jQuery 1.5 Released!
Category: jQuery Core Team
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 24 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Monday January 24, 2011 at Noon ET
Official Agenda:
AGENDA for Mon Jan 24 Noon jQuery Meeting
Duration is 1 hour, so please keep comments brief and to the point to
facilitate discussion on all topics
jQuery 1.5 RC Status
- Should come out today or tomorrow, at the latest.
Full List
#8036 .closest(selectorArray) returns duplicates (Dave)
- John: This is the intended behavior – it returns elements for each selector.
- Status: Closed, invalid
#7340 .focus() not triggering focusin event for .live binding (1.4.3)? (Dave)
- Will likely require a re-architecture
- Status: Push to 1.6
#7992 jQuery 1.5b1 is slower to remove elements than 1.4.2 (Colin and Rick)
- Looks like the jsfiddle perf was poorly constructed
- Need to make a new perf test case and doubly-verify
Ajax Rewrite
- Documentation
- Documentation
- Documentation
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 17 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Monday January 17, 2011 at Noon ET
Official Agenda:
AGENDA for Mon Jan 17 Noon jQuery Meeting
Duration is 1 hour, so please keep comments brief and to the point to
facilitate discussion on all topics
jQuery 1.5 Beta 1 Done
- Bugs Team: Need to make sure that recent bugs are tracked and turned into blockers.
Status of jQuery 1.5 RC
Ajax Rewrite Status
Julian working on docs with Karl
Should be feature complete now
Julian doesn’t see any new major issues
Got a review by Snover
- Some code needs to be moved around a bit, Julian looking in to.
Deferreds Status
Implemented $.when() joined statements
Added some unit tests and added some fixes for the promise method
Julian considers them to be done
Dave is working on docs
- Docs/tutorial are important for people to be able to test from
- If possible to get something together pre-release so we have time for more people to test that would be great.
Evaluate if we should expose a ready promise for 1.6
Subclassing Status
Adding a new isolated mode today (would optionally protect from jqueries triggering each others events)
Draft docs for subclass are up on the API site
Possible enhancement:
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7979
- Yehuda will look into this today
Selector parsing bugs (john) (done)
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/3778
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/6093
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7216
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7539
- John: Going to land attribute quoting fix, others look lower priority
.data() and internal data – Data collision patch conceptual review (snover) (done)
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/6968
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7818
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7840 (sort of)21
- Status: Land pull request from snover.
- Add duck punch for .data(“events”)
CSP (john) (done)
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7371
- John: Definitely going to land this week
UglifyJS patch review (snover) (done)
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7973
- Status: Land pull request, but add docs for Windows build instructions
http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7608 (Opera animation issue – rick) (done)
- Ready to land.
http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7340 (event bubbling issue – dave)
- Status?
http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7986 (boxModel issue – unassigned)
- Not fixing, bumping
Needs test case or bug filed against Chrome (wycats):
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/commit/52a02383fa521c51d9996a46f03a7080dd825f11
- Looks like an unneeded fix for a Chrome dev version
- We need to file a bug with the Chrome team (done) and update commit message to be clearer as to what happened
- Timeline for official plugin B2s (tmpl, datalink, global). End of Jan reasonable? Impacts UI Grid timeline.
- jquery-global
- Joern moved functions from $.* to $.global.*
- Proposal to create globalization interface methods (such as $.format and $.parseFloat, $.parseDate) at $.* and leave jquery-global implementations in $.global.*. This would allow for alternate implementations while still providing a standard interface for plugin developers to target/use. Including jquery.global.js would import implementation and alias/proxy $.* to $.global.*. For this to be effective, the $.* methods dummy/interface methods would need to be added to jQuery core so all plugin authors could make use of them.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 10 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Monday January 10, 2011 at Noon ET
Official Agenda:
AGENDA for Mon Jan 10 Noon jQuery Meeting
Duration is 1 hour, so please keep comments brief and to the point to
facilitate discussion on all topics
Status of jQuery 1.5 Alpha 1
To be released Jan 14th
Ajax Rewrite Status
(See below)
Julian/Karl: Get documentation going.
Deferreds Status
(See below)
Julian/Karl: Get documentation going.
Julian: Implement auto-new.
jQuery.Deferred() -> new jQuery.Deferred();
Look at things like $().animate().then() in 1.6
Subclassing Status
Yehuda: Land code in repo.
