- Discussed AMD/UMD support for all projects.
- Will use the jqueryPlugin format for jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile.
- All projects will support Bower.
- Working to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) the code necessary to bring jQuery UI widgets into jQuery Mobile.
- Using the tabs widget as the prototype.
- Finishing changes to download builder for the 1.11 release changes.
- Need to figure out how to deprecate old icons when switching to grunticon.
- Reviewing CLDR for inclusion in Globalize.
Author Archives: builder
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 08 2013
Attending: DaveMethvin, orkel, timmywil, jaubourg, gibson042, rwaldron
link 1.10.2/2.0.3 release
- Any problems? None reported
link Problems with testswarm
- ngnix not configured properly, 502 on post to static pages
- long term problem
- what can we do to fix soon?
link jQuery 1.11/2.1
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oQ966Lq9szqP41BehdlmAJV33lgNcrE0C0tktLvIz5s/edit
- (action items and conclusions below summarized from meeting discussion)
- requestAnimationFrame - Do not pull into core, gnarf has a plugin for people who want it and we'd still break a lot of existing code if it was the default
- Alternative animation API (initially a plugin) - leave to third parties
- Alternative AJAX implementation - jaubourg to noodle over
- Deferreds and Callbacks optional modules - yes, after AMD is settled
- make .ready() its own optional module - yes, and discourage its use
- Use AMD - yes, timmywil is on it
- Deprecate/remove jQuery.support? - Can't remove, but move feature detects into their respective modules and make them lazy, reduce forced layouts; next step to be done after initial AMD is finalized
- Avoid offsetHeight/offsetWidth completely - yes, mikesherov?
- Attach data directly to elements
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jul 03 2013
- Looking into AMD support.
- Will probably use some form of UMD.
- Looking into Bower support.
- Finishing changes to download builder for the 1.11 release changes.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jul 01 2013
Attending: DaveMethvin, timmywil, jaubourg, orkel
link Node and other non-browser setup
- https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/issues/296
- Where do we document window requirement in Node environment?
- Several other "non-API" issues like that
- Get Karl’s input on adding a new page
link Tagging Sizzle
- Tag before jQuery release
link jQuery 1.10.2
- IE7 and
attribute (open)- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13976
- needs a change so no exception is thrown
link jQuery 2.0.3
- Garbage HTML throws an exception
- jQuery.data with hyphenated names LANDED
link 1.10.2/2.0.3
- IE cross-frame (LANDED)
- Chrome Canary STUPID deprecation warn on //@
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13983
- Not now, will change when //# lands in stable browsers
link Release dates?
- Tomorrow for both
link Followup for 1.11/2.1 issues discussed at in-person Portland
- Dave to send email with agenda based on meeting notes
- Discuss in meeting next Monday, or add notes if you can't make it to the meeting
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 27 2013
- Attending: Todd Parker, Scott Jehl, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Alex Schmitz, John Bender, Jasper de Groot Time: 2pm ET
link Official Agenda:
- UI/Mobile meetings
- We will have combined team meetings probably once a month.
- 1.4 alpha release in week of Mon July 15
- Jasper will post announcement on the forum
- Grunticon (SVG icons with fallback)
- We are looking into best way to implement this together with jQuery UI
- PR process
- When making bigger changes we should do a PR and have another team member review
- Pointer events
- We should not make any real changes to support this yet. Vmouse plugin should work on WP8 and Win RT, only one change in slider CSS needed.
- API docs
- Jasper will help Anne with documentation of methods
link Updates:
link John Bender
- None
link Jasper de Groot
- Back from vacation :)
- We tried to have a UI/Mobile meeting yesterday, but failed due to IRC problems - We try again next week
- Discussed changes to textinput widget with Alex; search input will also get class ui-input-has-clear. I will update the CSS
- Looking into test devices that are needed with Alex
- Will work on Grunticon implementation this week
link Anne-Gaelle Colom
- 34 commits this week!!!
- Added jqmData and jqmRemoveData entries to the api docs
- Added missing info to the checkboxradio entry
- added info to the virtual mouse event entries
- corrected error in jqmRemoveData
- added jqmHijackable entry. Need to check what the signature is
- standardized vmouse examples
- added activePage entry
- added a properties category
- changed example template after discussion with Scott
- fixed all widget entries according to the new example template
- fixed indentation in activePage example
- added warning div for note on unsupported chaining popups
- fixed hashchange page and example for indentation and conformance to style guides
- Other contributions to core and ui api docs, wp-content and markup-convention
link Gabriel Schulhof
- is on vacation
link Alexander Schmitz
- Discussed PR process with Jasper
- textinput
- separate clear button and autogrow textarea
- core in 3 pieces
- Pointer events
- checkboxradio
jQuery UI Team Meeting – Jun 26 2013
- Looking into AMD support.
- Will probably use some form of UMD.
- Looking into Bower support.
