June 18, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode & Chat on Google Docs
Attending: DaveMethvin, mikesherov, rwaldron, gibson042, gnarf,
Time: Noon ET
Official Agenda:
1.8 release
Dave has a trip tomorrow (Tuesday)
Will we EVAR PASS unit tests in Jenkins?
need to use documentMode instead of ua sniff for ie8 fail
add IE=Edge to TestSwarm as well? (already there!)
- TestSwarm already has that, and the iframe sets it, too
remaining 1.8 items: http://goo.gl/ewuKx
Anything you think should/must land?
- animation events (already a pull)
Bugs can still be fixed after the beta
If you own a ticket and won’t get to it for 1.8, switch to 1.next
Anything happen on createContextualFragment or insertAdjacentHTML?
- Yehuda said he had some work
- Conclusion: pushed out of 1.8
Promises: We can’t make ours “Promise/A compliant”
- Make sure we’re not advertising such
- Todo: document Promise/Q
Brainstorming on $.parseHTML
Can be looser than the $(html) parse
- Timmy mentioned possible fixes there
- Would like to simplify/restrict “looks like html”
- (starts-with “<” has been pushed, 6/20)
Want some way to control whether scripts run
- $.parseHTML(html, { allowScripts: true }); ?
- distinguish allow inline vs. external?
Manual modularity
- Done I think
- Plan a blog entry for it
Compat repo for deprecated/removed stuff? – Dave (still todo)
- Separate plugins including compressed versions
- Combined plugin with everything
- “Debug” version with console.warn msgs?
Deprecations – Dave DONE except for global ajax events
Animation hooks Tween etc. — gnarf DONE
Other things needing docs?
.css(‘width’) respects box-sizing, .width() doesn’t; dimension setters –
vendor prefixing
- automatic – ‘boxSizing’ will get ‘MozBoxSizing’
- can create cssHooks for vendor-prefixed, which get priority over
git deploy: Jenkins is doing that now (before running TestSwarm)
- needs an update in build to include commit hash, can be passed by