Testing Team Meeting – Jan 20 2012

Improving the testing infrastructure: BrowserStack integration is in place, though various quirks still need to be ironed out. Improvements of the TestSwarm output in Jenkins jobs is under way.

To focus efforts, the jQuery Mobile Jenkin's jobs are to be migrated over to our (mt) hosted instance. They'll keep using Ruby/Selenium for now, with the goal of migrating to the same TestSwarm/BrowserStack setup as the other projects over the next months.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 13 2011

December 12, 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • Open bugs — jQuery 1.7.2? http://goo.gl/jYbsc

  • 1.8 voting in tracker — http://goo.gl/sy3Ax

    • Suggestions boiled from list (see link from last week)
    • Team voting on 1.8 suggestions this week; Team vote here: http://goo.gl/lhKlz
    • Don’t add bugs to here unless you need to discuss them by vote
    • Landing contingent on final code review (size especially)
  • Public link to suggestions spreadsheet (sans emails): http://goo.gl/9Ss0K

  • Closure Compiler status — Chad working on string-defined methods