jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 30 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 264 tickets -87
    • 29 pull requests -19

link 1.4.5

  • lets get this done
    • will review all 1.4.5 prs this afternoon

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
    • everything updated from ui again
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • pr was delayed by classes updates
  • Table
    • no update
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
    • no update
  • Accordion
    • from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
    • Sarah Frisk will be working on new css
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • jsbin
    • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
      • Have talked to remy we will be getting something along the lines of jquerymobile.jsbin.com
  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • still working on it very slow
  • CSS

Project Leads Meeting – Oct 29 2014

Attending: Dave, Jörn, Alex, Adam, Scott, Kris, Rafael

link Core

  • Publishing the jQuery 3.0 blog post today
  • Starting to knock down the issue/PR backlog

link UI

  • Nothing interesting

link Mobile

  • Releasing 1.4.5 tomorrow
  • 1.5 work continues
    • continuing update loop with ui
    • Front-end dependency management
  • What would we want npm to support to make publishing UI on npm useful?
    • To release on npm, would need dozens of different packages, one for each widget, each with its own dependency tree
    • Difficult to find/build the actual files, which are inside node_modules
  • Possible solution: If requireJS could find modules loaded by npm inside the node_modules directory, that would fix this?
  • Talk to James Burke about how to deal with this? -- dave

link Globalize

link CSS Framework

  • There was a meeting yesterday. Minutes will be sent out later by Scott
  • Open up our css-framework repo, after some cleanup, to collaborate with the group there.
    • Alex to ask Sarah to update the readme

link QUnit

  • No update, Leo and James currently unavailable. Jörn will look into remaining 1.16 issues.

link Testing

  • Some improvements for browserstack-runner landed, still trying to get it working in Travis builds and with requirejs

link Infrastructure

  • jsbin - talking with Remy about using it for demos and default template

link 2015

  • High level roadmaps with goals for 2015 for your project
  • Budget requests to achieve those goals
    • including contracts, additional resources

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 27 2014

Attending: timmywil, DaveMethvin, gibson042, m_gol

link Trac issues migrated

link Branch naming

  • "compat-only" and "master-only" for issues applying to just one -- done
  • rename "1.x-master" to "compat"
  • also change name in package.json - “jquery-compat”
  • Both versions need package.json rename to 3.0.0-pre
  • land PRs before renaming

link Promises/A+ compat

link $.xhr -- replaced by $.fetch

  • Should this start as a plugin? Yes

link Publish 3.0 blogpost

  • Dave to do this week

link Browser support for 3.0.0

  • Drop official support for Opera 12 and Safari 5.1
  • Keep IE9 in the master branch
  • Support Android 2.x on both (dammit)

link Additional things to reconsider as of 3.0?

  • remove deprecated stuff like andSelf
  • fractional width/height?

link Testing

  • Continue to test Opera (latest, latest-1), but on the weekly job
  • We could test Yandex browser there if it's on browserstack
  • Let's switch to private browser sets (m_gol)
    • jquery and jquery-periodic
    • jquery-compat and jquery-compat-periodic

link Issues and Pull Requests

  • Assign milestones to all issues
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1784
  • Shadow DOM is a pain
    • Is this something jQuery should try to fix?
    • code size and performance implications could be big
    • dave to get some input from Polymer or web standards groups on whether this is reasonable to do, and if so what devs (and jQuery) should be doing to make this work without horrible perf

link Roadmap wiki page?

  • Collect all features/enhancements for feedback

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 23 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 351 tickets -16
    • 48 pull requests +5

link 1.4.5

  • lets get this done
    • will review all 1.4.5 prs this afternoon

link 1.5.0

  • all updates from ui pulled in
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
    • everything updated from ui again
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • pr was delayed by classes updates
  • Table
    • no update
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
    • no update
  • Accordion
    • from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
    • Sarah Frisk will be working on new css
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • jsbin
    • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
      • Have talked to remy we will be getting something along the lines of jquerymobile.jsbin.com
  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • still working on it very slow
  • CSS
  • Cordova Issues
    • Lisa helping out
      • continue to make progress

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 22 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 399 tickets total -1
    • 45 pull requests +4
  • 1.11.2 Released
  • Button
    • Updated PR coming soon
  • Datepicker
    • new PR coming this evening with updates from last round of review
  • Menu
  • Selectmenu
  • Globalize
    • Need currency formatting to update spinner to 1.x
    • Easier to use Globalize 1.x when demos and tests use AMD, to load CLDR files with requirejs instead of $.get
  • Classes option
    • Alex implemented _setOption support, sent new PR
    • The more reviewers the better, looking for the best/smallest implementation
  • jsbin
    • Alex to talk to Remy about a custom jQuery UI setup

