jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 24 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson0421, markelog, m_gol

link Issues and PRs

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 20 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 254 tickets +0
    • 32 pull requests +0

link Perf regression

  • big perf regression between 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 that will need looking into for 1.5

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
    • tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • no update
  • Table
    • no update
  • Navbar
    • pr has been updated
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
  • Accordion
    • from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
    • Sarah continueing to work
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • ui updates landed waiting on test fixes

link Other topics

  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • still working on it very slow
  • Pointer Events
    • call today went well
  • CSS Framework
  • Google Summer of Code
    • Anyone interested in being a mentor?
    • Alex agreed to be a mentor

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 19 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 17 2014

Attending: gibson0421, m_gol, timmywil

link Sizzle issues:

link Issues and PRs

link Shadow DOM support

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 13 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 254 tickets -10
    • 32 pull requests +3

link 1.4.5

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
    • tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • no update
  • Table
    • no update
  • Navbar
    • pr has been updated
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
  • Accordion
    • from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
    • Sarah Frisk will be working on new css
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • jsbin
    • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
      • Have talked to remy we will be getting something along the lines of jquerymobile.jsbin.com
  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • still working on it very slow
  • Pointer Events
    • call today went well
  • CSS Framework
  • Google Summer of Code
    • Anyone interested in being a mentor?
    • Alex agreed to be a mentor

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 12 2014

Project Leads Meeting – Nov 12 2014

Attending: Dave, Jörn, Alex, Scott, Kris, Rafael, Sarah

link Core

  • Working towards 3.0
  • Need roadmap … it will be simple
  • Need some new blog posts about changes coming

link UI

  • Working toward 1.12.0

link Mobile

  • 1.5 work continues

link Modules

link Globalize

  • New members on javascript-globalization@googlegroups.com: Cameron from Twitter (maintainer of twitter-cldr), Edwin (globalization architect) from LG, Bruno and Daniel (globalization managers) from Microsoft, Eirik (globalization director) from Oracle, Xiang (senior developer) from Paypal.
  • JavaScript Globalization overview page had additions from Yahoo (format.js), Google (Closure i18n), Wikipedia (jquery.i18n) and LG (iLib).
  • ICU Message Format Support waiting approval to use slexaxton/messageformat.js license.

link CSS Framework

  • Should we support IE8? How about Android 2.x?
  • General feeling: No IE8 support

link QUnit

link Testing

  • BrowserStack had unrelated “hacking” issues (very thorough post mortem!), hopefully will have time to address Travis integration issue soon

link Infrastructure

  • jsbin - talking with Remy about using it for demos and default template
  • Alex to intro Kris and Remy, we'll get 10 accounts w templates ($1000)

link 2015

  • Kris to create a summary of roadmaps to share with the board, Core roadmap still missing. Also budget requests from dev rel and infrastructure.

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 06 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 264 tickets +0
    • 29 pull requests +0

link 1.4.5

  • DONE!
    • 1 minor regression

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
    • Again
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • pr was delayed by classes updates
  • Table
    • no update
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
    • no update
  • Accordion
    • from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
    • Sarah Frisk will be working on new css
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 03 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, timmywil

link Additional issue tracker things

  • wontfix? (done)
  • cantfix?
  • needs review (team needs to review the issue/PR) (done)
  • I don't think we want "fixed" or "notabug", too noisy and not particularly useful to search
  • "valid and fixed" issues should be assigned to a milestone, be sure they are when committing code that closes an issue
  • Always set a milestone when assigning an issue, and always assign the issue before closing with a fix/patch
  • Always create an issue for a PR, so the issues have a complete list of the problems solved

link Branch naming still needs to be done

link Issues and PRs in the 3.0 milestone

link $.xhr -- replaced by $.fetch

  • Let's do this as a plugin with its own schedule

link Issues and Pull Requests

  • Assign milestones to all issues