Project Leads Meeting – Dec 10 2014

Attending: Dave, Scott, Sarah, Alex, Rafael

link Core

  • Patch release of 1.11.2/2.1.2 coming next week with blog post
    • Primary thing is a patch to a Safari selector bug
    • A few very minor bug fixes otherwise
  • Meantime, 3.0 changes being landed in master
    • Another Safari bug bit us there with createHTMLDocument
  • Already updated to QUnit 1.16
  • Targeting release in mid-January with beta beforehand

link UI

  • Dropping support for jQuery 1.6
  • Effects rewrite ready to land

link Mobile

  • Focusing on work not involving ui classes
    • mostly patches and minor stuff

link Globalize

  • Currency formatting implemented \o/.
  • Going to implement currency parser (to allow spinner demos to use new Globalize).
  • Adobe is evaluating Globalize to be used in their client-side applications.
  • Waiting for license approval to use slexaxton/messageformat.js.

link Chassis

  • Name is "Chassis"
  • Using SVG for sure
  • Normalized CSS with some adjustments for box sizing
  • Supporting IE8+
  • Talking with Yandex team

link QUnit

  • QUnit 1.16 came out, YAY

link Testing

  • Recurring problems with Browserstack and outdated Java on IE, m_gol has contacted them several times

link Infrastructure

  • AdamU is working on log rotation as a temporary solution to the full drive issues, root cause is DDoS traffic and long term solution is to get behind firewall
  • All sites updated to Grunt 0.4

Chassis Team Meeting – Dec 09 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 08 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog

link Do we need a 1.12/2.2 release?

  • Yes
  • Release 12/15?
  • Safari selector bug, maybe one or two other low-risk patches
  • m_gol suggests starting at
  • Dave to do blog post on Safari's lack of response and info on this
  • m_gol to find jQuery patches and make a branch
  • gibson042 to make a Sizzle branch
    • start at 78a8c3a7a83ebd8356ae3e23c7c1970ef6d948d2 or later
    • back out ea1c40428c85de1b08087e9c76c5518ba8d15d4f
    • add PR 297
    • maybe add PR 300

link Schedule for 3.0

  • Release target date mid-January
  • Firmer dates once we get closer

link Style guide

link Issues vs Pull Requests

  • Any bug/feature/deprecation should have an issue
  • Issues track the functional changes in the release
  • Dave to go back and check tags/milestones for pre-3.0 commits
  • Think I need to create issues for pre-closed tix in Trac

link Issues

  • Remove .context and .selector
  • Is the guard around currentStyle.left needed? Probably not

link PRs

  • to discuss next week

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Dec 04 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 261 tickets +7
    • 38 pull requests +6

link Perf regression

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
    • tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
  • Classes
    • Api is now in flux in UI everything related is on hold until this is worked out
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)

link Other topics

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Dec 03 2014

Chassis Team Meeting – Dec 02 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 01 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, timmywil, m_gol

link Issues and PRs

  • Just land a fix, no unit test since it's a resource leak
  • Landed in Sizzle
  • .detail used in all mouse events, now inclined to just add it
  • Just always use gBCR?
  • Maybe a bit slower but would provide fractional dimensions for width/height
  • Does gBCR also fix offset/position/width/height when elements are transformed? Need to check

link Promises/A+ compat

  • make .then() as Promise/A+ compat as it can be
  • may be a few minor behavioral things not std
  • what about extensions to the Promise/A+ spec? (context, multiple values, progress)
  • seems like we need multi values for the most common use case of $.ajax
  • keep other Deferred behavior basically unchanged
  • no need to introduce breaking changes
  • current Deferred functionality won't be enhanced e.g.,

Project Leads Meeting – Nov 26 2014

Attending: Dave, Jörn, Alex, Scott, Kris, Rafael, Sarah

link Core

  • Working towards 3.0
  • Need some new blog posts about changes coming

link UI

  • Working toward 1.12.0
  • Effects rewrite almost done
  • Testing new approach for classes
  • Converting tests to AMD

link Mobile

  • 1.5 work continues
  • Working on multiple pageContainers

link Modules

  • Abandon all hope, write to ES3 and <script>. Go play drums for a year or two.
  • Core is considering separate repos for distribution, rather than polluting our development repos with all the build artifacts and (potentially) dependencies

link Globalize

link Chassis

  • First 2 meetings have occurred, working on getting more involvement.
  • Selected Project Name: Chassis
  • Have decided that we're definitely using SVG
  • Working on organizing the call for BEM with the Yandex Team
  • Decided on using normalize.css, and we'll add some box-sizing adjustments
  • We'll be supporting IE8+ to align with current market shares for 1.0

link QUnit

  • Working towards 1.16
  • Fixing regressions, hopefully done this week, everything else is ready

link Testing

  • BrowserStack back up, Michal has been bugging them, issues are getting addressed

link Infrastructure

  • No update