jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 19 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom

link Todd

link Ghislain Seguin

  • Monitoring jquerymobile.com migration
  • Looks like there is an issue with the “other” category in the builder
  • After moving out comes moving in

link John Bender

  • Monitoring jquerymobile.com migration

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Please test the crap out of popups - I did a lot of code refactoring
  • Reposition popups upon orientationchange

link Jasper de Groot

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • Continued work on the API docs

Testing Team Meeting – Jul 19 2012

July 19, 2012

Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode

Attending: Jörn, Timo, Scott

Time: Noon ET




  • Experiment with test-running in new windows instead of iframes has been completed. Details at https://github.com/jquery/testswarm/issues/195. Long story short: popups are worse than iframes, we’ll have to stick with iframes for now and instead let those bugs depend on the implementation of the new “in-host” system where we don’t use a frame-relationship with a constant long-lived “run page”.

Jenkins integration

  • botio integration stalled until EOL servers are dealt with
  • See also “Perf regression testing”

Perf regression testing

There’s two parts to perf testing. One is the performance of a regular test suite run, to catch overall issues and slowness:

  • We’re going to implement a json report aside from the html-snapshot report of each test run
  • Aside from the assertion results, we’re going to add the test duration of each test
  • in Jenkins we will use that json report to form an “jUnit Ant XML” report card, so that Jenkins will generate historic graphs for each job with the performance over time of each project as a whole, as well as each individual module, test and assertion.

The other is dedicated jsperf-like testing with repetition of certain specific tasks that should perform well. This likely requires the introduction of a framework or plugin in addition to core QUnit.

Move to new service box

gnarf has given krinkle access to jq03. Right now just has a fresh testswarm clone, nothing is set up yet. Krinkle intends to set up and document and/or puppetize it over the coming 1-2 weeks. If it needs to happen earlier, he is willing to document is somewhere and have someone else implement it (most if not all is documented very well at https://github.com/jquery/testswarm/wiki/Automated-Distributed-Continuous-Integration-for-JavaScript )


jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 18 2012

  • Updated menu and spinner to conform to common icons option.
  • Finalized manifest files and landed in master.
  • Working on new API documentation site.
  • Menu's documented API is too large.
    • See notes above about stable public methods.
    • Most documented methods are not part of the "normal API".
  • Working on new release script.
    • The existing script for 1.8.x is written in bash.
    • The new script is being written in node using shells.
    • Should work for minor and major releases.
  • Working on download builder rewrite.
  • Need to work on new jqueryui.com design and implementation.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 16 2012

July 16, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin,
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


Several pull requests from gibson042 to land

Should this need escaping? http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12087

  • NO, gibson042 to look at it


jaubourg refactored serialize

Other things to split from ajax.js?

$.sjax is dead, no need to create it

As of 1.8

  • use of ajaxSettings.traditional DIRECTLY with serialize() is deprecated
  • new argument to serialize() sends traditional
  • $.ajax usage is unchanged, it will pass the flag from ajaxSettings

jQuery 1.8RC1?

Target next week

Land Sizzle fixes

jaubourg to look at issue with Deferred passed as `this` to .progress()

Fix several new bugs

  • right-click delegation

MUST be released with jQuery UI 1.8.x refresh

  • Needs fixes for Sizzle and curCSS changes

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jul 12 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Gabriel Schulhof, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom

