jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 08 2015

Chassis Team Meeting – Apr 07 2015

  • Typography
    • marestad to commit local changes that addresses requests in PR
  • Logo
    • isaacdurazo has created a palette of colors and use cases for the logo
  • SCSS style guide
    • if no one has any more comments to add to the issue, sfrisk will start writing up a PR
  • HTML Style guide
    • slayslot to start PR
  • Create Semantic Colors and palette based on logo colors
    • sfrisk to start PR this week
  • Form Validation Styling
    • sfrisk created list of validation components for the form, please comment on the issue if there are any other components you can think of
  • Form Input State Styling
    • sfrisk updated issue to include more input states
  • Base Styling of HTML4 Elements
    • sfrisk to create separate issue of different buttons vs base styling. This will include inline and fullwidth buttons, icon only buttons, icon and text, sizes and states.
  • Add Automatic task to check for contrast
    • sfrisk to create issue and assign to arschmitz.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 06 2015

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, arthurvr, gibson042

link Patch release (iOS bug wrt jQuery.each)

link Sizzle blockers

link PRs

link Next week

link Beta release todo

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE! Nice work.

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link jQuery 3.0 beta

PEP Team Meeting – Apr 02 2015

  • ES3 support
    • https://github.com/jquery/PEP/issues/174
    • For now continue to rely on ES5 features
    • Look into a custom build that replaces the use of ES5 features that can’t be properly polyfilled (to avoid the use of es5-sham)
    • Only a concern for less than a year, until Microsoft officially drops support for IE8
  • W3C tests
    • Replace the test harness reporter with a custom reporter that accumulates the results and passes them to Intern
  • Ready to release?
    • Do some manual testing first
  • jquery/PEP vs. jquery.pep.js

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Apr 02 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 283 tickets (+0)
    • 35 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • pushing right now with latest from ui
  • Classes
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • Cory is fixing review comments
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Landed in ui-1-12
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • no update
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update
  • esformatter
    • lots of PR's for this to get us closer to style guide compliance and using jscs
  • UMD Wrapper
  • qunit
    • upgraded to 1.17.1
      • Had to fix some issues in the tests

link Other Topics

  • testing
    • Should we switch from QUnit to intern?
      • Everyone seems to like the idea of intern
  • team page
  • GSoC
    • There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
  • Websites
    • grunt task
      • discussion on how this will work has moved to content
  • Demo Spider
    • Replace with Spider.js
      • no update
  • Builder

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 01 2015

Project Leads Meeting – Apr 01 2015

Attending: Scott, Sarah, Timmy, Jörn, Alex, Rafael

link Core

link UI

link Mobile

  • Fixed last of the bugs with new autoinit modules
  • cleaned up test runs and output
    • faster travis runs
    • less chance of failure
  • updated to use spider.js for demos
  • fixed issues with core git build
  • Working on using esformatter for style compliance
  • coveralls code coverage notifications
    • allows github status api with thresholds for failure
    • does not seem to be working yet

link Chassis

  • Increased participation due to GSoC, a lot of headway has been made on performance testing by adding more frameworks. Potential GSoC student also adding testing for components than buttons
  • view.css-chassis.com set up
  • Typography is currently in a PR, with discussion being had on how to implement other features dependent on typography.
  • Logo is done, Isaac should be finishing up approved use cases later this week
  • Discussions with Myles from Famo.us regarding Chassis being represented at jQuery SF

link QUnit

  • Fixed AMD usage
  • Added support for AMD in grunt-contrib-qunit and grunt-qunit-instanbul (waiting for the latter to get merged)
  • Using diff-match-patch for diff output now
  • Lots of updates to the HTML reporter
  • New release coming soon, waiting for Leo to confirm

link PEP

  • Blink working on spec changes so they can implement :-)

link Globalize

  • Relative time support and Ordinal support landed.
  • Several minor fixes landed: #273, #313, #379, #408, #410, #411.
  • CLDR has released 27 (and Globalize can immediately use it).
  • CLA Checker

link Other

  • Intel is considering building a mobile device test lab for running automated tests on real devices.
    • Will also provide a way to run tests on local devices from your computer
  • npm for client-side modules

Chassis Team Meeting – Mar 31 2015


  • Typography PR
    • Updates made, although still a work in progress
    • noufal has offered to help with the PR
    • Discussion regarding removing default focus outline for all <a> elements, since it goes against accessibility goals. Decided that it's best to keep the outline for focus on all <a>, individual components could possibly remove it as long as there is a :focus styling.
  • Create SCSS Style Guide
    • Haven't heard from prasunanand, so this is up for someone to work on
  • Update HTML Style Guide
    • Discussion in Contribute have continued.
  • Logo
    • isaacdurazo should have time this week to finish up the different use cases for the logo
  • Semantic Color Definitions
    • Base the default colors on the logo colors
    • sfrisk to update issue with color list
  • arschmitz has also updated the issues for naming convention, typography, and grid system to help summarize the discussions for newcomers.
  • GSoc Students
    • Student deadlines have passed, and we're currently evaluating proposals. If we need more information, we'll contact you

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 30 2015

Attending: timmywil, arthurvr, gibson042, DaveMethvin, markelog, scott_gonzalez, m_gol

link Recent attributes change

link Current failures on master and compat

  • NONE! Nice work.

link Beta release todo

link Sizzle blockers

link Patch release (iOS bug wrt jQuery.each)

link window.setTimeout/setTimeout

link moar tests for the factory needed

link PRs

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link jQuery 3.0 beta

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 26 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 283 tickets (+0)
    • 35 pull requests (+0)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • pushing right now with latest from ui
  • Classes
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
      • Cory is fixing review comments
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress, working on widget backcompat tests and correctness
      • Landed in ui-1-12
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • Jasper updating checkboxradio and button icon CSS
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • no update
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update
  • esformatter
    • lots of PR's for this to get us closer to style guide compliance and using jscs
  • UMD Wrapper
  • qunit
    • upgraded to 1.17.1
      • Had to fix some issues in the tests

link Other Topics

  • testing
    • Should we switch from QUnit to intern?
      • Everyone seems to like the idea of intern
  • team page
  • GSoC
    • There have been lots of people with lots of questions around try to help when you can
  • Websites
    • grunt task
      • discussion on how this will work has moved to content
  • Demo Spider
    • Replace with Spider.js
      • no update
  • Builder
    • we need to switch to ui builder before 1.5