  • Infra team swamped with DDoS and hack attacks
  • Keeping Trac for old issues reference
    • turn off new account creation and anonymous add/comment (dave)
  • Trac 1.0 upgrade will happen when it happens
  • Migrate open issues to GH issues?
    • no, just close them via the current GH hook
  • Create new issues with GH issues
    • turn on gh issues (dave)
    • create tags/milestones

link Promise Error telemetry

  • mikesherov will talk to Domenic

link Promises/A+ compat

  • needs review
  • should this deliver to the .then? It doesn't currently because the .done throws
    • Deferred().done(f1).then(f2)
  • gibson042 proposing a change for that

link $.xhr

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 24 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 396 tickets total +0
    • 41 pull requests -1
  • Button
    • Alex merged Jasper's CSS fixes
    • Better splitbutton demo, using button and selectmenu, much simpler and much less accessibility issues
    • Alex to work on backcompat for button options, put it on wiki first
  • Datepicker
  • Selectmenu
  • Globalize
    • Working on cldr data as versioned (peer) dependency
  • Classes option
  • Wiki cleanup
    • Deleted lots of baggage; Jörn has a backup
  • Menu
    • TJ working on bringing back wrappers, aka div sewage