jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 22 2013

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, timmywil, gibson042

link jQuery 2.0

  • Shipped!
  • Feedback?

link jQuery 2.0.1

link jQuery 1.10

  • Should follow 2.0(.1) behavior
  • Perhaps get a 1.10 beta out before 2.0.1 to find shared issues?
  • Dates?
    • May 2: Beta 1
    • May 8: RC (if needed)
    • May 16: final (tentative)

link jQuery 2.1/1.11 changes

  • Injected HTML <script> behavior formalized/restricted
  • $() and .append() etc won't run scripts
  • You must use $.parseHTML(html, [doc, ] true)
  • If the platform supports further restrictions (e.g., stripping inline handlers) we reserve the right to use them in the future if true isn't passed
  • Remove .context and .selector fully

link jQuery Migrate XSS

link Open tickets triage

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 18 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, Jasper de Groot, Gabriel Schulhof, Ghislain Seguin

link Todd

link Jasper de Groot

  • hangout about theming with Todd, Scott and Mat last week
  • have to see what is best approach for theme inheritance
  • we might still need to use JS to add classes because we can’t use data- attr selectors in CSS because of namespacing
  • testing font icons vs. SVG icons (grunticon) http://view.jquerymobile.com/next/demos/test/icons/font-icons.php (test buttons also have simplified markup)

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Ghislain Seguin

  • adopted jQuery’s .jshintrc & fixed associated lints
  • Added lint target as a first step to test
  • Fixed Download builder ( and stayed polite with the users who “wanted it fixed ASAP!” )
  • Removed the depend! plugin in favor of RequireJS’ shim config

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 15 2013

Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, rwaldron, m_gol, gnarf, orkel

link jQuery 2.0

link jQuery 1.10

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 11 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, Jasper de Groot, Gabriel Schulhof, Ghislain Seguin

link Todd

link Jasper de Groot

  • hangout about theming with Todd, Scott and Mat last week
  • have to see what is best approach for theme inheritance
  • we might still need to use JS to add classes because we can’t use data- attr selectors in CSS because of namespacing
  • testing font icons vs. SVG icons (grunticon) http://view.jquerymobile.com/next/demos/test/icons/font-icons.php (test buttons also have simplified markup)

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Ghislain Seguin

  • adopted jQuery’s .jshintrc & fixed associated lints
  • Added lint target as a first step to test
  • Fixed Download builder ( and stayed polite with the users who “wanted it fixed ASAP!” )
  • Removed the depend! plugin in favor of RequireJS’ shim config

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 08 2013

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, orkel, timmywil, gnarf, rwaldron

link jQuery 2.0

link jQuery 1.10

  • Mentioned quickly in 2.0 beta 3 blog post
    • Dave working on blog post; shared here
    • Ship a month or two after 2.0, near Portland conf

link Document differences 1.x to 2.x

  • 2.x data can be attached anywhere
  • ???

link Open tickets triage

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 04 2013

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Alex Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin

link Todd

link John Bender

  • transition refactor is in, review appreciated
  • static base tag support is ready to merge
  • working on panels issue in master

link Jasper de Groot

link Ghislain Seguin

  • Download builder is broken starting at 1.3.1: fixing it.

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Widget standards list
    • Make performance stuff a separate wiki?
  • fixed 2 range slider bugs for 1.3.1
    • #5773 & #5644
  • working with frequent on his filter widget
  • review prs for table refresh methods

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 01 2013

  • Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, orkel, timmywil, rwaldron, scott_gonzalez, jrburke, tbranyen

link jQuery 2.0

link Removing named global jQuery for AMD (tbranyen suggestion, jrburke joins)

  • tbranyen to create a ticket

link Migrate

  • Ship 1.2 with 2.0 beta, reflecting 1.10 changes
  • All bugs closed last week
  • Still need a good approach to detect/warn on scripts
    • Approach?
  • Ship 1.3 with jQuery 2.0
  • List of changes below

link jQuery 1.10

link Document differences 1.x to 2.x

  • 2.x data can be attached anywhere
  • ???

link (Add these to Migrate Plugin and document NOW for 2.0/1.10 release)

  • No script execute by default, must use $.parseHTML
    • Groundwork for XSS reduction, but not a complete fix atm
    • This would make the no-leading-space restriction unnecessary?
  • http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13417 domManip and empty text nodes
  • http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12838 $.ajax hook point for domManip
  • change Event.isTrigger from boolean to bitmask
  • allow multiple args for .replaceWith (ref)

link Open tickets triage