jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 29 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 393 tickets total, -0
    • 26 pull requests, -1
  • Button
    • PR still needs another review
  • Browser support
  • Datepicker
  • Splitting up core
    • Updated to replace concat with requirejs task, helped find a bad define
    • Some issues remaining, mostly just documentation URLs that need to be udpated

jQuery Content Team Meeting – Jul 29 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 262 (+13)
  • Attending: Anne cannot connect to IRC from newly arrived Holiday location

link Content:

  • globalizejs.com & api.globalizejs.com
    • WordPress is all setup
    • Need to port over all markdown API docs in the repo to api.globalizejs.com
    • All help welcome :P

link Actions from last meeting:

  • Anne to check whether Aurelio can get a browserstack account for Arthur and Aurelio for testing purposes
    • Action completed

Chassis Team Meeting – Jul 28 2015

Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, arschmitz, arthurvr, geekman-rohit

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 27 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, arthurvr, m_gol, markelog, arschmitz

link Dave finished some migrate PRs. Needs review.

link Issues needing review

link PRs

link Switching from irc to gitter or slack?

  • We’ll do a trial meeting on gitter next week

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE (except Android 2.3, obviously)

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 23 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 242 tickets (-6)
    • 43 pull requests (+22)

link 1.5.0

Project Leads Meeting – Jul 22 2015

Attending: Alex, Timmy, Jörn, Rafael, Sarah, Richard, Gabriel

link Core

link UI

link Mobile

  • Device testing of 1.5-dev
  • More classes PRs landing
  • PRs to update all of the test to new qunit API
  • Breaking up core files and accounting for ui core break up
  • Almost 50 new PRs in last 2 weeks, plowing through reviews and landing

link Chassis

link QUnit

link PEP

link Globalize

  • Several in-progress PRs:
    • Runtime support: PR#436 (writing documentation).
    • Tests using intern: PR#450 (review).
    • Non-gregorian calendars: PR#447; calendar conversion code should live somewhere else, maybe pull from iLib (which we can’t use, yet).
    • Extra datetime patterns: PR#462 (waiting for contributor to fix the reviews)
    • Webpack support: #441.

link Other

  • Board news?
    • EC meeting skipped yesterday
    • Looking for accessibility expert (see jquery-devs-team email from Kris)
    • Nothing new from the other initiatives
  • Intern migration in progress on multiple of our projects, though nothing landed, yet. Globalize seems closest.
    • UI PRs need reviews
  • CLA checks
  • browserstack-runner is alive again, now supports local server and should work (better) on Windows
  • js-reporters is making progress, working on spec and implementing adapters and reporters. Still looking for feedback on spec proposals.
    • Alex will mention it to Colin, maybe that can get the stone rolling again

Chassis Team Meeting – Jul 21 2015

Attending Members: sfrisk, kristyjy, arschmitz, arthurvr, geekman-rohit

  • Contributing: Adding information about the weekly IRC meeting
  • Addresses the need to attract contributors, allows them to know about the IRC meeting
  • sfrisk to add link to meeting log, and mention IRC log link, arschmitz will add a few more comments
  • Buttons: Initial pass at buttons, covering sizes, options, disabled, active, focus, and hover states
  • Basic pass at buttons, and a more in depth test of the BEM naming convention
  • Not ready to pull in, but needs review. Also need color contrasting that passes accessibility standards.
  • Todo: add in button blocks, and create issue for control groups, add buttons for info, success, warning, error states
  • Media Query Mixin
  • Not be required anymore
  • Close pr and issue, but need to adjust how media queries work for different screen breakpoints
  • Have 4 breakpoints, $viewport-xs (400), $viewport-sm (768), $viewport-md (920), $viewport-lg (1200)
  • Submit PR to add breakpoint variables and update typography media queries to match this style
  • Build: add jsass-vars and completely modularize grunt
  • Some style fixes need to be made, then this can be pulled in
  • Table styling
  • Any update on this? Table Styling needs to move forward, if MichealArestad is no long around, someone should work on this issue.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 20 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, m_gol, gibson042

link Alpha release retrospective (any issues to address next time?)

  • Went pretty well

link Need to update our code-style settings, without breaking a lot of prs

link PRs

link Blockers without pull requests

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE

link Beta release todo

link jQuery 3.0 beta