jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 16 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 248 tickets (+6)
    • 21 pull requests (+4)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 15 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 394 tickets total, +4
    • 26 pull requests, +1
  • Button
    • PR still needs another review
  • AMD in demos
  • DB CSS dependencies
  • Datepicker
    • Scott landed the merge
  • Splitting up core
    • Added directories for widgets and effects
    • Adding version dependency to all widgets

Testing Team Meeting – Jul 15 2015

  • QUnit
    • Core module split is done, needs another review
    • Updating CI config to opt-into new container infrastructure
    • PR to add Map and Set support to deepEqual, needs another review, also check CLA issue
  • js-reporters (Franziska)
    • Done Last Week
      • included esperanto to bundle the modules
      • put the event summary of all test frameworks on GitHub to give a base for discussions
      • restructurd the project to get a clear overview of the code
      • moved the existing code in the js-reporters Repo
      • updated the testEnd  event for the QUnit adapter/reporter based on the results of the event summary of all test frameworks
      • added eslint to the project
    • Next Steps
      • Finish PR
      • JasmineAdapter
      • ConsoleReporter
      • Start Events

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 13 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, arthurvr

link Releasing TODAY!

link Issues needing review

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2365 Remove or document array methods
    • I’ve found them useful and I still want to explore using them for selections again – it was removed accidentally before. Will save a loop.
    • Status quo seems like the best solution. We don’t want to remove them or document them. Documenting encourages usage and removing them is problematic.

link PRs

link Blockers without pull requests

  • Blockers are good for release.

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE

link Beta release todo

link jQuery 3.0 beta

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 09 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 242 tickets (-11)
    • 17 pull requests (-4)

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 08 2015

Project Leads Meeting – Jul 08 2015

Attending: Scott, Alex, Jörn, Rafael, Kris, Sarah

link Core

  • Releasing 3.0.0 alpha today

link UI

link Mobile

  • Fix remaining 1.5 issues.
  • landed a lot of PRs
  • Closing issues for 1.5 triaging remaining
  • Update css for style guide
  • Landing remaining classes PRs
  • Finishing new enhancer module updates

link Chassis

  • A lot of interest at the conference, some PRs and Issues commented on as a result
  • Good progress on ThemeRoller
  • JSASS is almost ready to land, will allow SASS variables to be accessible via the JS in the themeroller

link QUnit

link PEP

  • Working on full W3C test automation
    • Submitting tests to W3C when we find holes
    • Sparked a discussion in W3C about using WebDriver

link Globalize

Chassis Team Meeting – Jul 07 2015

Attending Members: sfrisk, arthurvr, arschmitz, kristyjy, geekman-rohit

Open PRs Requiring Reivew:

  • Media Query Mixin
  • Fix Readme Typo
    • still requires CLA signing
  • Upgrade to Boostrap 3.3.5
  • Build: add jass-vars to completely modularize grunt


  • Update Chassis to support node 0.12
    • This is a result from a discussion regarding the themeroller gsoc project, and Chassis should be able to support node 0.11 and 0.12
    • arthurvr will submit a PR
  • sfrisk will be creating an issue to determine goals and deadlines for phase one, as well as an assignment list.