- Ticket triage
- 5 pending tickets +0
- 372 tickets total +6
- 38 pull requests +4
- Comparison with Kendo UI
Author Archives: builder
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 22 2013
- Attending: Jasper de Groot, Alexander Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- No meeting this week due to vacations. Alex, Ghislain, and Jasper discussed 1.4 issues on -dev
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- Making an inventory of all our documentation, demos, and site content
- Working on upgrade guide (finished before beta)
- Working on updating Demo Center
link Alexander Schmitz
- Changelog script
- triage
- bug fixes
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- on vacation
link Ghislain Seguin
- Some work on Gruntfile to output the right zip for Google CDN
- Added sourcemap to git build on jQuery’s CDN
- Next is generating 4 CSS flavors
- Then work on publishing to CDN when releasing
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 19 2013
Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, m_gol, orkel
link Pre-check for pull requests
- See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/3325
- Does GitHub have a hook for this?
- m_gol to investigate
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- Broken after AMD changes landed last week
- Not clear what is broken, could use help from testing team
- timmywil to follow up
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- General agreement there won't be a 1.10.3/2.0.4
- Publish to NPM on release
- AMD landed
- Forced-layout issues fixed
- m_gol to work on splitting up support.js
link Pull requests
- Team review
- Land what we can for 1.11/2.1
link Tickets
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/14269
- document that you shouldn't mix case
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 15 2013
- Attending: Jasper de Groot, Alexander Schmitz, Gabriel Schulhof
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- upgrade guide, updating API docs and Demo Center, updating Theme Roller, new web site
- Gabriel: updating API docs, move content from Demo Center to API docs
- Alex: updating Demo Center custom JS
- Jasper: upgrade guide, updating Demo Center custom CSS
- Let’s close (one way or another)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5418 (degradeInputs adds options to page widget)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4974 (move non-option constants to defaults object)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5987 (Support for using jQuery Mobile without init module) - is it enough to write unit tests for each widget such that only the widget’s module is loaded into the unit test and a widget is instantiated directly in the body? The test would check to make sure the widget is instantiated correctly.
- Collapsibleset does not work on its own because it accesses collapsible’s initSelector (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/blob/master/js/widgets/collapsibleSet.js#L51) which is only generated if the page widget is loaded before the collapsibleset widget, because the page widget contains the $.widget shim for autoinit. I can think of two solutions:
- Move the shim code into its own module, to be depended upon by anyone making use of initSelectors - probably collapsibleset and controlgroup
- Assume that all the children of the collapsibleset are collapsibles and instantiate them all as collapsible widgets. In 1.3.x, we leave alone those children that do not match collapsible’s initSelector, however, is that an API promise?
- new PR’s
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- fixed panel issues
- made theme inheritance widgets outside page work
- worked on filterable listview styling
- 1.4 alpha 2 released
link Alexander Schmitz
- Issue Triage
- PR’s down to 0
- dialog extension for page
- working on merge items with ui
link Gabriel Schulhof
- Fixing bugs milestoned for 1.4.0
- Writing unit tests for https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5987
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- on vacation
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 14 2013
- download builder
- Support for UMD
- 3x slower for uncached builds
- Looking into optimization techniques, probably requires upstream changes
- Ticket triage
- 5 pending tickets +1
- 366 tickets total -1
- 34 pull requests -6
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 12 2013
Attending: jaubourg, m_gol, orkel, timmywil
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- problems with ajax requests (server side problems - gnarf working on it)
- line-height unit-tests are unstable
- Sizzle.attr failures in IE6-7
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- AMD status (timmywil) - should be presentable by tomorrow
- pull requests
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1331 - good to merge, waiting for CLA re-sign
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1294 ?
