Testing Team Meeting – Dec 21 2012

December 20, 2012

********Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Attending: Scott, Dave, Rodney, Jörn

Time: 11am ET (16:00 UTC)



#378 – codebase split. If so, how? Follow jQuery Core? UMD/AMD?

  • Check out what James suggested (lodash UMD), otherwise just copy approach from Core, release single file on CDN and NPM

#352 – Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame – what is going on?

#347 – Add assertion to run after loading source to look for globals – add a resource loader to QUnit? Would need a prototype. The global-leaks check doesn’t seem worth the trouble though.


jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 20 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Jason D Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin, Scott Jehl

link Todd

  • Down to 240 issues thanks to Jasper and Alex’s heroic triage: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues
  • 1.3 is coming together but with the holidays, beta will probably end up shipping in early January. Last few widgets almost there for beta:
  • 1.4 planning is just starting but this is shaping up to a big re-factor for performance and consistency with the only widget addition being tabs. We will be creating a spec of where we want to go so we can apply the same review to all widgets in terms of widget factory conformance, markup & style re-factoring, etc. in the new year
  • Work on the new demos is well underway to replace the current docs for 1.3 final. Working on the IA and collecting content but there are a few big buckets of content:
    • Widgets in various configs with a view source button to grab snippets
    • Intro guides
    • FAQ style section with common questions/scenarios
    • Real world demos that show off how to customize and extend jQM

link John Bender

  • Nav is merged!
    • Tests are green across the board (old, jquery-git, master)
  • Refactored Nav to two objects Navigator and History, $.navigate is just a proxy
    • $.navigate method name
    • Expose $.mobile namespace outside of core
      • $.History -> $.mobile.History
      • $.Navigator -> $.mobile.Navigator

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • in the api docs, created entry for:
    • table toggle column mode
    • table reflow mode
    • fixedtoolbar

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Working with Samsung on rebooting web-ui-fw. This has lead to some changes in jQM:
    • Separated out view-source.js to reuse within web-ui-fw.
    • Added issue for widget review: rename ui-disabled to ui-state-disabled, and let the widget factory apply the class via the widget() method which we should also implement - this should give us mostly free-of-charge widget disabling
  • On holiday until 2013-01-02

link Ghislain Seguin

  • No update this week

link Scott Jehl

  • Worked on re-factoring and debugging panels, ready for beta
  • Collaborating with Zach on unit tests

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Finishing touches and bug fixes on range.
    • one major bug remains in ie7 dont think this is fixable in a reasonable way
    • one minor fix after the meeting
  • triage and bug fixing (Under 340 issues Woo Hoo)
  • working on some demos

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 13 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Jason D Scott, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin

link Todd

  • 1.3 is in great shape. Remaining issues: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5359
  • Still aiming to get 1.3 beta out by the end of the year
  • New API site and docs will go live when 1.3 hits final in early 2013
  • Panels: final re-factor work underway
    • We’ve decided to tweak the sliding panel code a bit and API to simplify internals and support the most common use cases. So instead of the link being used to configure the panel position (left, right) and display (reveal, push, overlay), these are now set on the panel and the link just points to which panel to display. Work being done in the slide-panel-refactor branch.
    • Still looking at whether the “push” mode is going to be performant enough to include in 1.3. Because it causes a reflow of the page, it’s much heavier than the other two modes.
  • Tyler doing knowledge transfer with Xavier and Jeff on ThemeRoller admin
  • Maintenance release for 1.1.2 in the works, will be the final maintenance release for 1.1
  • Coordinating with a few 3rd parties who want to try and contribute code to the project

link John Bender

  • Nav refactor: down to a few last unit test failures, hoping to merge into master tomorrow
  • Next: cleanup of internals and fixing up sequence tests for reliability and speed

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • created entry for basic tables (and discussed how to go about creating the entries for RWD tables)

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Fixed fixedToolbar bug
  • Worked with John Bender on nav - almost there
  • TODO:
    • Check weird page transitions on Chrome when coming back from a page accessed via a link inside a popup - Bam!Baaaaam!
  • If time: What do we know about the Samsung guys, Todd?

link Ghislain Seguin

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Continued work on range slider.
    • Fixed all the bugs anyone has noticed.
    • clicking on extremes of the track will adjust closest handle
    • working on dragging highlight will drag whole range.
    • made extension to allow “push” mode as requested on issue
  • Bug fixing and triage.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 10 2012

December 10, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, rwaldron, gibson042
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

Early beta of 1.9 on December 12:

Ticket review (links below)

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11290 “looks like HTML” rule

  • .charAt(0) === “<” for now
  • may allow whitespace depending on feedback
  • compat plugin needs to restore old behavior

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13011 (“type” attribute)

  • dave will land

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12336 (options.length = 0 for $select.empty())

Pull Requests https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pulls


  • timmywil thinks maybe .defaultChecked can save us


  • zowie, let’s land it if this works everywhere


  • look into using .defaultValue



  • timmywil to create a test from jQuery perspective


  • can’t land b/c causes errors in testswarm


  • GitHub’s a mess; close and request a fresh PR

jquery-compat plugin supporting removed features and behaviors

Documentation – Upgrade guide


Unassigned tickets

Assigned tickets review for 1.9; need volunteers for open tix

Testing Team Meeting – Dec 07 2012

December 6, 2012

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Attending: Scott, Corey, Jörn

Time: Noon ET



  • Lots of trouble with BrowserStack lately. Apparently their broken VMs only get fixed when we report the issue. Corey got IE7 and Safari 6 VMs fixed
  • A few jobs, especially in IE8 fail to submit results with “”Error connecting to server”
  • TestSwarm rewrite well on the way. Is now using ua-parser, much less maintenance in TestSwarm itself and testswarm-browserstack.


