Testing Team Meeting – May 04 2012

QUnit 1.6.0 was released, featuring a stable composite addon, a few bug fixes and enhancements. More details in the changelog.

swarm.jquery.org is now running TestSwarm 1.0.0.

Jenkins integration is now done via node-testswarm, making improvements a lot easier and moving configurations into the individual projects. That makes them also a lot less dependent on Jenkins itself.

TestSwarm-BrowserStack is now using the TestSwarm 1.0.0 API, removing the dependency on auto-increment IDs. Its also gotten better at dealing with BrowserStack queue limits, making more efficient use of their service. The module now has more documentation, making it easier to use for other projects.

Krinkle wrote Automated Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript, outlining how to combine all these various projects into one whole automation setup.

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – May 03 2012

link Download builder

http://jquerymobile.com/download-builder/ https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile-builder

  • Open issues: none, 4 reported and closed
  • Include default theme + structure theme - create issue because we only include default, not structure
  • Plans for wider beta since we've run this by our alpha testers for the last 2 weeks
  • Need to test more internally:
  • Modularity questions: how much make we break things up for consumption:
    • Want a specific subset of widgets and transitions (yes)
    • Only want certain widgets, no nav model (yes)
    • Only want nav model/transitions, no widgets or CSS framework (yes)
    • Only want utilities like touch events, zoom fix, orientation (not yet?)
    • How to define mobile “core”

link ThemeRoller - 3rd party tools

  • All sorts of web apps or software tools may want to integrate ThemeRoller functionality - how to make this as seamless as possible w/o hooking in too deeply?
  • Current idea: Support a lightweight round trip theme solution that lets a 3rd party tool have a button that would launch TR in a new window/iframe. This could either be a default TR theme (Create new theme) or it could support editing by pushing in a theme (via the import mechanism) so the theme would appear in TR, ready for modification. In TR, allow the Download button to be customized in appearance (Save to App X + icon) and the 3rd party tool would write a handler to manage the manipulation and saving of the TR output on their side. We'd just provide the hooks in and out so this would be a new API for developers to use TR without forking it and making a custom build.
  • Tyler needs to do more work on the versioning side of things to support this. The guys from Codiqa have volunteered to help with some of the engineering and to be the test case for this to help us work out the kinks. This would launch as an open platform and others tools can help participate in shaping this as we go.

link 1.1.1 Planning

link Pull requests

link PhoneGap blinky transitions

link Fixed jumping into place on transition w/scroll

link Persistent toolbar with fixed

link Button/form consistency

link 2.3 nav issues

link The href monkeying issue

  • We’ve seen several issues coming in that are related to that. # on iOS
    • remove this

link 1.2 Features

link Read-only lists

  • New styling including removal smaller font-size and padding of ui-li-static for 1.2 #4347
  • Changes to discuss
    • Modal overlay screen - default to none, only show if data-overlay-theme option is set to a swatch letter
    • Remove "Fade" as an option and just fade in overlay screen if one is specified, CSS override of keyframes if needed
    • Popup container - inherits the theme from the parent page by default, data-theme attr can be set to a swatch letter or to "none" to have the container have an invisible background (just won't write in the ui-content-a/b/c class)
    • Popup won't have any padding by default to let widgets like lists (menus), photos, etc. be edgeless. To add padding, recommend people add the "ui-content" class to the popup wrapper add the standard 15px of page padding or write custom styles as needed
    • Corner classes are a bit tricky with nested edgeless elements. Ex. if a inset list is inside a popup, will the corners look ok?
    • Popup transition. Use the same fallback mechanism as the dialogs >> create a utility that is used for both dialogs and popups. Factor out the mechanism (which is currently inline inside a function in navigation.js) into a public function: degradedTransition = $.mobile.maybeDegradeTransition( originalTransition ); It need not be public - but the little dance it does with looking up the transition in a hash of fallbacks is kind of important, and I don't want to copy/paste that code into popup.✓
    • Add an example of how to add a close button, like dialog, false by default = data-close-btn=”true”. Note that if we add this, we’ll also need a data-close-btn-text=”Close popup” option for accessibility and a11y. https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4267#issuecomment-5492106
      • Q: Dialog doesn’t have an option currently to not write in the close button, add this feature there for consistency? Probably
    • The custom select should also be ported over to use popup as part of 1.2. Need to create a ticket. Any other widgets that could be ported over?

link Listview: autodividers

link 1.3 Features

link Themes: Multiple active states

  • Support active state per swatch instead of a global active (Tyler - LOE?)

link 1.future

  • Prioritize and start sequencing the next few releases for the remainder of the year
  • Tablet responsive layout patterns - YES!
  • Overflow regions - overthrow.js, be very defensive here to not break platforms
  • Carousel?
  • Pull in autocomplete from UI?
  • Pull in spinner from UI?
  • Pull in progressbar from UI?
  • Light calendar picker?

link Infrastructure

###Migration to Grunt (Bender)

  • Migration to Grunt in progress
  • Sort out Test / TestSwarm issues
  • Redirects for Branch Preview / Test to new server (per D. Heberden)

link Plugin site requirements

  • Package JSON file for our plugins

link UI Integration

  • Test port of mobile TR framework onto a UI widget (TBD) as a POC - Scott/Mat
  • Download builder - status of UI’s tool?

