jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 05 2012

****June 4, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode & Chat on Google Docs
Attending: DaveMethvin, gnarf, rwaldron, gibson042, rworth, danheberden
Time: Noon ET

(IRC issues during the meeting;  #jquery-meeting did not log everything)

Official Agenda:****

Getting help for infra and new docs sites?

  • rworth:

Schedule for 1.8 release

  • beta before the conf
  • bug triage meeting – Wednesday noon?

Unit test failures


  • effects in IE? gnarf can’t look right now – can someone else -mikesherov


strip_iife branch ready to land – if we want to

  • line numbers in errors are for the built code – not the src/files.js
  • We seem to think that the benefits outway the debugging/development minor hassle
  • source maps?
  • LAND IT!

JHP for serving – land it?

  • Need to coordinate with testswarm – Krinkle?
  • Can’t land until jenkins issues are resolved

Need update to README to reflect current build process

  • There is a “draft” of these instructions in the strip_iife branch
  • LAND IT!

Closure Compiler Advanced Optimizations (CCAO)

  • Talk with Chad Killingsworth
  • He will rebase against 1.8 later this month
  • We will land most of the CCAO unit test changes
  • timmywil, did CCAO changes land in Sizzle?

Manual modularity

Landed gibson042′s modularity for effects


  • ajax?
  • css and dimensions – mikesherov

Compat repo for deprecated/removed stuff? – dave

  • Separate plugins including compressed versions
  • Combined plugin with everything
  • “Debug” version with console.warn msgs?
  • We can host these on code.jquery.com, perhaps other CDNs


Deprecations – dave created tickets, will finish docs

Animation hooks Tween etc. — gnarf to outline

Other things needing docs?

.css(‘width’) respects box-sizing, .width() doesn’t; dimension setters – mikesherov

vendor prefixing

  • automatic – ‘boxSizing’ will get ‘MozBoxSizing’
  • can create cssHooks for vendor-prefixed, which get priority over non-prefixed

Remaining 1.8 items

New items?

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 25 2012

May 21, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, mikesherov, rwaldron, Krinkle, scott_gonzalez
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

Unit test failures

JHP for serving – land it?

  • Need to coordinate with testswarm – Krinkle?
  • Can’t land until swarm issues are resolved

Need update to README to reflect current build process

Manual modularity

effects – gibson042

jaubourg can do ajax part?

Can we deprecate Boolean attrHooks? — probably not

Compat repo for deprecated/removed stuff?

  • Separate plugins including compressed versions
  • Combined plugin with everything
  • “Debug” version with console.warn msgs?
  • We can host these on code.jquery.com


  • Deprecations – dave created tickets, will finish docs
  • Animation hooks Tween etc. — gnarf can you outline?
  • Other things needing docs?

Remaining 1.8 items

FYI: wycats trying to get standards to help our selector impl

jQuery Core Team Meeting – May 14 2012

May 14, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, mikesherov, rwaldron, timmywil, gnarf
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


Need to knock down the list of remaining 1.8 items

Manual modularity

  • Allow build without effects, ajax, css even?
  • Opened a ticket: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11767
  • gnarf will look at animation modularity
  • jaubourg can do ajax part?
  • dave will look at grunt


  • Deprecations – dave created tickets
  • Animation hooks Tween etc. — gnarf can you outline?
  • Other things needing docs?

Size and “bloat”, call for participation on CCAO

mikesherov asks: what browser “versions” do we support?

Bug triage meeting Thursday 8pm eastern time #jquery-dev

  • all the cool kids will attend

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 23 2012

April 23, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, rwaldron, timmywil, gibson042, sindresorhus, gnarf, jaubourg
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

new team member – gibson042


  • http://goo.gl/fbZD3
  • Need a sweep of bugs and assign to 1.8
  • Please look at tickets related to rewrites if you’re doing one
  • Dave will ping people on specific tickets if needed


Beta schedule?

  • Need solid final release by end of June
  • Work backwards from there
  • Beta?
  • RC? Want a month given the changes

Unit tests need to work better – Dave will ping jzaefferer

Ready to land animations?

CCAO – can we land the Sizzle CCAO changes as-is? (Timmy says yes)

  • mostly quoting of args … not sure of the size impact
  • could commit to a branch and have CCAO submodule that?

