jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 09 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol, gibson042, scott_gonzalez, timmywil

link 1.12/2.2 - Let's get going

link Pulls

  • QUnit eliminating globals
  • Increase the set of tested browsers in Sizzle

link Tickets

  • Decode by type regardless of status code?
  • Compat impacts? Nobody should be depending on errors not decoding at this point we could assume?
  • Let's leave $.ajax as is and push folks towards $.xhr
  • We aren't testing in this env (or several others like Win8)
  • Ways to do this?
  • No obvious solutions here that are easy
  • :visible, :hidden behavior change
  • empty elements (with 0 height) will be hidden instead of visible
  • Although, they were only visible in some browsers
  • Will now be consistent for empty elements and

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 05 2014

link 1.4.3 release

link 1.5 development

  • Widgets:
  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Other topics:

Testing Team Meeting – Jun 04 2014

  • QUnit
    • Leo started on assert instance, #588
    • Ongoing discussion about supporting non-browser envs, #540, running QUnit tests in CLI with node might address some of the related issues and would have a more direct value
      • Leo to look into after working on reporter interface
    • API updates with redirects are ready to land, jquery/api.qunitjs.com#49
  • TestSwarm
    • Improving rerun handling would be a big improvement for our own testing, #217
  • Testing Infrastructure
    • n/a

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 04 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 4 pending tickets +1
    • 414 tickets total +4
    • 40 pull requests +0
  • Globalize
  • Selectmenu
    • Felix needs some help to improve ARIA implementation, trying some of the suggestions Hans posted:
    • Felix emailed Dylan to ask for help
    • Alex is going to ask Victor Tsaran, he helped out with Mobile before
  • checkbox focus outline
    • Active checkbox needs a focus indicator
    • Use native outline via CSS where possible (Chrome), use custom styles to emulate Chrome's outline elsewhere
  • Datepicker
    • Being split into Calendar and Datepicker
    • Calendar is for inline usage
    • Datepicker is for input-based usage

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 02 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, m_gol, gibson042, markelog

link 1.11.2 / 2.1.2 watch

  • Anything that requires a patch release?
  • If not, let's start landing 1.12/2.2 changes

link Pulls

  • Wrap depends on clone
  • Ajax depends on events - remove that
  • License changes for consistency
  • QUnit eliminating globals
  • Interop with standard Promise
  • Sizzle testing:

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 29 2014

  • window/document context awareness
    • We assume outside of widgets that document and window refer to the correct document and the correct window
      • implementing this in navigation is something we for the long long term (if ever)
  • tests
    • always run tests in the browser, not only in Phantom JS - turned out that many tests were broken
      • agreed
    • unit tests should not require the whole framework

link 1.5 development

  • Widgets:
  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Other topics:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – May 28 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 3 pending tickets -1
    • 410 tickets total -1
    • 40 pull requests +2
  • Globalize
  • 1.11.0-beta.2
    • Either all is well or no one is testing
  • Selectmenu
  • checkbox focus outline
    • Active checkbox needs a focus indicator
    • Try to use native outline via CSS where possible (Chrome), use custom styles to emulate Chrome's outline elsewhere

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 22 2014

link 1.5 development

  • Widgets:
  • Remove deprecated code
  • Navigation: Start with API review
    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
  • Adopt widgets from UI:
    • Menu
      • no planning yet
    • Autocomplete
      • no planning yet
    • Selectmenu (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Datepicker (if ready)
      • probably not ready in time
    • Spinner
      • no planning yet
  • Namespacing:
    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Events:
    • review swipe (event data used)
      • taken care of in 1.4.2
  • Tests:
    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
  • Download Builder:
    • update the file structure in the Mobile repo to match UI's
      • done
    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this
  • Tools: Adopt jquery-release script
    • done

link Other topics:

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 19 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, timmywil, markelog, gibson042

link 1.11.2 / 2.1.2 watch

  • Anything that requires a patch release?

link Bugs

  • use isNaN instead?

link Pulls

  • Use page viz api to determine whether to run animation
  • too big to land as-is
  • see if we can work with him to reduce

link Failing IE6/7 tests in .data()

  • Source of the problem isn't clear, very few changes recently
  • Could be the <object> tests, maybe a change at BrowserStack
  • m_gol to check with BS

link Google bug bounty

  • Replied to them with a go-ahead based on team response

link 1.12/2.2 planning