Testing Team Meeting – Apr 27 2012

QUnit’s composite addon is now using the new callback registration mechanism, making it a lot more compatible with other code using those callbacks. Rerun links to open the individual testsuite.

The QUnit website is coming together, with a docpad-based repo at https://github.com/jquery/qunitjs.com. Contributions welcome! For now this is deployed via GitHub pages at qunitjs.com, but will soon migrate to the WordPress-based deployment that all other jQuery properties will use.

TestSwarm 1.0 is basically done, but still waits for updates on BrowserStack and Jenkins integrations. Once those are done, TestSwarm 1.0 will be official. In the meantime, we’ve revived the @TestSwarm Twitter account.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 23 2012

April 23, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, rwaldron, timmywil, gibson042, sindresorhus, gnarf, jaubourg
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

new team member – gibson042


  • http://goo.gl/fbZD3
  • Need a sweep of bugs and assign to 1.8
  • Please look at tickets related to rewrites if you’re doing one
  • Dave will ping people on specific tickets if needed


Beta schedule?

  • Need solid final release by end of June
  • Work backwards from there
  • Beta?
  • RC? Want a month given the changes

Unit tests need to work better – Dave will ping jzaefferer

Ready to land animations?

CCAO – can we land the Sizzle CCAO changes as-is? (Timmy says yes)

  • mostly quoting of args … not sure of the size impact
  • could commit to a branch and have CCAO submodule that?

Timmywil has first cut at Sizzle changes

jQuery.quickReady – land it now? (yep)


  • New interfaces like quickReady?
  • Animation hooks Tween etc.
  • Other things needing docs?

Blogs and messaging (Dave)

  • Deprecation — goo.gl/Vzaxa (team only)
  • Size and “bloat”, call for participation on CCAO

Build process

  • code will used shared_var
  • Use “grunt watch” to auto-build

gnarf may try to move Trac to a new server

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 16 2012

April 16, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: DaveMethvin, sindresorhus, mikesherov, ajpiano, gnarf, gibson042, fleeting appearance by timmywil
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:

rwaldron has commit privs on github.com/jquery

  • Congrats!
  • Hide yo kids
  • Hide yo wife



gnarf’s opus on animations

Refactor to allow leaving animation/ajax/(others?) out

  • Yehuda eliminated an ajax dependency in unit tests
  • More work to do there

Land the grunt pull?

  • mikesherov and DaveMethvin to figure out Windows issues

Chad Killingsworth’s CCAO changes


needs TLC on its build stuff for grunt

Proposed plan of action:

  • Leave on a branch for 1.8
  • Get unit tests and basic examples working
  • Call for community input and help
  • Further 1.9 integration contingent on that

What else needs to land?

  • timmywil to get Sizzle changes


  • Can we just always ignore state of iframes?
  • can’t use window.load since it fires once
  • perhaps flip the default state to allow for faster loading?

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Apr 09 2012

April 9, 2012
Minutes (Notes) of the meeting of jQuery
Location: #jquery-meeting on Freenode
Attending: dmethvin, gibson042, timmywil, gnarf, ajpiano, rwaldron
Time: Noon ET

Official Agenda:


1.8 (April 9 Beta)

Landed many PRs on 1.8pre branch last week

garf’s opus on animations

Chad Killingsworth’s CCAO changes

What else needs to land?

  • timmywil to get Sizzle changes next weekend
  • build process using grunt

Testing Team Meeting – Apr 07 2012

Released QUnit 1.5.0:

* Modify “Running…” to display test name. Fixes #220
* Fixed clearing of sessionStorage in Firefox 3.6.
* Fixes #217 by calling “block” with config.current.testEnvironment
* Add stats results to data. QUnit.jUnitReport function take one argument { xml:’ * Add link to MDN about stack property

Krinkle working on TestSwarm, integrating phpbrowscap to replace manually updated useragents in database with external list, automatically updated. Overhauled theme using Twitter’s Bootstrap. Getting close to 0.3.0 release.

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Apr 04 2012

  • Released 1.9m7.
  • Merged grunt branch into master and 1-8-stable.
    • All existing functionality has been ported and verified.
    • Started JS lint fixes.
    • Would like to abstract task size into a grunt plugin.
  • Kris will start working on docs soon.
  • 1.8.19 is planned for release within the next week.