- Ticket triage
- 391 tickets total, -12
- 26 pull requests, -1
- Button
- Need to go through all tickets to verify fixes
- Scott made it through most tickets yesterday
- Weird issue with mouseover in IE 9 still exists
- Closing as patches-welcome, since very obscure and mostly dead browser
- Should label be text-only? Or keep supporting html (and XSS)?
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1632
- Could keep support for initial markup, but handle label option is text-only
- Consider old behaviour a bug (XSS vuln) that we're fixing
- Decided to keep button label as-is, but add tests for that, and extend label option API docs to repeat limitations for input type
- And fix dialog's
option to be text-only:$( "<a>" ).text( this.options.closeText ).html()
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jqueryui.com/issues/282
- Find people to do accessibility reviews of button/checkboxradio/controlgroup
- Need to go through all tickets to verify fixes
- Datepicker
- Status of updates based on discussion during dev summit?
- Felix waiting for Rafael to fix access to CLDR "week's first day" field
- Status of updates based on discussion during dev summit?
- Controlgroup
- Styles for spinner are busted, input in vertical controlgroup extends under buttons.
- Scott fixed during the meeting.
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1633
- Styles for spinner are busted, input in vertical controlgroup extends under buttons.
- Theme
- Need to fix icon sprite
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/5d7e8b1824416f013339f5ba55169f1bcd5bd46c/themes/base/spinner.css#L61-L65
- Scott to send PR that changes the icon position, instead of editing images
- Upgrade Guide, API docs
- Jörn has been working on docs, need reviews
- https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/pull/123
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jqueryui.com/pull/280
Author Archives: builder
Project Leads Meeting – Oct 28 2015
Attending: Timmy, Scott, Alex, Jörn, Sarah, Gabriel, Leo
link Core
- First priority is to release minor version updates to 1.x and 2.x, with only the high priority bug fixes and no feature additions or breaking changes. We hope to have this done asap.
- Release jQuery 3.0 on January 12, same day as Microsoft’s announced date to drop support for IE8. Lodash will also release on this day. We want to make an online event out of it. #dropIE8day or something
- Follow up with Mozilla on desired DOM API changes (https://mths.be/bun)
- exposing the style cascade for show/hide
- test focusin/focusout support
- more (e.g., resolved values) from getComputedStyle
- any more?
- Talking about including some sort of semver designation in commit messages (PATCH, MINOR, MAJOR) or (Breaking Change, Feature Addition).
- Add to commitplease for verification
- Maybe a check in the release script to ensure the “next” version is appropriate
link UI
- Getting very close to 1.12.0 beta, aiming for this week
- Doing final review of button, checkboxradio, and controlgroup
- button API docs and upgrade guide mostly done
- download builder mostly working, needed lots of fixes to better deal with CSS dependencies, new directory structure, and core splitup
link Mobile
- landed ui accordion
- landed collapsible updates
- Navbar just about ready to land
- Selectmenu close
- Tests almost ready to switch to amd bootstrapper
- started by GSoC
- Gabriel finishing
- getting closer to 1.5
- switching work back to master
link Chassis
- Have a new meeting time, so everyone can show up again! (2PM ET, Tuesday)
- Has been updated on jQuery Meeting Site
- jQuery Dev Summit was a bit of success for Chassis, we had a lot of commits, and some interactions on the Issues/PRs since then
- Working on going over these commits to help keep communication going
- Decided to move the hackathon weekend to a different weekend (originally scheduled same weekend as css conf)
- JSASS style guide to be started to get some consistency in variable declarations
- Helps makes things easier for contributors
- Add notes about JSASS to readme
- Also add a note that they don’t need to run performance tests
link QUnit
- Released 1.20.0, adds support for nested modules and QUnit.only to do source-based filtering of tests to run
- Working on new event interface, while discussing js-reporters and TAP (2.0 Milestone)
- The team joined kof/node-qunit, if we get working actively here we could try to make this a jQuery Foundation project
- QUnit might use lodash (deepEqual, Object create, etc) and bundle it with webpack/browserify. Mostly a build issue, since we currently don’t have external dependencies.
link PEP
- Did ticket triage today, closed some duplicates.