Timmywil has first cut at Sizzle changes

jQuery.quickReady – land it now? (yep)


  • New interfaces like quickReady?
  • Animation hooks Tween etc.
  • Other things needing docs?

Blogs and messaging (Dave)

  • Deprecation — goo.gl/Vzaxa (team only)
  • Size and “bloat”, call for participation on CCAO

Build process

  • code will used shared_var
  • Use “grunt watch” to auto-build

gnarf may try to move Trac to a new server

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 16 2012

April 16, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, sindresorhus, mikesherov, ajpiano, gnarf, gibson042, fleeting appearance by timmywil
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

rwaldron has commit privs on github.com/jquery

  • Congrats!
  • Hide yo kids
  • Hide yo wife



gnarf’s opus on animations

Refactor to allow leaving animation/ajax/(others?) out

  • Yehuda eliminated an ajax dependency in unit tests
  • More work to do there

Land the grunt pull?

  • mikesherov and DaveMethvin to figure out Windows issues

Chad Killingsworth’s CCAO changes


needs TLC on its build stuff for grunt

Proposed plan of action:

  • Leave on a branch for 1.8
  • Get unit tests and basic examples working
  • Call for community input and help
  • Further 1.9 integration contingent on that

What else needs to land?

  • timmywil to get Sizzle changes


  • Can we just always ignore state of iframes?
  • can’t use window.load since it fires once
  • perhaps flip the default state to allow for faster loading?

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 09 2012

April 9, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: dmethvin, gibson042, timmywil, gnarf, ajpiano, rwaldron
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


1.8 (April 9 Beta)

Landed many PRs on 1.8pre branch last week

garf’s opus on animations

Chad Killingsworth’s CCAO changes

What else needs to land?

  • timmywil to get Sizzle changes next weekend
  • build process using grunt

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 03 2012

April 2, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: dmethvin, timmywil, mikesherov, gnarf
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


New issues?

Bad TinyMCE .attr() duck punch seems to be resolved by their beta

Bug tracker misbehavin’ again last week

  • Who knows why, but a reboot fixed it…

Style guide: Did we remove the ambiguous “space around quotes” rule?

  • Dave to create epic email thread regarding this

http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11539 Do we want to change our support for text nodes?

  • gibson042: traversing is safe for text nodes, manipulation is not?


1.8 (April 9 Beta)

Dev on master or branch? Consensus: 1.8 on Development Branch

1.8 Feature branch — we’ll land PRs there?

Specific process?

  • Make standard PRs but against 1.8 branch (after I create it)
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/branches
  • Um, create 1.8 branch (BRANCH is 1.8pre b/c there was 1.8 subs?)
  • WHY CAN’T I label PRs? (gnarf: maybe bc issues are off?)

Several PRs ready to land

jaubourg has been a good boy

Pinged Chad Killingsworth re Closure Compiler, he made a Sizzle PR for some issues to simplify CC work (haven’t reviewed it yet)

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Dec 13 2011

December 12, 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

  • Open bugs — jQuery 1.7.2? http://goo.gl/jYbsc

  • 1.8 voting in tracker — http://goo.gl/sy3Ax

    • Suggestions boiled from list (see link from last week)
    • Team voting on 1.8 suggestions this week; Team vote here: http://goo.gl/lhKlz
    • Don’t add bugs to here unless you need to discuss them by vote
    • Landing contingent on final code review (size especially)
  • Public link to suggestions spreadsheet (sans emails): http://goo.gl/9Ss0K

  • Closure Compiler status — Chad working on string-defined methods


jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 14 2011

November 14, 2011
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Time: Noon ET 

Official Agenda:

  • jQuery 1.7.1 Issues

  • Pull request process

    • Help is welcome but some PRs are more work than their value
    • How should we approach those? Leaving in the queue means they go stale
    • Ask ppl to engage us before making a PR?
    • Review current open PRs: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pulls
  • Deprecation blog post feedback (Dave)

    • Followup blog post to address suggestions in blog comments

      • “Remove all IE support!”
      • “Break it into tiny little parts and have a download builder!”
      • “Wait until 2.0 to remove stuff”
      • “Make effects and/or ajax optional”
    • Need a a review to ensure we have marked deprecated in API docs (Dave)


jQuery Core Team Meeting – Nov 01 2011

October 31, Noon ET