jQuery Content Team Meeting – Feb 11 2015

  • Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
    • 253 (-4 in 2 weeks)
  • Attending: Arthur, Aurelio, Sarah, Alex, Anne, Karl, Corey

link Learn Site

  • Analysis of the articles, and develop a matrix of articles/library version:
    • Matrix created
    • ongoing
    • Identified articles from external source.
      • Action: Anne to speak with the Legal team to identify what document we need to receive consent from Authors to have their content on the Learn site.
    • Actions from last meeting:
      • Open an issue on the learn repo
      • Make doc public for comments
        • Action Completed
  • Actions from last meeting:
    • Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the label
      • in place. minor issues
      • currently for api.jquery.com jquery jquery-license jquery-mobile jquery-ui learn.jquery.com
    • Aurelio to see how we can get more help from the community
      • Draft Post
      • Action: everyone to review and add comments/edits
      • ongoing
    • Dan to investigate whether BV could donate rating services
      • Outcome: yes, if we want it we can have it. A little more red-tape to work through on the BV end.
      • Action ongoing

link All Content Sites:

link Repos at healthy cadence:

  • We aim to have less than 5 issues or be closing more issues than we open on all content-related repos
    • We continue to make good progress. Big thanks to everyone!

Chassis Team Meeting – Feb 10 2015


  • Javascript Summit
    • sfrisk and arschmitz speaking about Chassis today at JavaScript Summit
  • Performance Testing
    • arschmitz has a pull request for this
  • Create Mailing List
    • sfrisk creating a mailing list, need addresses of contributors
  • New Logo Designs
    • isaacdurazo created new versions of the logo. Please check them out and leave your opinion
  • Google Summer of Code
    • Chassis has been submitted as a potential member along with the jQuery Foundation to be part of Google Summer of Code

Pull Requests:

Goals for this week:

  • sfrisk to add addresses to mailing list
  • michaelarestad to update PR

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 09 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042, arthurvr

link https://github.com/jquery/jquery/wiki/Adding-new-features

  • Reasonings for turning down feature requests

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Velocity

link Remove tbody insertion

link show/hide performance

link jQuery Migrate

link 3.0 Blocker issues

PEP Team Meeting – Feb 05 2015

  • Using ES6 modules for source
  • Using Intern for testing
    • Issue #153
    • PR #158
    • Will redo on top of the ES6 change after that's merged
    • Remove with, use tdd properties directly or create local aliases
  • Release process
    • Create distributable files and commit in a detached head for the tag
    • Publish to Bower
    • Update samples in gh-pages
    • Use jquery-release if there are no objections
  • jquery-devs-team mailing list
    • Used for cross-project discussion for jQuery Foundation
    • Also controls who has write access to the agendas
    • Scott will add PEP team members
  • Formal objection was raised against advancing Pointer Events spec to Recommendation

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 05 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 280 tickets (+2)
    • 32 pull requests (+1)

link Chassis

  • Play nice!
    • Ping Sarah and Alex on all potentially chassis related issues

link Animation/transition rewrite

link 1.5.0

  • 2 branches based on latest updates from ui
    • Ready to start on classes implementations again
    • Discovered some potential issues fixing in ui. All have been addressed
  • Classes
    • lots more updates
    • New plan again for class tests has/lacksClasses plugin
    • Cory has started implemented classes on a couple branches on his fork
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • icons have changed will now be inline instead of absolutely positioned.

link Other Topics

  • RTL
    • organizing a call
      • Tomorrow
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • enhancer branch (no update)
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • data- attribute name space
    • backcompat
      • no update

Project Leads Meeting – Feb 04 2015

Attending: Scott, Rafael, Alex, Timmy, Sarah, Mike, Kris

link Core

link UI

  • Fixed last 1.11.x regression.
  • Datepicker
    • Rebased branch
    • Accessibility review by Jon Gunderson
  • Making good progress on download builder support for CSS dependencies
    • Another step closer to supporting jQuery Mobile

link Mobile

  • Pulled in latest updates from UI for button and classes
  • Changing auto-initialization to require opt-in
  • Determining future of gestures
    • Would prefer to use an external library
  • Fixing lots of old bugs

link Chassis

  • SASS file layout is ready to land
  • Initial SVG implementation getting ready to land
  • Talking about Chassis at JS Summit next week
  • Initial performance testing
    • Comparing button performance across existing frameworks
  • Initial sketch of logo looks good
  • Looking into visual regression testing
    • Possibly using Gemini

link QUnit

  • No report

link PEP

link Globalize

  • Bug fix: 376 (Avoid inaccurate floating point arithmetics using Mozilla's approach).
  • Adobe said they have plans to start using Globalize 1.x on some of their products.
    • Will be used on Behance (the site Mike works on).
    • All Adobe web sites will eventually be using it.

link Other

  • CLA Checker
    • We apply labels to the PRs now. (“CLA: Valid” and “CLA: Error”)
    • Working on page to show results.
      • Will be on contribute.jquery.org with information about why the check failed (if it failed) and instructions on what to do.
    • Hopefully can get the automated checks running on at least one repo by the end of the week.

Chassis Team Meeting – Feb 03 2015

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 02 2015

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, timmywil, markelog, arthurvr

link timmywil to be new Core lead, gibson042 on Sizzle

  • Dave still around for questions, code, docs, whatever

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Thinking about deprecation announcements for the next round

  • Could also do some of this with good documentation warnings
  • hide/show? https://github.com/jquery/jquery.com/issues/88
  • jQuery.swap?
    • We already don't get reliable results on currently-hidden elements
    • Needed for the Android 2.3 reliableMarginRight fix
    • How important is it to keep that fix?
  • :hidden/:visible selectors?
    • Update api.jquery.com first (reflows!)

link Use velocity.js as a replacement .animate() in 4.0?

  • Not sure of the difference in file size, all the jQuery-like shims go
  • Talked to Julian last week, he's interested in doing the integration if we want
  • https://github.com/julianshapiro/velocity
  • Famo.us folks say they will try to do benchmarks for us

link Pull Requests and Issues

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jan 29 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 278 tickets (-4)
    • 31 pull requests (+5)

link 1.5.0

  • 2 branches based on latest updates from ui
    • Ready to start on classes implementations again
    • Discovered some potential issues fixing in ui
  • Classes
    • Updates from Scott's first review done Joern did another review
    • New plan again for class tests has/lacksClasses
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • In ui-1-12 now
  • RTL
    • organizing a call
      • Call will be next week
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • enhancer branch (no update)
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
  • data- attribute name space
    • backcompat
      • no update
  • accessing dom properties
    • never safe in theory must use jquery