jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 27 2014

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 26 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 2 pending tickets -1
    • 405 tickets total +2
    • 39 pull requests +0
  • Button
    • working on checkboxradio
    • default, checkbox and icons ready for functional and accessibility testing
    • Created new PR for review and testing
    • Determine if we really want to support anchors
    • Will update buttonset (aka controlgroup), its still useful
  • Globalize
    • Working on number module
    • Working on significant figures format
    • Implemented significant digits, grouping separators
    • Working on negative number patterns
  • Release
  • Download builder
    • Trying to use buildCSSBundles() from Ghislain's AMD builder
    • He'll extract that into a separate module, Rafael will then use that in DB to support CSS comments as implemented in UI. We can adopt them in UI later.

Testing Team Meeting – Mar 26 2014

  • QUnit
    • James put together a proposal for a set of events for a reporter interface
  • TestSwarm
    • New jobs for Core and QUnit (still in progress), for weekly runs with old/slow browsers
  • Testing Infrastructure
    • browserstack-runner is now working pretty well, hoping for better logging, via #51

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 24 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, m_gol, gibson042, markelog, timmywil

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 20 2014

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Mar 19 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 3 pending tickets +1
    • 403 tickets total +3
    • 39 pull requests +2
  • Button
  • Globalize
  • Release
    • Working on migration to jquery-release
    • Making a fake-project so that its much quicker to test changes in jquery-release
    • Checking for required executables
    • Improving Release.exec and simplifying grunt calls everywhere
  • browserstack-runner
    • Collaboration with BrowserStack on their runner
    • Now supports compact configuration and decent output for QUnit
    • Needs some more improvements

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 17 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, m_gol, markelog, timmywil

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

  • Create new ticket to rewrite XML tests to avoid them being cross-document
  • The PR to be nixed in favor of removing cross-doc manip in tests
  • Ticket: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/14796
  • Looks like we do need to fix this
  • dmethvin to land
  • Push to 2.2 because it's ugly
  • m_gol to write a test failing in IE8
  • let’s blacklist iOS7 and wait (forever) for a real bug report
  • Please land your fixes ASAP

link Old browser job

  • Still broken, it's an infra problem most likely

link Failing oldIE tests -- how to fix?

  • Wait until we switch to karma

link Browser support blog post

  • Still need UI team input

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Mar 13 2014

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Mar 10 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042

link 1.11.1 / 2.1.1

  • Looks like we do need to fix this
  • Land now?
  • Just document cssNumber? YES
  • Don't want to embed non-W3C vendor-specific properties
  • LGTM
  • m_gol: I’d hold off, probably reverting the !important patch will fix it by itself. I’d just land the tests
  • Please land your fixes ASAP

link Old browser job

  • Failing oldIE tests -- how to fix?
  • Revert fake timers? I hope not.
  • Wait until we switch to karma
  • Browser support blog post
  • Still need UI team input
  • $.fn.data
  • Land this in 1.12 / 2.2? YES
  • Should we fix the clearly broken 2.1 now? NO