link Todd

  • Download builder - released
  • Device donation page - done
  • 1.1.1 final - released today!
  • 1.2 alpha - final tweaks underway, hoping for alpha late next week
    • code review (Bender and Ghislain) - done
    • speed: takes 1-2 seconds to open the most minimal popup which is too slow. Suggestion: change the default transition to “none” from “fade” which seems to go much faster. Look for other optimizations.
    • default styling - done (thanks Jasper!)
    • add position option to center the popup over various thing (link, window, selector)
      • data-position-to=”origin|window|selector”
      • origin is the default (the link you click to open it)
    • Android 2.3.x nav issue (Gabriel) - fixed
    • Gabriel to look at dealing with the nav dependency with popup to remove this requirement, may be added post alpha but before RC
    • Add 3 events for popup to hook into popups for customization
      • "popupbeforeopen", "popupafteropen" and "popupafterclose"
    • change log in progress (thanks mauriceG) - http://test.jqmobile.de/commit12a.html
  • Site re-templating for the conference - met with Richard, Todd is working on porting over the static pages, Richard to port the blog, then we need to make CSS changes
  • Roadmap - Todd to start sketching out based on UI discussion
    • UI and mobile will stay separate for foreseeable future
    • Share a lot of code and infrastructure between projects

link Ghislain Seguin

link John Bender

  • testswarm is in the works
    • issues with url handling firefox
  • OSCON/Throne of JS next week

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4595 We publicly support changePage with changeHash: false, but we don't support navigating to the page inserted with changeHash: false We could document that, if people do push pages into urlHistory with changeHash: false, then they're on their own, or we could help them out by displaying the last page in a changeHash: false sequence when going back, and displaying the last changeHash: true page when navigating forward, like so:
╭─⬎ ╭─⬎ ╭─────────────⬎ ╭─⬎ ╭─⬎ going forward
⬑─╯ ⬑─────────────╯ ⬑─╯ ⬑─╯ ⬑─╯ going back
███: page added with changeHash: true
▒▒▒: page added with changeHash: false
  • Images inside popup: Let's provide an "opening" signal to give app devs the opportunity to size the popup contents before the in-transition starts.
  • Work on making unit tests pass in FF.

link Jasper de Groot

  • just done some triage and bug fixing
  • popop: issue with image max-height - we have to discuss this

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 11 2012

  • Working on new API documentation site.
  • Menu's document API is too large.
    • See notes above about document stable public methods.
    • Most documented methods are not part of the "normal API".
  • New widgets don't conform to icons option standard.
    • Menu's icon option needs to be icons.submenu.
    • Spinner needs to expose icons.up and icons.down.
  • Finalize manifest files for inclusion in master.
  • Started working on the download builder rewrite.
  • Need to write the new release script.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 09 2012

July 9, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, timmywil, jaubourg, gnarf, scott_gonzalez
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:



Need to refactor ajax dependencies to new file

  • serialize, param, parseJSON, parseXML
  • otherwise it’s hard to use other ajax impls like $.jsonp
  • jaubourg to change

Making promises resolve async

jaubourg has a possible solution

  • separate method to resolve sync

dave will start thread in jquery-devs-team

jQuery.unique – no action to be taken

What needs to be done for beta2?

  • Full test with UI passing? timmywil says YES it’s done
  • still need to fix “:not( .foo ):has( bar )”
  • What should “:contains( asdf )” match (spaces) — gibson042′s patch fixes
  • Possible effects issue, gnarf to investigate – scott already fixed! WIN!
  • beta2 tomorrow

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 22 2012

June 18, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode & Chat on Google Docs
Attending: DaveMethvin, mikesherov, rwaldron, gibson042, gnarf, timmywil
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

1.8 release

Dave has a trip tomorrow (Tuesday)

  • Thursday 6/21? yes

Will we EVAR PASS unit tests in Jenkins?

need to use documentMode instead of ua sniff for ie8 fail

add IE=Edge to TestSwarm as well? (already there!)


  • TestSwarm already has that, and the iframe sets it, too

remaining 1.8 items: http://goo.gl/ewuKx

Anything you think should/must land?

  • animation events (already a pull)

Bugs can still be fixed after the beta

If you own a ticket and won’t get to it for 1.8, switch to 1.next

Anything happen on createContextualFragment or insertAdjacentHTML?

