- Project Name #14
- Looks like it's between "Draft and "Chassis"
- sfrisk will set up vote, last a week, one with the most votes wins
- Normalization Decisions #7
- normalize.css seems to handle most browser consistencies, and add in the base styling some box-sizing adjustments http://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/
- Naming Convention #4
- Phone call next week with guys behind BEM, need to come up with a list of of what are potential concerns / thoughts were about bem before the call.
- sfrisk to create google doc for everyone to add concerns to.
- Performance Testing #2
- kborchers talked to kristoferjoseph and brianleroux and they said they were going to be working on it last week
- Browser Support #3
- Going IE8+ to align with current market shares for version 1.0
Author Archives: builder
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 01 2014
Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, timmywil, m_gol
link Issues and PRs
- Just land a fix, no unit test since it's a resource leak
- Landed in Sizzle
- .detail used in all mouse events, now inclined to just add it
- Just always use gBCR?
- Maybe a bit slower but would provide fractional dimensions for width/height
- Does gBCR also fix offset/position/width/height when elements are transformed? Need to check
link Promises/A+ compat
- make .then() as Promise/A+ compat as it can be
- may be a few minor behavioral things not std
- what about extensions to the Promise/A+ spec? (context, multiple values, progress)
- seems like we need multi values for the most common use case of $.ajax
- keep other Deferred behavior basically unchanged
- no need to introduce breaking changes
- current Deferred functionality won't be enhanced e.g., https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1839
Project Leads Meeting – Nov 26 2014
Attending: Dave, Jörn, Alex, Scott, Kris, Rafael, Sarah
link Core
- Working towards 3.0
- Need some new blog posts about changes coming
link UI
- Working toward 1.12.0
- Effects rewrite almost done
- Testing new approach for classes
- Converting tests to AMD
link Mobile
- 1.5 work continues
- Working on multiple pageContainers
link Modules
- Abandon all hope, write to ES3 and <script>. Go play drums for a year or two.
- Core is considering separate repos for distribution, rather than polluting our development repos with all the build artifacts and (potentially) dependencies
link Globalize
- Implementing currency formatting/parsing (to allow spinner demos to use new Globalize).
- Landed a couple of updates on JavaScript Globalization overview page and created a gh-page http://rxaviers.github.io/javascript-globalization/.
- Waiting for license approval to use slexaxton/messageformat.js.
link Chassis
- First 2 meetings have occurred, working on getting more involvement.
- Selected Project Name: Chassis
- Have decided that we're definitely using SVG
- Working on organizing the call for BEM with the Yandex Team
- Decided on using normalize.css, and we'll add some box-sizing adjustments
- We'll be supporting IE8+ to align with current market shares for 1.0
link QUnit
- Working towards 1.16
- Fixing regressions, hopefully done this week, everything else is ready
link Testing
- BrowserStack back up, Michal has been bugging them, issues are getting addressed
link Infrastructure
- No update
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 26 2014
- Ticket triage
- 393 tickets total +5
- 33 pull requests -0
- 1.11.x Regressions
- Use AMD loader in demos and tests
- Rafael updated tests PR, need to fix some failing tests and verify TestSwarm integration still works
- Classes option
- Effects
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 24 2014
Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson0421, markelog, m_gol
link Issues and PRs
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1874
- save the function wrapper (Sizzle)
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/4320
- Is this still needed for IE8+?
- markelog can not repro in IE8 using the test case attached
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/issues/597
- misplaced, asked him to post on our shadowroot ticket
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1784
- not clear how to handle this
- new APIs?
- special behavior when context is a shadow root?
- continue to wait for stds/impl guidance before changing stuff
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1875
- Seems good
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1879
- Nope, too much of a special case and we don't want globals
- Distribution issues - https://github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js/issues/327
- worth a read
- Author in ES6, compile to AMD/CommonJS?