- Will release 0.4.0 soon, fixes npm package and some bugs
link Globalize
- Rafael is presenting Globalize at the Unicode conference for the 2nd time, adding more people to javascript-globalization mailing list
link Board
- No update
link Other
- We need to discuss on a consistent editorconfig on our documentation projects. We already have an open PR on api.qunitjs.com.
- Create issue on contribute site to figure out the details and collect more input
Chassis Team Meeting – Oct 27 2015
Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, geekman-rohit, arthurvr, arschmitz
- First official meeting at brand new meeting time! (2pm ET)
- jQuery Developer Summit went well, and we had a lot of new contributors.
- Please Review the following PRs
- Add some fixes to the readme
- WIP Table Styling - Opened new PR to replace old table styling PR
- Typography: Added Color Variables
- In the process of organizing a Chassis Hackathon weekend. Currently sfrisk is working at trying to get this to be a more formal environment
- Brought up need to create a JSASS style guide for how we want to organize variables for JSASS.
- geekman-rohit to create a PR to remove the '^' in the grunt-html version requirements
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 26 2015
Attending: timmywil, gibson042, DaveMethvin, markelog, m_gol
link Issues needing review
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2668 HTML parser + script content
- can we close? yes, edge case not worth size
- Include a working htmlPrefilter (cf. gh-1374) example for this issue in the docs
link PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2671 space -> %20
- Needs an update from Dave
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2659 events + comment nodes
- Will merge with backup for when DOMNodeInserted is removed
link 2.2/1.12 planning
- Generate a list of commits
- markelog to start it
- Focus on this release before doing beta
- Also, this takes precedence before new 3.0 migrate
- 1.12-stable branch
link Include some sort of semver designation in commit messages
- commitplease issue
- Note in contribution docs
link Follow up with Mozilla on desired DOM API changes (https://mths.be/bun)
- exposing the style cascade for show/hide
- test focusin/focusout support
- more (e.g., resolved values) from getComputedStyle
link Current failures on master and compat
- None
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 22 2015
- Ticket Triage:
- 258 tickets (+9)
- 29 pull requests (+0)
link Dev Summit
- very good - Got some contributions from new contributors
link 1.5.0
- 1.5-dev
- Button
- Major updates
- need to pull in from ui landed on master there
- Navbar review/classes
- PR Created https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/8297
- waiting for hopefully final review
- PR Created https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/8297
- pagecontainer
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/7947
- adding classes option instead of pagecontainers
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/7947
- Accordion
- PR Submitted
- landed
- PR Submitted
- editorconfig
- we should add this
- landed
- we should add this
- Core breakup and file re org
- split up done doing re-org
- lwaiting on mobile breakup before pulling in ui
- split up done doing re-org
- Filterable no-filter
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8184
- Common use case
- going to add
- Common use case
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8184
- Bootstrap
- Tests passing, each of tests updated to use bootstrap except events
- need to land the rest of this
- Tests passing, each of tests updated to use bootstrap except events
- Form hash
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5069
- Do we want to try and get this into 1.5?
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5069
- qunit update
- updated
- waiting on changes to istanbul
- updated
- demo issues
- Jasper submitted pr: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/8294
- reviewed continuing work
- Jasper submitted pr: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/8294
- selectmenu
- working on non-native - can't really use theme extension because we're dealing with child widgets rather than child elements
- Waiting on qunit update
- working on non-native - can't really use theme extension because we're dealing with child widgets rather than child elements
- iOS 9
- Going to see if just switching to push state will fix this
- alex going to find old branch with this change
- Going to see if just switching to push state will fix this
link Other Topics
- Themeroller issue
jQuery Content Team Meeting – Oct 21 2015
- Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
- 277 (+4)
- Attending: Karl, Sarah, Arthur, Anne
link Dev Summit
- Great event
- Showed a few attendees how to contribute to our documentation and learn site
- 1 PR landed :-) 1 PR ready to land
- Anne was able to catch up with Alex regarding some of the mobile issues.
link Ongoing issues:
- Need to review https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/issues/806
- Aurelio fixed issues with the WP website (PRs have been and are being reviewed)
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-wp-content/pull/374 still needs to be reviewed
- It would be good to get api.jquerymobile.com PRs for 1-5 to land in the 1-5 branch to lower the issue count
- Mobile Api docs will need to be updated to core 1.11.1 for mobile 1.4.5
- New grunt-jquery-content feature allows to set up redirects in the repo (redirects.json)
- Arthur working on moving all redirects from the infrastructure repo to the repos
- Example: https://github.com/jquery/api.qunitjs.com/pull/108
- Should be finished soon as there are only a few sites to go
- Status on the http -> https redirects?
