jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jan 05 2015

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, markelog, arthurvr

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Pull Requests and Issues

  • indexOf
  • Seems good to have a consistent standard
  • Would need to be addressed in the style guide?
  • In the meantime, land the two PRs
  • land this, we can tweak
  • Can we eliminate $.support.cors and use XHR as the default transport if no other transport works?
  • Would eliminate a lot of special cases
  • Pinged @jaubourg on the possibility
  • Skip PATCH tests on BrowserStack
  • too many spurious fails from their setups for some reason

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 29 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, arthurvr, m_gol, timmywil (12:45)

link Reminder: 3.0 in two weeks!

  • Need owners for several tickets
  • Need to land exising PRs

link Issues and PRs

  • Asking on the ticket why that can't be done

Chassis Team Meeting – Dec 23 2014

  • Naming convention #4
    • Going with BEM, considering using double dashes. We shall open up a new issue for design patterns
  • Performance Testing #2
    • Need to come up with a list of frameworks, what test pages will contain, and will they be individual components or like a kitchen sink (if later, will need to find a common set of components between various frameworks). Add note regarding that to #2
  • Create Logo #27
    • isaacdurazo will have time to work on logo after the 5th
  • Next Week's Meeting
    • Due to the holidays, many people won't be around next week. Canceling meeting for next week. Chassis meeting to continue on January 6th.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 22 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, gnarf, m_gol, jaubourg, markelog

link 1.11.2/2.1.3 release

  • Done

link Issues and PRs

link Code coverage

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 18 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 262 tickets +0
    • 34 pull requests +0

link 1.5.0

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Dec 17 2014

Chassis Team Meeting – Dec 16 2014

  • Naming convention #4
    • Phone call with Yandex regarding BEM happened this morning
    • BEM seems to be the prefered naming convention
  • Performance Testing #2
    • No news on this at this time
    • Decided to start working on our own solution
  • Domain Names
    • We need to buy domain names
    • kborchers to buy the domain name css-chassis.com
  • Documentation
    • Should we use jquery-wp-content? Don't inherit from base theme to be able to use self-hose?

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 15 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog, timmywil

link 1.11.2/2.1.2 release

  • All patches landed? They should all be here:
  • Trac tickets listed under a single GH issue
  • Sizzle has been updated in master, compat, 2.1-stable, and 1.11-stable
  • Add Ajax URL sanitization?
  • Release ASAP
  • Need blog post draft
  • Has jquery-release been updated to not copy -latest? I think so
  • (in general, any changes to jquery-release needed?)

link 3.0 release - target mid-January

  • Major blockers or unassigned tickets?
  • Should we switch to ES6 module format for authoring?
  • Can still generate both the monolithic file and AMD from that
  • Move AMD modules to dist/AMD
  • Breaks the build process, can’t use r.js or var modules
  • Can’t load modules when testing
  • Decided to not change authoring for 3.0 … wait for 4.0, better tooling and/or browser support before using ES6 for authoring

link Issues vs Pull Requests

  • Let's use issues (only) for changelog
  • PRs should have one or more issues, unless they're housekeeping (e.g. typos and such) in which case we don't need an issue
  • Need a commit message format change here?
  • gibson042 has Component name enforcement
  • Support for jquery-release to build changelog

link Issues and PRs

  • Promises/A+ compat
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1821
  • gibson042 to work on a PR
  • maximum backcompat, allow setting context, multiple resolved values, etc. (Promise/A compat for code that draws inside the standard lines)
  • Use a plugin to handle the error cases?
  • Might be able to use try/finally now that IE7 has been dropped
  • Plain Objects

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 11 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 262 tickets +1
    • 34 pull requests -2

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
    • tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
  • Classes
    • Decided new api and some other changes this morning
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)

link Other topics