Note: This meeting was cut short due to issues with our ZNC server.
jQuery Core Team Meeting – Jun 24 2013
Attending: timmywil, m_gol, rwaldron
link jQuery 1.10.2
- IE7 and
attribute (open)- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13976
- needs a change so no exception is thrown
link jQuery 2.0.3
- Garbage HTML throws an exception
- jQuery.data with hyphenated names LANDED
link 1.10.2/2.0.3
- IE cross-frame
- Chrome Canary STUPID deprecation warn on //@
- http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13983
- will change when //# lands in stable browsers
- Release dates
- Next Monday/Tuesday for both?
- Monday after meeting
link jQuery 2.1/1.11 changes
- Discussed at in-person Portland meeting
- Private meeting notes need to be processed
- Let's put on agenda for next week
link Style guide updates
- Can someone freshen and land updates based on discussion here?
- https://github.com/jquery/contribute.jquery.org/issues
- (Let's land something and refine with another round)
- joern is working on this
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 20 2013
- Attending: Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jasper de Groot
link Official Agenda:
- what needs to be done before we can release 1.4 alpha? (Jasper)
link Updates:
link Jasper de Groot
- created a doc with summary of things done/discussed in Portland https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aRm9SvK7DpQaxotODvwlA7Wek42f3M6ffd1L8LGEG7k/edit?usp=sharing
- on vacation until June 26
##Anne-Gaelle Colom
- corrections to the api docs:
- fixed dead links
- removed inline styles
- updated jquery core and mobile versions for v mouse events example
link Gabriel Schulhof
- Started flattening custom select: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/6108
- Need to make it work outside the page before I can study the performance impact of the way we create various bits of DOM. I’m pretty sure if we have a template which we create and clone the first time, and merely clone on all subsequent occasions, then we can gain a significant performance boost (http://jsperf.com/create-vs-clone-with-params).
- Alex had the idea to separate the show-as-dialog functionality and place it into an extension. This functionality must be unavailable when the custom select is placed outside a page, because we cannot display a dialog on top of random content.
link Alexander Schmitz
- started reviewing textinput
- tests with ui widgets.
- Tabs: Done no extension other then autoinit
- Spinner: Done minor extension
- menu: Done in effect makes nested list views
- autocomplete: still needs work js:done css:none
- whatever we dont include for 1.4 (all but tabs) i will put into my own repo and maintain until added to library and make demos
- Core: seperate data methods out into their own module
- add unique id to core for now?
- updateing code.jquery.com to include 1.3.1 this is manual html editing process that needs to be done each time and changes pushed i have access to server so i can do this from now on.
- explored need for pointer events patch to vmouse with kborchers looks like this wont be needed will test more once i have WP8 tomorrow
- tracking and aquireing dev phones have list need to add peoples personal test devices ( will prevent aquireing dups)
- added nokia lumia 520
- iphone 4s
Testing Team Meeting – Jun 14 2013
In-person meeting in Portland, OR, after jQuery Conference.
Attending: Timo, James, Jörn
link QUnit Roadmap
- Release 1.12 soon. Just one open ticket for that milestone.
- Do all other deprecations in the next one or two minor releases.
- Release 2.0 with some breaking API changes, but including a migration layer that makes it easy to find invalid usage.
- Remove that migration layer in 2.1
link Infrastructure Roadmap
- Improve grunt-saucelabs, potentially replacing TestSwarm
- Until then, keep TestSwarm and Jenkins running
- Also enable TravisCI for PR testing, though without cross-browser coverage (was already enabled for QUnit and Mobile)
jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Jun 12 2013
Attending: John Bender, Ghislain Seguin, Gabriel Schulhof, Alex Schmitz, Jason Scott, Ralph Whitbeck, Anne-Gaelle Colom, Jasper de Groot
stick to 3-4 months release cycle, every 2-3 weeks maintenance release
- keep community informed via Twitter, etc.
- Jasper will update the roadmap wiki page and add dates to Github milestones
weekly meetings
- shorter meetings
- agenda for things that need to be discussed, updates only in the document/minutes
testing (high priority!)
- fix the unit/integration tests that randomly fail
- set up performance tests
- TU Delft students provided first results of their performance test; branch “next” vs. 1.3 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8kujzE4Ig0QRUsxT3c4akRISjg/edit?usp=sharing
- new slider widget 1.5
- deeplinking 1.5
- filter widget 1.5
- fetchlink - this will be possible as result of other changes; add demo instead of feature
- continue widget review 1.5+
test devices
- managed by Alex
- Alex brought test devices from test lab at FG for team members
- there is budget to buy devices for testing if needed
Ghislain demonstrated code coverage
John updated Gabriel and Alex about navigation
John, Ghislain and Jasper talked with the UI team about working together and eventually merge both projects
- we are going to use one -dev IRC channel (#jqueryui-dev)
- UI/Mobile team meetings on regular base
- first meeting: wed June 26, 12:00 EST
- To-do’s:
- all UI component widgets should work on both frameworks
- UI is going to use Mobile’s solution for SVG icons
- Pointer events for both UI and Mobile
- 1 CSS framework
Note: No weekly IRC meeting on June 13, 2013 because of the jQuery Conference