Attending: Dave, Scott, Alex, Kris, Jörn, Rafael
link Core
- Moved to Github issues
- Trac is still needed, not working well
- Migration supposedly being worked on
- Will migrate open tickets
- New versioning coming, two packages
- jQuery-Compat 3.0.0 (like 1.x branch)
- jQuery 3.0.0 (like 2.x branch)
- Same API, now follow semver
- Dropping browser from -compat deserves a version bump?
- Use fetch() rather than $.xhr()?
- it's an okay API
- There is a shim:
- shim only supports IE10+, also not Android 2.3
- Should we move IE9 and Android 2.x to -compat?
- not sure how to integrate such a shim though
- perhaps we could include it in a custom build tool?
link UI
- 1.11.2 this week
link Mobile
- Continuing to work on 1.5
- Getting ready to do 1.4.5 to fix some major iOS8 issues
- Continuing to make lots of progress on cordova issues
- Call with Intel today (right after this meeting) to discuss navigation API
- Goal is to have App Framework use jQuery Mobile’s navigation code
link Globalize
- Created new mailing list for globalization related JavaScript projects
- Yahoo used that to announce
- Landed basic timezone support in Globalize
- cldr-data: ongoing discussion with Dojo/IBM. Waiting reply from Yahoo.
- Discussing an overview page that shows what solutions exist and what is missing, overlaps, holes; then nag other projects and organizations to improve that
link CSS Framework
- 7 projects have expressed interest
- About half of the projects didn’t respond to the initial email
link QUnit
- Started writing migration guide for QUnit 2.x API
- Some issues remaining to release 1.16
link Testing
- Working on browserstack-runner with Travis integration for QUnit
- Also debugging browserstack-runner on Globalize
link Infrastructure
- Still working on website spider.
- Spider is done currently fixing the sites
- Thousands of errors, caused by several problems, found and fixed already