- https://github.com/esnext/es6-module-transpiler
- Plain objects
- Very few methods work on it http://api.jquery.com/jquery/
- Let's deprecate in 3.0 and remove later
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1847
- Yep!
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1821
- Promises/A+ compat
- let's land that as-is and work on gibson042 enhancement
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 20 2014
- Ticket Triage:
- 254 tickets +0
- 32 pull requests +0
link Perf regression
- big perf regression between 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 that will need looking into for 1.5
link 1.5.0
- all updates from ui pulled in
- tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
- Classes
- PRs need updating - in progress
- Declarative Widgets Module
- no update
- Table
- no update
- Navbar
- pr has been updated
- Toolbar
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- Jasper continued to work on https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/7753
- Accordion
- from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
- Sarah continueing to work
- Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
- ui updates landed waiting on test fixes
link Other topics
- website spider
- grunt-spider plugin coming
- still working on it very slow
- grunt-spider plugin coming
- Pointer Events
- call today went well
- CSS Framework
- Google Summer of Code
- Anyone interested in being a mentor?
- Alex agreed to be a mentor
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 19 2014
- Ticket triage
- 388 tickets total -5
- 33 pull requests -1
- 1.11.x Regressions
- Use AMD loader in demos and tests
- Rafael updated tests PR, need to fix some failing tests and verify TestSwarm integration still works
- AMD loading of minified files
- Rafael to look into this
- Use comments like Mobile?
- Classes option
- Alex updated PR, ready for another review
- Alex created bootstrap-ui demo repo
- Alex reverted demo commits
- TJ to write a learn article about classes
- Menu styling issue
- Button
- Alex will fix build, Jörn to review afterwards
- Effects
- PR ready to review
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 17 2014
Attending: gibson0421, m_gol, timmywil
link Sizzle issues:
- https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/290 - new buggyQSA test
link Issues and PRs
- 3.0 milestone: What can be landed now?
- Assign 3.0 milestone when accepting for 3.0
- Promises/A+ compat
- gibson042 proposing a change for chained .done()
- m_gol to look into better integration with tests
- Landing https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1837
link Shadow DOM support
- .offset() https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1784
- Sizzle roots https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/296
- Wait for guidance from standards and impls
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Nov 13 2014
- Ticket Triage:
- 254 tickets -10
- 32 pull requests +3
link 1.4.5
- big perf regression between 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 that will need looking into for 1.5
- https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/7839
link 1.5.0
- all updates from ui pulled in
- tests need fixing started by gabriel, cgack taking over
- Classes
- PRs need updating - in progress
- Declarative Widgets Module
- no update
- Table
- no update
- Navbar
- pr has been updated
- Toolbar
- CSS update (button, checkboxradio, controlgroup)
- Jasper continued to work on https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/7753
- Accordion
- from ui will replace collapsible/set has been pulled in
- Sarah Frisk will be working on new css
- Checkboxradio as well as button and controlgroup
- waiting for ui updates, hopefully can be done next week
link Other topics
- jsbin
- 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
- Have talked to remy we will be getting something along the lines of jquerymobile.jsbin.com
- 2 options will work on new template hoping for vanity urls
- website spider
- grunt-spider plugin coming
- still working on it very slow
- grunt-spider plugin coming
- Pointer Events
- call today went well
- CSS Framework
- Google Summer of Code
- Anyone interested in being a mentor?
- Alex agreed to be a mentor
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Nov 12 2014
- Ticket triage
- 393 tickets total -0
- 34 pull requests -0
- 1.11.x Regressions
- Use AMD loader in demos and tests, Rafael to update PRs
- AMD loading of minified files, TJ to remove wrappers in minfied files. Ask Rafael for ideas.
- Classes option
- Alex updated PR, ready for another review
- Automate removing classes in destroy()? Not worth it, let's not do that
- TJ to write a learn article about classes
- Alex to revert demo commits
- Button
- Alex to push update soon