  • Yehuda said he had some work
  • Conclusion: pushed out of 1.8

Promises: We can’t make ours “Promise/A compliant”

  • Make sure we’re not advertising such
  • Todo: document Promise/Q

Brainstorming on $.parseHTML

Can be looser than the $(html) parse

  • Timmy mentioned possible fixes there
  • Would like to simplify/restrict “looks like html”
  • (starts-with “<” has been pushed, 6/20)

Want some way to control whether scripts run

  • $.parseHTML(html, { allowScripts: true }); ?
  • distinguish allow inline vs. external?

Manual modularity

  • Done I think
  • Plan a blog entry for it

Compat repo for deprecated/removed stuff? – Dave (still todo)

  • Separate plugins including compressed versions
  • Combined plugin with everything
  • “Debug” version with console.warn msgs?


Deprecations – Dave DONE except for global ajax events

Animation hooks Tween etc. — gnarf DONE

Other things needing docs?

.css(‘width’) respects box-sizing, .width() doesn’t; dimension setters – mikesherov

vendor prefixing

  • automatic – ‘boxSizing’ will get ‘MozBoxSizing’
  • can create cssHooks for vendor-prefixed, which get priority over non-prefixed

git deploy: Jenkins is doing that now (before running TestSwarm)

  • needs an update in build to include commit hash, can be passed by Jenkins

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 21 2012

  • Attending: Todd Parker, John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Jasper de Groot, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jason Scott

link Todd

  • Down to 350 issues (from 600) and 12 PR’s (down from 50+) in the last 2 months
  • Site re-templating for the conference - met with Richard, Todd is working on porting over the static pages, Richard to port the blog, then we need to make CSS changes
  • Download builder alpha for conference - ready to go
  • Device donation page by conference so we can announce - Todd to-do
  • 1.1.1 beta for conference with hopefully a quick move to RC status
    • Consider asking for testing next week via branch preview
    • Todd needs to write the blog post
    • Outstanding items:
    • Opera 12 broken navigation - team to discuss option later
    • listview click performance (ready to land + benchmark) - todo
    • blinky transitions in PhoneGap (re-opened for review) - Todd tested latest in a webview and doesn’t seem blinky, even with fixed toolbars but only tested with fade. More investigation needed
    • update page padding - Closed, fixes landed by Jasper
    • unable to close dialog in webview - Closed, Bender posted a workaround in the issue
    • IE submit button - Closed, fixes landed by Jasper
  • 1.2 alpha for conference - popup items
    • code review (Bender and Ghislain)
    • speed: takes 1-2 seconds to open the most minimal popup on the iPad 3 - feels too slow. Investigate why
    • default styling - padding needs help (Jasper + Todd)
    • dialogs in popups blow out content width, needs refinement. (Jasper + Todd)

link Ghislain Seguin

link John Bender

  • Linting is done, caught one bug
  • Perf testing
    • apparently we know the jsperf folks
    • steal the scheme
    • benchmarkjs.com
  • Popup
    • code reviewed
    • tweaks to follow
    • discussion on popup stacks
  • Preso work this week
  • Base tag issues next

link Gabriel Schulhof

  • Proposals:
  • This could help us fix 3635, because controlgroup wouldn’t need to access button classes directly, instead calling .buttonMarkup({corners: ”left”}), etc., thus cooperating with reusable buttonMarkup, such that if you later call e.g. .buttonMarkup({icon: ”another-icon”}) on a button that is part of the controlgroup it won’t mess up the button’s corners as a side effect.

link Jasper de Groot

  • Finished with updatePagePadding
  • Finished with IE buttons
  • Improved focus style
  • Created PR to make slider widget independent from textinput widget
    • Q: do all widgets need to be completely independent, also the CSS? (all button CSS in core?)
  • Did some triage
  • Fixed a few minor CSS issues I noticed myself

link Anne-Gaelle Colom

  • Met with Todd and Richard on 15th June to get all setup to produce the new website
  • 19 PRs and 18 commits on the docs.
  • 6 widgets ready in the new api docs (which led to many small corrections in the docs).
  • Small amount of triage and testing

link Jason D Scott