- Ticket triage
- 390 tickets total +5
- 28 pull requests +1
- Released 1.11.3!
- Classes option
- Scott reviewing PR #1411
- Datepicker
- Discussing publishing to npm
Author Archives: builder
Project Leads Meeting – Feb 18 2015
Attending: Scott, Rafael, Alex, Kris
link Core
- No update
link UI
- Release 1.11.3
- Getting close to landing classes option
- Added hasClasses() and lacksClasses() QUnit assertions
- in the classes PR
- https://github.com/arschmitz/qunit-assert-classes
link Mobile
- Starting to Implement classes in mobile again with new api
- Working on getting tests passing with new Auto-init module
- Integrating qunit-assert-classes for element class tests same as ui.
link Chassis
- Conference announcement last week
- Blog last week http://blog.jquery.com/2015/02/11/jquery-foundation-2014-annual-report/
- Article for Net magazine about Chassis was accepted
- starting to have random people showing up wanting to contribute so word is getting out.
link QUnit
- No update
link PEP
- ES6 modules landed in master
- Still waiting on Jacques to send an updated PR for Intern testing
- Not too much activity :-(
link Globalize
- Planning to release 1.0.0 very soon
- Rafael to draft blog post and Kris to review
- Not going to include currency parsing, will add later
- Rafael and Jörn had a meeting with Twitter
- They’re interested in using Globalize in place of twitter-cldr
- Twitter will file issues for missing features that they need
- Rick Waldron is the editor for ECMA-402 now
- Rafael is a member of ECMA-402 committee
link Other
- CLA Checker
- Added debug logging
- Sets status URL (pointing to contribute.jquery.org)
- Added description to commit status
- Fixed race condition with cloning and fetching
- Next up: Fixed PR audits where the PR branch doesn’t contain the base commit
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 16 2015
Attending: timmywil, markelog, gibson042, arthurvr, m_gol
link jQuery 3.0 beta
- Unassigned
- PRs and Issues
link Sizzle blockers - assigned
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/316 Limit teardown to IE
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/311 Sizzle.matches context
link jQuery Migrate
- Behavior changes
- Closed: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+is%3Aclosed+label%3Abehavior-change
- Some browsers dropped from support
- WrapAll(function)
- jQuery(“#”) now throws
- Open: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+label%3Abehavior-change
- Deferred!
- .data(key-123)
- Closed: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+is%3Aclosed+label%3Abehavior-change
link 3.0 Blocker issues
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3ABlocker
- Deferred
- Data
- show/hide
- [hidden] where available
- investigation https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2057
- domManip interception
- .width fractations
PEP Team Meeting – Feb 12 2015
- ES6 modules are in master
- Added some people to jquery-devs-team
- Still waiting on CLA signatures from many of the team members
- Perhaps we need a more formal commitment to determine who actually intends to be a team member and who is just interested in following progress
- Scott to create an issue asking everyone to say how they’re interested in helping with PEP, then send an email to everyone who has expressed interest so far pointing them to the issue
- Still waiting on updated PR from Jacques for Intern testing
- No objections so far for using jquery-release, so we’ll go with that
- No update on formal objection to spec
- Scott responded to Chaals’ post and requested that Yandex publicize their objection: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/2015JanMar/0012.html
- Would like to test PEP against the W3C spec tests
- Mostly manual tests, might be able to automate with Intern
- Jacob might be able to run them in Microsoft’s lab using touch automation
- We should have a logo
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 12 2015
- Ticket Triage:
- 279 tickets (-1)
- 31 pull requests (-1)
link 1.5.0
- ui-1-12 all up to date
- latest classes, button, tests
- Classes
- ALMOST ready
- Cory has started implemented classes on a couple branches on his fork
- Button
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- all updated in ui-1-12
- latest change: button using inline icons and the "space" span
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- Auto Init
- New module details
- rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
- New module details
- Accordion
- sarah working on this start actual work today
- no update this week
- sarah working on this start actual work today
- data- attribute name space
- backcompat
- might wait for 1.6?
- backcompat
link Other Topics
- Took place last friday
- a lot more here then we had thought...
- Took place last friday
- pointerevents
- maybe next week?
- Animation/transition rewrite
- velocity in core
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2053
- Style Guides
- http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/
- changes regularly. Recent change: Removed exceptions to the use of spaces inside brackets. Watchout also for possible upcoming change regarding onevar
jQuery Content Team Meeting – Feb 11 2015
- Ticket Triage (Issues + PR):
- 253 (-4 in 2 weeks)
- Attending: Arthur, Aurelio, Sarah, Alex, Anne, Karl, Corey
link Learn Site
- Analysis of the articles, and develop a matrix of articles/library version:
- Matrix created
- ongoing
- Identified articles from external source.