- We should implement
- issues with mixed content so we need to make sure that refs to http are changed to https (example: https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/issues/118)
- Arthur will take care of this if possible
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 21 2015
- Ticket triage
- 403 tickets total, -3
- 27 pull requests, +2
- Button
- Alex to go through all tickets to verify fixes
- Datepicker
- CLDR discussion went well, we have a plan to move forward
- We will bundle pre-compiled formatters and allow users to select locales in download builder
Testing Team Meeting – Oct 21 2015
- Tickets triage
- 39 open issues, 2 new, 1 new already closed
- 3 open pull requests, 1 new, 5 new already closed
- QUnit
- For the jQuery Summit we did a triage closing some issues.
- 2 new PRs from the jQuery Summit already merged. Thanks @rdugue and @arghgr!
- We started using waffle.io, seems fine so far: https://waffle.io/jquery/qunit
- @gibson042 is now a team member. Welcome!
- Waiting his update on qunitjs.com/about to announce on twitter.
- @leobalter will finish the work on the logging interface at jquery/qunit#644
- We will investigate how to bring LoDash's _.isEqual to replace deepEqual, probably bundling QUnit using webpack or browserify. That opens the path to use other methods like _.create. Ref jquery/qunit#865 and jquery/qunit#869
- js-reporters
- Fixed a build process.
- no more updates
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 14 2015
- Ticket triage
- 406 tickets total, +2
- 25 pull requests, -2
- Button
- Landed in master!
- Alex to go through all tickets to verify fixes
- Datepicker
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1590
- Merged into datepicker branch
- Ready to work on broken focus handling
- CLDR discussion scheduled for Friday 11:00a ET
- Upgrade Guide, API docs
- Jörn has been working on docs, need reviews
- https://github.com/jquery/jqueryui.com/pull/123
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jqueryui.com/pull/280
- Dev Summit
- This weekend
- Mouse
- http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/6642#comment:17
- Everyone agrees. Close this ticket and open tickets for the individual widgets
Project Leads Meeting – Oct 14 2015
Attending: Timmy, Alex, Scott, Leo, Sarah
link Core
- Work ongoing on beta. Planning to get more done in NY.
- Added support for Symbol type (https://github.com/jquery/jquery/commit/8a734344f2566dab5b8d34ecd79ae81ebd8843c5)
- .bind and .delegate deprecated
- Putting together suggestions for Microsoft Edge. Meeting with jdalton in NY. Current list: http://meetings.jquery.org/2015-10-12-core/#edge-meeting
- Paul Irish seems busy lately. Anyone have a different contact for Blink issues?
- Rick Byers?
link UI
- Button landed in master
- Making progress on datepicker
- CLDR discussion this Friday
- Beta coming soon
link Mobile
- No update
link Chassis
- Quiet two weeks, ended up moving meeting time back to 2pm on Chassis so everyone can show up, since pretty much the entire team got new jobs and no one could make the meeting anymore.
- Finalizing details on Chassis Hack weekend after jQuery Summit.
- Have a basic list of things to work on jQuery Summit/Chassis Hack Weekend, hoping to find some more contributors
link QUnit
- Nested modules is merged and about to be released on 1.20.0
- Currently working on Event Emitters to integrate QUnit with js-reporters and land different reporters on QUnit.
- 2 qunit-migrate tools being built, one issue to merge them with collaborative work (#868)
- with js-reporters we will be ready to release 2.0.0, which is pretty exciting.
link PEP
- Working on adding more W3C test coverage
link Globalize
- No update
link Board
- No update
link Other
- Make meeting minutes public
- https://github.com/jquery/meetings.jquery.org/issues/24
- No objections, but not really that useful since it’s just a summary