Deadlyicon/Karl: Needs Documentation
Generic Subclassing – > tabled till 1.6
Sizzle tweaks Status
John: Did a deep review of work needed, started to make some headway. Breaking out :not(a:first) is going to be a significant rewrite and will require a lot of time – beyond what we can likely tackle in this release. Want to recommend holding off until later.
Additional notes: We are moving toward sizzle only supporting valid qSA selectors and “offloading” any non-qSA (set filtering, custom) selectors into jQuery but we’ll probably hold off until 1.6 for this re-write
Handle CSRF tweaks from Mozilla
Switch to new file compressor – UglifyJS
Snover is landing this.
Browser Support
Opera 11 and 10.6 (dropping 10.6 in next release). For mobile we support Mini and Mobile current.
Other tickets: wontfix/unresolved issues worth discussing? (5 min)
Todo: Fix Sizzle Quoting Issue
[2]http://bugs.jquery.com/query?status=!closed&milestone=1.4.5&order=priority — tickets for a hypothetical 1.4.5 (stopgap if 1.5 slips)
[3]http://bugs.jquery.com/query?status=!closed&milestone=1.5&order=priority — tickets for 1.5 release
Deferreds status:
- Promise/A compliant (http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A )
- Used internally for ajax and $.fn.ready ( actually internal _Deferred object )
- $.when is a base skeleton there are some discussions about how it should work and what it should accept as parameters: multiple for joined promise, etc)
- Also, I’ve had some interesting discussions regarding adding a lastPromise property to jQuery objects that would allow to observe when the latest asynchronous event on the collection is done, allowing things like:
- $.when( $( … ).load( … ) ).then( … )
- $.when( $( … ).animate( … ) ).then( … )
Ajax Rewrite Status:
- Stable now (both code-wise and file structure-wise — waiting for feedback from Yehuda regarding the prefilter that shouldn’t be named to incorporate it)
- Still reviewing tickets to see which are already fixed and fixing others as I (jaubourg) go
- Snover will kill me if I don’t handle my spacing habit and reformat all the code to the jQuery standard (I tend to add spaces around everything)
- On a side-note, $.parseXML has been extracted from ajax and published in core. Still need unit testing for this but it passes unit tests in ajax (indirectly though and not as thouroughly as it should)
- Also, there’s a unit test that seems to randomly fail in FF4b8. This seems to be due to some quirk in the xhr implementation that the new xhr pooling code triggers. Still need to make a minimal test case and tell the FF devs.
- NEEDS DOCUMENTATION. Given the scope I’d really appreciate if I could sit with Karl on skype or something so that someone helps me in documenting this beast.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 04 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Tuesday January 4, 2011 at 9pm ET
Official Agenda:
AGENDA for Tue Jan 4 9pm jQuery Meeting
Duration is 1 hour, so please keep comments brief and to the point to
facilitate discussion on all topics
1.5 roadmap overview: what is happening, what is not, etc. (1 min)
Alpha, RC, final release schedule: current blockers, target dates (3 min)
Deferred API [5]
Status of attr rewrite (5 min)/join
Status of XML/SVG support (5 min)
Ajax rewrite: any new issues? questions? (10 min)
jaubourg mentioned something to win filesize back by making the returned Deferred non-resuable; status of this?
CommonJS: what should we adhere to, what is our level of involvement, what kind of outreach should there be [4][7] (10 min)
File size increase: jQuery is 2kB larger with the new ajax functionality. Is there anywhere we can win some of this back? (5 min)
Sizzle changes (5 min)
Not part of jQuery repo; core committers do not have access
Unit tests in Sizzle get out of sync with unit tests in jQuery; jeresig has a script to do merging, but is there a better option?
Wrapping plain JS objects: what is our official policy? [6] (5 min)
Other tickets: wontfix/unresolved issues worth discussing? (5 min)
Cluster configuration state (1 min)
State of work on plugins site (1 min)
Plans for documentation site (3 min)
Learning site plans (1 min)
If there is any time left, UI folks can talk about whatever too, like the new grid thing
Resource links:
[2]http://bugs.jquery.com/query?status=!closed&milestone=1.4.5&order=priority — tickets for a hypothetical 1.4.5 (stopgap if 1.5 slips)
[3]http://bugs.jquery.com/query?status=!closed&milestone=1.5&order=priority — tickets for 1.5 release