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Oct 16 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 366 tickets -1
    • 43 pull requests +2

link 1.4.5

  • need to re-check issues as Apple fixed Safari in a patch
    • they have not fixed the crash, so we still need 1.4.5.

link 1.5.0

  • waiting on some updates in UI
  • Classes
    • PRs need updating - in progress
    • Alex has pushed the _setOptions() commits on top of the original classes commits into the UI "classes" branch
  • Declarative Widgets Module
    • Prototyped with input from TJ, PR to follow from Alex
  • Table
    • needs review
  • Navbar
    • waiting on merger from new pr
  • Toolbar
  • CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
    • Jasper working in branch button-css
  • Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
    • waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week

link Other topics

  • jsbin
    • 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
      • Have talked to remy we will be getting something along the lines of jquerymobile.jsbin.com
  • website spider
    • grunt-spider plugin coming
      • working way through websites one at a time
  • CSS
  • Cordova Issues
    • Lisa helping out
  • Collaboration
    • Ian Maffett from Appmobi and the intel app framework
      • The main goal for our collaboration will be enhancing and cleaning up our navigation

Project Leads Meeting – Oct 15 2014

Attending: Dave, Scott, Alex, Kris, Jörn, Rafael

link Core

  • Moved to Github issues
    • Trac is still needed, not working well
    • Migration supposedly being worked on
    • Will migrate open tickets
  • New versioning coming, two packages
    • jQuery-Compat 3.0.0 (like 1.x branch)
    • jQuery 3.0.0 (like 2.x branch)
    • Same API, now follow semver
    • Dropping browser from -compat deserves a version bump?
  • Use fetch() rather than $.xhr()?
    • it's an okay API
    • There is a shim: https://github.com/github/fetch
      • shim only supports IE10+, also not Android 2.3
    • Should we move IE9 and Android 2.x to -compat?
    • not sure how to integrate such a shim though
    • perhaps we could include it in a custom build tool?

link UI

  • 1.11.2 this week

link Mobile

  • Continuing to work on 1.5
  • Getting ready to do 1.4.5 to fix some major iOS8 issues
  • Continuing to make lots of progress on cordova issues
  • Call with Intel today (right after this meeting) to discuss navigation API
    • Goal is to have App Framework use jQuery Mobile’s navigation code

link Globalize

  • Created new mailing list for globalization related JavaScript projects javascript-globalization@googlegroups.com
  • Landed basic timezone support in Globalize
  • cldr-data: ongoing discussion with Dojo/IBM. Waiting reply from Yahoo.
  • Discussing an overview page that shows what solutions exist and what is missing, overlaps, holes; then nag other projects and organizations to improve that

link CSS Framework

  • 7 projects have expressed interest
  • About half of the projects didn’t respond to the initial email

link QUnit

link Testing

  • Working on browserstack-runner with Travis integration for QUnit
  • Also debugging browserstack-runner on Globalize

link Infrastructure

  • Still working on website spider.
    • Spider is done currently fixing the sites
    • Thousands of errors, caused by several problems, found and fixed already

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Oct 15 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 400 tickets total +1
    • 41 pull requests +0
  • Button
    • Depends on classes feature, Alex working on that
    • Will rebase on top of classes once that is done
  • Globalize
  • Classes option
    • Alex implemented _setOption support, close to sending new PR for that
    • Fixed using empty string instead of null values
  • 1.11.2
    • Fixed tooltip regression
    • Scott will land selectmenu fix, then release 1.11.2
  • Menu
    • TJ finished PR, to be reviewed again, eventually land in 1.12

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Oct 13 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, jaubourg, markelog, gibson042, m_gol

link Trac

link Branch naming

  • Have a "compat-only" and "master-only" for issues applying to just one
  • rename "1.x-master" to "compat"
  • land PRs before renaming

link Promises/A+ compat

link $.xhr

link version 3.0

  • dmethvin making blog post, to be done this week for review

link Testing

  • Continue to test Opera, but on the weekly job
  • We could test Yandex browser there if it's on browserstack
  • Let's switch to private browser sets (m_gol)
    • jquery and jquery-weekly
    • jquery-compat and jquery-compat-weekly