PEP Team Meeting – Feb 04 2016

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 03 2016

  • Ticket triage
    • 410 tickets total, +2
    • 29 pull requests, +0
  • Datepicker
    • Jon Gunderson to talk to PFWG about multi-month calendars
  • Determining focus management for interactions
    • This is too complicated for us to deal with right now
    • The behavior should be contextual based on what other actions can be taken
    • Scott will write tests for the current proposed fix and land
  • Selectmenu
    • Icon moved to the left. Was this intentional?
    • No, Alex will fix
  • Draggable
  • Sortable

Project Leads Meeting – Feb 03 2016

Attending: N/A

link Core

  • Released 1.12.0 and 2.2.0
  • Released 3.0 beta, dropped jQuery Compat
  • Working towards 3.0 final, but took it easy for a couple weeks after releases
    • Will set a date soon
  • jQuery Migrate 3.0 will only support upgrading to jQuery 3.0

link UI

  • Released 1.12.0-beta.1

link Mobile

  • Released blog post giving project status update
  • finishing last few prs before beta
  • investigating ios 9.3 beta issue
  • Merging up a lot of old testing cleanup PR’s
  • new team members
    • GSOC student apsdehal
    • sfrisk now official

link Chassis

  • No update

link QUnit

  • Released 1.21.0
  • Removing legacy browsers runs browserstack task (IE6, 7, and 8)
  • new module before/after hooks, breaking change
  • new environment property on modules for shared properties

link PEP

  • Making progress on automating W3C tests
  • Upstreaming fixes, both for tests and for spec changes/clarifications

link Globalize

  • Released 1.0.1 (with IE8 support) and 1.1.0 (no IE8 support, with runtime support, unit formatting)

link Dojo

  • 1.11.0-rc1 to be released soon

link Intern

  • Working on a handful of open issues
  • Colin has been working on a TypeScript refactor as a possible 4.0 release.

link Board

  • No update

link Other

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 01 2016

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, gibson042, DaveMethvin

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Migrate

link Current failures on master

PEP Team Meeting – Jan 28 2016

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jan 28 2016

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 280 tickets (+0)
    • 33 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • jQuery UI
    • released beta
      • published
  • Blog Post
    • went today
  • 1.5 blockers
    • landed several prs
    • going to land more later today
  • Selectmenu
    • still using deprecated pagehide in page
      • going to buy down and leave for now
  • Table
    • updated for review (cgack)
      • reviewed needs a few updates
    • checking into test failures (cgack)
      • ones on 1.5-dev fixed but new on in all core versions
  • Panel
    • PR from apsedhel
      • partially reviewed

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Jan 27 2016

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 286 (-8)
  • Attending: Arthur, Anne, Scott

link Content:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jan 27 2016

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 25 2016

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, markelog

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Current failures on master