Project Leads Meeting – Sep 30 2015

Attending: Corey, Scott, Jörn, Gabriel, Rafael, Timmy, Leo, Richard, Alex

link Core

  • Continuing work towards a beta. Trying to finish all higher priority tickets.
  • Setting up an e2e/UI testing infrastructure
    • markelog to coordinate with gnarf

link UI

  • Added Webpack support
    • Got access to the npm package and will be publishing official packages starting with 1.12.0
  • Aiming for 1.12.0 beta 1 in time for the dev summit
  • Getting close to having a working Trac upgrade

link Mobile

  • Landed another widget with classes
  • GSoC student continuing to help and work on testing.
  • Need to update node support

link Chassis

  • Working on rescheduling weekly meeting to a different time than 1pm EST on Tuesdays, with changing jobs of team members, it’s becoming difficult to have people show up for the meeting.
  • Working on organizing Chassis hack weekend - currently looking like October 24th is the official date of the event.

link QUnit

  • Leo Balter new lead!
  • Working to land nested modules soon (#859)
  • proposal for async tests open (#866)
  • proposal for chai integration needs discussion (#864)

link PEP

  • Landed a bunch of functional tests

link Globalize

link Board

  • Try to organize meetings Amsterdam-style, but bringing in potential contributors who are local to the venue, and/or contributors who are not on the team but have contributed significantly
  • Need to work on grant process and project on-boarding

link Infrastructure

  • Working on a conversion to ansible deployments
  • Evaluating a new zabbix replacement - datadog - if any team members want an invite to see what’s going on - ask please!

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 28 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042, m_gol

link PRs

link Apple breaks things

link Current failures on master and compat

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Sep 24 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 247 tickets (-1)
    • 29 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

link Other Topics

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Sep 23 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 273 (+6)
  • Attending: Arthur, Aurelio, Karl, Alex, Anne

link Content:

link Ongoing issues from 9th Sept

  • Mobile Api docs will need to be updated to core 1.11.1 for mobile 1.4.5
  • New grunt-jquery-content feature allows to set up redirects in the repo (redirects.json)
  • Status on the http -> https redirects?

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 21 2015

Attending: timmywil, m_gol, DaveMethvin, gibson042, markelog

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Current failures on master and compat

link Some tickets moved to 3.0.1 and 3.1.0.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 16 2015

Project Leads Meeting – Sep 16 2015

Attending: Scott, Jörn, Timmy, Alex, Sarah, Rafael, Gabriel

link Core

link UI

link Mobile

  • No update

link Chassis

  • Not too much new this week, contributors have been dealing with sudden high work loads. A lot of readme copy/contribute copy/bug fixing prs landed this week.
  • Planning a hack-a-thon for Chassis for a weekend in October outside of the summit stuff to get some issues done. Chassis stickers shall be mailed to people who join in. Issue shall be posted shortly in Chassis for voting on the weekend.

link QUnit

  • Looking for contributors. Lots of people and projects still use it, no one shows interest contributing, unless its a bug/feature immediately affecting them.

link PEP

  • nothing too interesting

link Globalize

link Board

link Other

  • All jquery-license issues are addressed, including comments on new PRs to ask for CLA signatures. Seems to be working well.
  • Google Summer of Code review
    • js-reporters: Lots of progress on spec and adapter implementation. Zero progress on recruiting other contributors or getting anyone to adopt/implement.
    • Chassis ThemeRoller: Built a proof of concept, somewhat blocked by lack of progress on Chassis itself, ended up contributing a lot to Chassis
    • Mobile tests to use Intern: Didn’t get jQuery Mobile on Intern, but made very good progress on Globalize and some on jQuery UI. Update jQuery Mobile tests to QUnit 2.0 API, updated QUnit version in use. Contributed to Intern itself. Still helping on Mobile.