- Action: Anne to speak with the Legal team to identify what document we need to receive consent from Authors to have their content on the Learn site.
- Actions from last meeting:
- Open an issue on the learn repo
- Issue Opened
- Action Completed
- Make doc public for comments
- Action Completed
- Open an issue on the learn repo
- Actions from last meeting:
- Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the label
- in place. minor issues
- currently for api.jquery.com jquery jquery-license jquery-mobile jquery-ui learn.jquery.com
- Aurelio to see how we can get more help from the community
- Draft Post
- Action: everyone to review and add comments/edits
- ongoing
- Dan to investigate whether BV could donate rating services
- Outcome: yes, if we want it we can have it. A little more red-tape to work through on the BV end.
- Action ongoing
- Scott to work on automating the CLA check, which will manage the label
link All Content Sites:
- Make reference to https: removes (now-deprecated) protocol-relative URLs in favor of https:// URLs
- Also see https://github.com/jquery/jquery.com/issues/86 (slightly different issue)
- Demos in api sites and learn should be easy to copy/paste and work without editing, so replacing protocol-relative with https:// makes sense here.
- Will need to add a note/warning to ajax examples that will not work with file:///
- Api sites:
- Mobile: update core version to 1.11.2
- UI: Do nothing
- Core: update to latest version
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/issues/651
- v3 changes will be in a separate branch
link Repos at healthy cadence:
- We aim to have less than 5 issues or be closing more issues than we open on all content-related repos
- We continue to make good progress. Big thanks to everyone!
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 11 2015
- Ticket triage
- 385 tickets total +6
- 27 pull requests +1
- Classes option
- Button
- Alex pushed update, Jörn to review once classes is done
- Datepicker
- Felix to land his PR next week after his vacation
- Need to add a change event to datepicker
- Team agrees this should be added to datepicker, but not calendar
- CSS Dependencies in DB
- PR for UI is ready, Rafael working on DB update, involves new modules to make use r.js with in-memory optimizations
- Keep css.theme and css.structure, but ignore css.theme for now
- Theme dependency is determined solely based on the theme dropdown
- 1.11.3
- All commits have been cherry-picked to 1-11-stable
- Scott going to release this week
Chassis Team Meeting – Feb 10 2015
- Javascript Summit
- sfrisk and arschmitz speaking about Chassis today at JavaScript Summit
- Performance Testing
- arschmitz has a pull request for this
- Create Mailing List
- sfrisk creating a mailing list, need addresses of contributors
- New Logo Designs
- isaacdurazo created new versions of the logo. Please check them out and leave your opinion
- Google Summer of Code
- Chassis has been submitted as a potential member along with the jQuery Foundation to be part of Google Summer of Code
Pull Requests:
- Initial SASS file Structure
- New comments that need to be addressed
- Add SVG Placeholder Icons
- arschmitz will land this today
- Performance: Add performance test suite for comparing other frameworks
- More comments on this to be addressed
Goals for this week:
- sfrisk to add addresses to mailing list
- michaelarestad to update PR
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 09 2015
Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042, arthurvr
link https://github.com/jquery/jquery/wiki/Adding-new-features
- Reasonings for turning down feature requests
link jQuery 3.0 beta
- Unassigned
- PRs and Issues
link Velocity
link Remove tbody insertion
link show/hide performance
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2057
- [hidden] ?
link jQuery Migrate
- Will we support upgrading to 3.0? yes
- Behavior changes
- Closed: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+is%3Aclosed+label%3Abehavior-change
- Some browsers dropped from support
- WrapAll(function)
- jQuery(“#”) now throws
- Open: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+label%3Abehavior-change
- Deferred!
- .data(key-123)
- Closed: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A3.0.0+is%3Aclosed+label%3Abehavior-change
link 3.0 Blocker issues
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3ABlocker
- Deferred
- Data
- show/hide
- domManip interception
- .width fractamatations
PEP Team Meeting – Feb 05 2015
- Using ES6 modules for source
- Issue #154
- PR #157
- Need to determine release process
- Good to merge
- Using Intern for testing
- Issue #153
- PR #158
- Will redo on top of the ES6 change after that's merged
- Remove
, usetdd
properties directly or create local aliases
- Release process
- Create distributable files and commit in a detached head for the tag
- Publish to Bower
- Update samples in gh-pages
- Use jquery-release if there are no objections
- jquery-devs-team mailing list
- Used for cross-project discussion for jQuery Foundation
- Also controls who has write access to the agendas
- Scott will add PEP team members
- Formal objection was raised against advancing Pointer Events spec to Recommendation