  • Rewrite finished. Much less maintenance required here as well. More advanced and machine-readable log output (Splunk!) and smarter worker spawn management, and more (see commit log for more details).


Experimenting for jquery core

  • To be moved to a separate testswarm account
  • Refactor grunt-testswarm to not need changes for mergeatron/PR.

Jenkins builds are put in directory /build/<project>/PR-<#>. This is a problem as those are non-unique (more than 1 commit per PR). Should use the commit hash like we do for other builds. Though builds are synchronous, a run can be reset later in time. If the directory has changed, the re-run will be incorrect.

  • Also, job name: “pull #123” -> “pull #123 – commit #af04”.


jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 06 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Alex Schmitz, Ghislain Seguin, Ralph Whitbeck, Jeff Lembeck, Keith Pepin

link Todd

link John Bender

  • simple-nav is merged and green except for sequence tests
  • grunt-junit fix

link Jasper de Groot

  • keep making progress on triage (273 open issues now)
  • fixed issues with textinputs, updated unit tests
  • reviewed and modified PR option collapsible without icons (landed) https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/5327
  • added examples of new options to docs (dialog close button & corners, collapsible corners)
  • demos view source code: it’s now possible to select a specific script or style element in the head by giving it an ID and add data-demo-js=”#myID”
  • noticed that persistent toolbars are broken http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/toolbars/footer-persist-a.html
  • worked on slider/range CSS, have to test when range widget is done
  • working on demos for 1.3

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • api docs:
    • changed controlgroup for new version of grunt
    • changed page loading widget (added options/methods/events and demos)
    • corrected dimissable -> dimissible in popup/options.html
    • added corners options to collapsibles and collapsible sets
  • the API docs format issue is resolved and all parties are happy!
  • changed jQuery core version from 1.7.2 to 1.8.2 in ThemeRoller.

link Ghislain Seguin

link Scott Jehl

  • Jeff and Matt have done some great work on the panel and I'm looking to help smooth the transitions. We're making progress We’ll likely want to use some HW accel on the elements involved in the panel transitions only during transitions, for memory reasons. The slide-panel branch has an unconditional 3d transform in there now and it appears to be helping a lot in testing. More to do

link Alexander Schmitz

  • Created way to do deeplinking in the demo docs
    • this will be for docs only not library
    • will make demo to show people how we do this
  • merged rewrite of swipe event
  • continued work on range widget
  • triage
  • Presistant toolbars VERY broken investigating this its a regression.
  • tracked down header load issue with reader

link Ralph Whitbeck

link Jeff Lembeck

  • Finished API of panel. Flossing out last tests of it. Also cleaning up code and fixing related bugs

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Dec 05 2012

  • Working on multi-version support for download builder.
    • Landed updated in master.
    • Testing on staging server.
  • Working on dialog cleanup.
    • Down to 7 bugs.
  • Working on selectmenu cleanup and accessibility issues.
  • Reviewed draggable API.
    • Proposed updated API is on the planning wiki.
    • Need to prepare a blog/forum post.
  • Planning 1.10.0 beta for next week.
  • Considering shorter release cycles with fewer widget updates per release.
    • May push selectmenu to 1.11 and push most of 1.11 to 1.12 for a quick 1.11 release.

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 29 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Jeff Lembeck, Ralph Whitbeck

link Todd

link John Bender

  • 3 tests left before the merge. Not including the sequence tests.
  • Internal work

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • Modilfied the following widgets for the new version of grunt (generated examples for options, methods and events)
    • Slider
    • Dialog
    • Collapsible
    • Select
    • Textinput
    • Popup
    • Listview
    • Collapsibleset
  • Created the following event entries:
    • Updatelayout
    • Pageremove
    • Swipe
    • Swipeleft
    • Swiperight
  • Other changes:
    • Designed a warning style to draw the user’s attention to a warning paragraph
    • Created the getting started with jQuery Mobile guide on the learn site (most of the guide is based on the original guide which is on the current docs.)
  • working on the api style guide (our widget description is long so the quick-nav section is not in view... which I believe is a problem for us...)

link Gabriel Schulhof

link Jeff Lembeck

link Alexander Schmitz

  • re-wrote swipe event to allow extending it.
  • wrote extension to fix swipe on ios and demo extending swipe (this will NOT be part of the library)
  • First draft of range slider in range branch gallery at
  • general triage bug fixing.
  • issue #5035 touch events are missing teardown.
    • this could have performance implications if people use them a lot

link Ralph Whitbeck