Chassis Team Meeting – Feb 24 2015


  • Is there some sort of roadmap? #39
    • Question came up about is the roadmap for this project to better understand the goals
    • sfrisk to create a wiki page explaining the roadmap for Chassis.
  • Create a SCSS Style Guide #41
    • Seemed to be some interest in working on this
    • Make this a PR to allow for collaboration (vs wiki)
    • When style guide is finished, submit it to contribute
  • Logo
    • Vote for the color you like best
  • Mailing List
    • sfrisk created a mailing list and shared link
    • join with your IRC and github username if you want to be a member

Pull Requests:

Goals for this week:

  • add yourself to the mailing list
  • sfrisk or arschmitz to update SASS file structure PR
  • sfrisk to add roadmap to wiki

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 23 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog______________, arthurvr, m_gol, gibson042, scott_gonzalez

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Sizzle blockers

link 3.0 Blocker issues

link Should we have 2 branches of jQuery?

  • Generate master build from compat code using script?
  • Go back to 1.x-only and support node, etc.?

link Deprecate jQuery.fn.load for 4.0 removal?

  • downloads whole page with doctype
  • issues with XML documents
  • url + selector api is weird
  • markelog to open an issue for further review

link $.ajax deprecations?

  • async: false
  • success/error/complete passed in options

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 19 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 280 tickets (+1)
    • 33 pull requests (+2)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • latest classes, button, tests
  • Classes
    • ALMOST ready
      • Scott reviewed updating this afternoon
    • Cory: rangeslider submitted, toolbar in progress, flipswitch & slider in queue
    • Gabriel: textinput submitted, listview in progress
      • Alex currently reviewing textinput
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • all updated in ui-1-12
      • latest change: button using inline icons and the "space" span
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
      • affected by choices on data- attributes
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • data- attribute name space
    • backcompat
      • might wait for 1.6?
        • ok
  • qunit-assert-classes
    • use everywhere
      • adding more tests this weekend

link Other Topics

  • team page
    • Will be on the, will use gravatars and link to GH plus possibly twitter

Project Leads Meeting – Feb 18 2015

Attending: Scott, Rafael, Alex, Kris

link Core

  • No update

link UI

link Mobile

  • Starting to Implement classes in mobile again with new api
  • Working on getting tests passing with new Auto-init module
  • Integrating qunit-assert-classes for element class tests same as ui.

link Chassis

link QUnit

  • No update

link PEP

link Globalize

  • Planning to release 1.0.0 very soon
    • Rafael to draft blog post and Kris to review
  • Not going to include currency parsing, will add later
  • Rafael and Jörn had a meeting with Twitter
    • They’re interested in using Globalize in place of twitter-cldr
    • Twitter will file issues for missing features that they need
  • Rick Waldron is the editor for ECMA-402 now
  • Rafael is a member of ECMA-402 committee

link Other

  • CLA Checker
    • Added debug logging
    • Sets status URL (pointing to
    • Added description to commit status
    • Fixed race condition with cloning and fetching
    • Next up: Fixed PR audits where the PR branch doesn’t contain the base commit

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Feb 16 2015

Attending: timmywil, markelog, gibson042, arthurvr, m_gol

link jQuery 3.0 beta

link Sizzle blockers - assigned

link jQuery Migrate

link 3.0 Blocker issues

PEP Team Meeting – Feb 12 2015

  • ES6 modules are in master
  • Added some people to jquery-devs-team
    • Still waiting on CLA signatures from many of the team members
  • Perhaps we need a more formal commitment to determine who actually intends to be a team member and who is just interested in following progress
    • Scott to create an issue asking everyone to say how they’re interested in helping with PEP, then send an email to everyone who has expressed interest so far pointing them to the issue
  • Still waiting on updated PR from Jacques for Intern testing
  • No objections so far for using jquery-release, so we’ll go with that
  • No update on formal objection to spec
  • Would like to test PEP against the W3C spec tests
    • Mostly manual tests, might be able to automate with Intern
    • Jacob might be able to run them in Microsoft’s lab using touch automation
  • We should have a logo

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Feb 12 2015

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 279 tickets (-1)
    • 31 pull requests (-1)

link 1.5.0

  • ui-1-12 all up to date
    • latest classes, button, tests
  • Classes
    • ALMOST ready
    • Cory has started implemented classes on a couple branches on his fork
  • Button
    • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
      • all updated in ui-1-12
      • latest change: button using inline icons and the "space" span
  • Auto Init
    • New module details
      • rebased on ui-1-12 fixing broken tests
  • Accordion
    • sarah working on this start actual work today
      • no update this week
  • data- attribute name space
    • backcompat
      • might wait for 1.6?

link Other Topics

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Feb 11 2015

  • Ticket triage
    • 385 tickets total +6
    • 27 pull requests +1
  • Classes option
  • Button
    • Alex pushed update, Jörn to review once classes is done
  • Datepicker
  • CSS Dependencies in DB
    • PR for UI is ready, Rafael working on DB update, involves new modules to make use r.js with in-memory optimizations
    • Keep css.theme and css.structure, but ignore css.theme for now
    • Theme dependency is determined solely based on the theme dropdown
  • 1.11.3
    • All commits have been cherry-picked to 1-11-stable
    • Scott going to release this week