jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 27 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, Scott Jehl, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Alex Schmitz, John Bender, Jasper de Groot Time: 2pm ET

link Official Agenda:

  • UI/Mobile meetings
    • We will have combined team meetings probably once a month.
  • 1.4 alpha release in week of Mon July 15
    • Jasper will post announcement on the forum
  • Grunticon (SVG icons with fallback)
    • We are looking into best way to implement this together with jQuery UI
  • PR process
    • When making bigger changes we should do a PR and have another team member review
  • Pointer events
    • We should not make any real changes to support this yet. Vmouse plugin should work on WP8 and Win RT, only one change in slider CSS needed.
  • API docs
    • Jasper will help Anne with documentation of methods

link Updates:

link John Bender

  • None

link Jasper de Groot

  • Back from vacation :)
  • We tried to have a UI/Mobile meeting yesterday, but failed due to IRC problems - We try again next week
  • Discussed changes to textinput widget with Alex; search input will also get class ui-input-has-clear. I will update the CSS
  • Looking into test devices that are needed with Alex
  • Will work on Grunticon implementation this week

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • 34 commits this week!!!
  • Added jqmData and jqmRemoveData entries to the api docs
  • Added missing info to the checkboxradio entry
  • added info to the virtual mouse event entries
  • corrected error in jqmRemoveData
  • added jqmHijackable entry. Need to check what the signature is
  • standardized vmouse examples
  • added activePage entry
  • added a properties category
  • changed example template after discussion with Scott
  • fixed all widget entries according to the new example template
  • fixed indentation in activePage example
  • added warning div for note on unsupported chaining popups
  • fixed hashchange page and example for indentation and conformance to style guides
  • Other contributions to core and ui api docs, wp-content and markup-convention

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • is on vacation

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Discussed PR process with Jasper
  • textinput
    • separate clear button and autogrow textarea
    • core in 3 pieces
  • Pointer events
  • checkboxradio

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 24 2013

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, rwaldron

link jQuery 1.10.2

link jQuery 2.0.3

link 1.10.2/2.0.3

  • Next Monday/Tuesday for both?
  • Monday after meeting

link jQuery 2.1/1.11 changes

  • Discussed at in-person Portland meeting
  • Private meeting notes need to be processed
  • Let's put on agenda for next week

link Style guide updates

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 20 2013

  • Attending: Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jasper de Groot

link Official Agenda:

  • what needs to be done before we can release 1.4 alpha? (Jasper)

link Updates:

link Jasper de Groot

##Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • corrections to the api docs:
    • fixed dead links
    • removed inline styles
    • updated jquery core and mobile versions for v mouse events example

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Started flattening custom select: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/6108
  • Need to make it work outside the page before I can study the performance impact of the way we create various bits of DOM. I’m pretty sure if we have a template which we create and clone the first time, and merely clone on all subsequent occasions, then we can gain a significant performance boost (http://jsperf.com/create-vs-clone-with-params).
  • Alex had the idea to separate the show-as-dialog functionality and place it into an extension. This functionality must be unavailable when the custom select is placed outside a page, because we cannot display a dialog on top of random content.

link Alexander Schmitz

  • started reviewing textinput
  • tests with ui widgets.
    • Tabs: Done no extension other then autoinit
    • Spinner: Done minor extension
    • menu: Done in effect makes nested list views
    • autocomplete: still needs work js:done css:none
    • whatever we dont include for 1.4 (all but tabs) i will put into my own repo and maintain until added to library and make demos
  • Core: seperate data methods out into their own module
    • add unique id to core for now?
  • updateing code.jquery.com to include 1.3.1 this is manual html editing process that needs to be done each time and changes pushed i have access to server so i can do this from now on.
  • explored need for pointer events patch to vmouse with kborchers looks like this wont be needed will test more once i have WP8 tomorrow
  • tracking and aquireing dev phones have list need to add peoples personal test devices ( will prevent aquireing dups)
    • added nokia lumia 520
    • iphone 4s

Testing Team Meeting – Jun 14 2013

In-person meeting in Portland, OR, after jQuery Conference.

Attending: Timo, James, Jörn

link QUnit Roadmap

  • Release 1.12 soon. Just one open ticket for that milestone.
  • Do all other deprecations in the next one or two minor releases.
  • Release 2.0 with some breaking API changes, but including a migration layer that makes it easy to find invalid usage.
  • Remove that migration layer in 2.1

link Infrastructure Roadmap

  • Improve grunt-saucelabs, potentially replacing TestSwarm
  • Until then, keep TestSwarm and Jenkins running
  • Also enable TravisCI for PR testing, though without cross-browser coverage (was already enabled for QUnit and Mobile)

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 12 2013

  • Attending: John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Jason Scott, Ralph Whitbeck, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jasper de Groot

  • stick to 3-4 months release cycle, every 2-3 weeks maintenance release

    • keep community informed via Twitter, etc.
    • Jasper will update the roadmap wiki page and add dates to Github milestones
  • weekly meetings

    • shorter meetings
    • agenda for things that need to be discussed, updates only in the document/minutes
  • testing (high priority!)