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1311 waiting for gibson input but seems to be OK
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 08 2013
- Attending: Jasper de Groot, Alexander Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- 1.4 Alpha 2 release this week
- after Alpha 2 release focus on upgrade guide, updating API docs and Demo Center, updating Theme Roller
- PR’s
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- working on theme inheritance from ui-overlay-* (body) for widgets outside page
- fixing panel issues
- reverting option inset for textinput (introduced for filterable + listview)
- cleaned up feature request tickets; we will make a new roadmap after 1.4 final release
link Alexander Schmitz
- Autoinit - done
- triage - ~100 issues and prs closed
- PRs down to 5 ( 3 by end of day )
link Gabriel Schulhof
- on vacation
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- on vacation
link Ghislain Seguin
- Continued some work on my no-prefix branch (removal of jquery.mobile in our filename)
- Working on build. I screwed up the cdn zip for Google, will work on fixing it manually first and then in the Gruntfile.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Aug 05 2013
Attending: DaveMethvin, orkel, gibson042, timmywil
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- Browserstack fixed their IE9 issue (thanks Krinkle)
- boxSizingReliable patch to make FF stop complaining (orkel has a pull)
- "order" (orkel to remove the unit test since it's browser-specific)
- oldIE tests fail but only on swarm (check with testing team)
- Let's get to where we can trust the unit tests in Jenkins/swarm
link jQuery Migrate
- Fail on Migrate attribute test (Krinkle created issue in Migrate tracker)
- A few other small issues
- Consider a new release soon, gibson042 to look next week
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- AMD status (timmywil)
- Nice granularity
- Design question, should we reference modules via jQuery props?
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/compare/AMD#L29R4
- Current approach (use jQuery props for public API) is fine
- timmywil to make progress on build this week
- Performance tests (orkel)
- Can we have a dashboard that combines units, perf, coverage?
- What's the first step? orkel is working on that
link Pull requests
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1321 (orkel to land)
- Dave to review PR queue this week
link Bug triage
- #14157 - why do we have "use strict" check there for globalEval?
- http://bugs.jquery.com/query?status=new&report=505
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 01 2013
- Attending: Attending: Jasper de Groot, Ghislain Seguin, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Alexander Schmitz, Todd Parker, Gabriel Schulhof, Sven Franck
Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- 1.4 Alpha issues - do we need another alpha?
- Decision: Alpha 2 next Thu
- Autoinit
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- 1.4 alpha released last week
- working on theme inheritance from ui-overlay-* (body) for widgets outside page
- looking into panel issues caused by overflow settings
link Gabriel Schulhof
- Fixed popup and demos
- Fixed buttonMarkup to be backcompat, but forgot to de-lint.
link Alexander Schmitz
- Autoinit
- 1.4 bugs
link Todd Parker
- Do you need any help with themes
- Plan for the “classic” themes = all 5
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- New site: (jquerymobile.com repo)
- updated the resources page
- added the download page
- added all the zip files to the resources/download folder
- modified grunt.js to generate the download all page
- added the changelog listing page
- added the 1.4.0 alpha changelog
- added the 1.3.2 changelog
- updated stable and legacy versions in download box
- api.jquerymobile.com
- all examples are now using 1.3.2 (some were using latest)
link Ghislain Seguin
- Moved zip files out of CDN onto web server http://jquerymobile.com/resources/download Thank you so much to Anne for going through all the blog posts to change the urls!
- Fixed node-amd-builder/issues/9 which caused jquery-mobile/issues/6253
- Got access the CDN git repo and started thinking about how to modify our release script to add / commit / push to that repo instead of scp’ing to code.origin.jquery.com. That’s what I’m going to work on this week.
link Sven Franck
- Pretty busy, but could help out on table / filterable issues (if still needed)
- working on carousel widget http://www.franckreich.de/jqm/carousel/demo.html
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 29 2013
Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, orkel
link Jenkins/testswarm status
- "order" failure - m_gol to do a patch
- Still need to update browsers? (Krinkle is checking)
- Fail on Migrate attribute test (gibson042 to check)
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- AMD status
- AMD branch is ready for a look
- build process (CDN and custom builds) currently broken
- Reduce forced layouts