  • roadmap

    • new slider widget 1.5
    • deeplinking 1.5
    • filter widget 1.5
    • fetchlink - this will be possible as result of other changes; add demo instead of feature
    • continue widget review 1.5+
  • test devices

    • managed by Alex
    • Alex brought test devices from test lab at FG for team members
    • there is budget to buy devices for testing if needed
  • Ghislain demonstrated code coverage

  • John updated Gabriel and Alex about navigation

  • John, Ghislain and Jasper talked with the UI team about working together and eventually merge both projects

    • we are going to use one -dev IRC channel (#jqueryui-dev)
    • UI/Mobile team meetings on regular base
      • first meeting: wed June 26, 12:00 EST
    • To-do’s:
      • all UI component widgets should work on both frameworks
      • UI is going to use Mobile’s solution for SVG icons
      • Pointer events for both UI and Mobile
      • 1 CSS framework
  • Note: No weekly IRC meeting on June 13, 2013 because of the jQuery Conference

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 06 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin


  • We’re focused on 1.4 development
  • Decided to go with SVG icons based on Grunticon after testing because of it’s compatibility with ~100 devices/browsers: View test results
  • Decide on final icon sizes (one vs. 2 size options), black/white, if we dont’ default to the disc bg, setting icons at the swatch level
  • Ideally, we'd let you set per theme swatch: icon color (black/white), icon opacity (0-100%), disc (y/n) and disc color (any hex)
  • New set from Glyphish with ~50 icons will be part of 1.4
  • Team will be meeting in Portland next week

##John Bender

##Jasper de Groot

  • have been working on “next” unit tests; will finish updating last tests tonight
  • been busy with preparations for JQM tutorial and talk at Dutch Mobile Conf (today and tomorrow)
  • will be on vacation right after Portland conf until June 26

##Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • No update... recovering from back problems

##Gabriel Schulhof

  • Fixed tests in ”next” - left some for Jasper (those that deal with theme inheritance)
  • Found some instability in the event sequence based tests - really hard to reproduce.
  • Some bug massaging (#5978,#6014,#6057)
  • Planning on running custom select jQuery selectors through jsperf.

##Ghislain Seguin

  • No update

##Alexander Schmitz

  • New Flip switch widget

  • triage
  • working on getting tests passing again in ext-panels branch
  • working on demos of ui widgets in jqm
  • worked with jorn a bit on cleaning up jenkins
  • fixed random failure in toolbar test

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 05 2013

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 03 2013

Attending: timmywil (married), gibson042, DaveMethvin, m_gol, orkel, gnarf, scott_gonzalez (style discussion)

link jQuery 1.10.2

link jQuery 2.0.3

link 1.10.2/2.0.3

link Can we wait until after Portland for a new release?

  • let's try … gotta monitor the duplicate tix

link Intel wants to help with some optimization issues

  • Rich Winterton profiled with VTune, saw bad JITting behavior
  • But...are any on hot paths?
  • Maybe we can meet with him in person next week?
  • Collab with Intel App Framework

link jQuery 2.1/1.11 changes

  • Discuss at in-person Portland meeting
  • Some thoughts
    • Make Deferreds and Callbacks optional modules
    • Deferred used in .ready() only, never documented
    • Use AMD to do our module builds? snover has a branch
    • needs updates to grunt build
    • optional dependencies (Deferred in .ready) are tricky
    • Does defaultDisplay really solve a problem?
    • Only reliable way is to append, THEN hide. That doesn't cause extra reflows does it?
    • Our "visible" check causes reflows, can we fix that?
    • Need to use display:none vs .offsetHeight/Width
    • Would fix issues like
      visible bug
    • Either changes the meaning of visible, or requires climbing the tree to determine visibility
    • Avoid offsetHeight/Width completely
    • Always a whole number
    • Screws up zoomed results and subpixel rendering
    • Attach data directly to elements for faster teardown

link Style guide updates

  • Grouping parens need space? (i.e., ALL parens need space)
    • If so do all { need trailing newlines?
    • e.g. var x = { test: true } would be invalid
    • Do all ? and : need surrounding space?
    • We tend to do b ? v1 : v2;
    • But we do { test: true } no leading space on colon
  • Dave to make a pull request against the style guide for comment

link Open tickets triage

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 30 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz

link Todd

  • Work on 1.4 continues
  • Thorough testing of SVG (Grunticon) vs. icon fonts is almost done.
    • Initial testing results here
    • Grunticon works on every browser we tested, PNG fallbacks are working great. One bug identified in FF 3-3.6 with the fallback has been logged and already fixed.
    • Icon fonts fail in some key devices (WP7, Opera Mini, old Android) and yield false positives to feature tests.
    • Verdict: I think we should use this over icon fonts for max. compatibility.
  • Portland conference: who’s going? Jasper, Gabriel, Alex, Anne-Gaelle

link John Bender

  • Content widget: latest updates are in issue #5427
  • addresses the pagebeforechange double event
  • change == load + transition
  • you get the string or the object in pagebeforechange depending on what was passed in
  • change is just a wrapper around load and transition
  • all the page* events that come from nav are deprecated as of 1.4, use content* now (contentbeforechange)

link Jasper de Groot

  • Done with refactor in branch "next"
  • Found solution for theme inheritance in popup, collapsible content, etc.
  • Now working on updating tests, docs, etc.

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • ported the old meeting notes to meetings.jquery.org (55)

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Alexander Schmitz