jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 22 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, jaubourg, gibson042, mikesherov

link Trac

  • just about at the end of the line if it doesn't get fixed soon
  • we will switch to gh issues next week if trac has no progress

link Promise Error telemetry

  • Domenic proposed unhandled rejected promises go thru window.onerror
  • he actually preferred a separate handler for it tho
  • which should we back?
  • mikesherov will talk to Domenic this week

link Promises/A+ compat

  • jaubourg is working on it

link $.xhr

  • markelog and gibson042 to create some examples based on typical ajax usage
  • emails going out to core mailing group, with gists of sample usage
  • jQuery.ajax docs have some good examples

link https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/1652#issuecomment-56127735

  • bring back clear/mergeAttributes, gibson042 is on it
  • doing some perf tests to see impact

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Sep 18 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 361 tickets +12
    • 20 pull requests +2

Note: Full team in person meeting on September 11th at jQuery Chicago.

link 1.4.4

  • 2 issues so far


  • won't happen unless we get major issues.


  • there is now a branch ui-1-12 which pulls in the button branch from ui which includes classes
    • use this branch for PRs
    • jasperdegroot update css for icons and new widgets
    • gabriel_schulhof: implementing classes option in current widgets
    • e.g. replace "ui-button" with this._classes( "ui-button" ); or similar
    • We'll open one issue for each widget and use assign or comment to claim one
    • Expected to be released in just over 1 month
  • we want to land tables and navbar in 1.5
  • removing custom data-attributes and namspacing everything with ui
  • pulling autoinit out of page

##cross browser automated testing

  • there is a plan to move forward potentially through something using browserstack runner
    • may actually work now with updates done by jzaefferer

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 15 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, gibson042, mikesherov

Note: Timmy on vacation Aug 31-Sept 21

link Trac

  • I will ping about that, i think they made progress last week

link Promises/A+ compat for jaubourg's pull request

  • m_gol got it mostly working
  • some fails related to invalid args
  • need a solution for dfd.done( fnThrows ).then( neverCalled )
    • keep a separate list of callbacks for .then() vs .done()?
  • need analog to Promise.unhandledRejection proposal from Domenic
  • see if jauborg and m_gol can finish this
  • Promises error telemetry - Mike to reach out to Domenic

link $.xhr

  • markelog and gibson042 to create some examples based on typical ajax usage
  • review at next meeting

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 11 2014

Location: In person, Chicago jQCon

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042, m_gol

link Versioning

  • If we are going npm we should obey semantic versioning
  • The .then() change will be breaking
  • Might as well remove other things like .andSelf()
  • New versioning
    • 1.x now jquery-legacy-3.x
    • 2.x now jquery 3.x

link Deferred pull request for Promise/A compat on .then()

link xhr

  • Design goal: allow standalone usage
  • Simple xhr module in a wrapper
jQuery.xhr = require("jquery-xhr");
jQuery.xhr.Promise = window.Promise || function( executor ) {
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
try {
executor( dfd.resolve, dfd.reject );
} catch ( ex ) {
dfd.reject( ex );
return dfd.promise();
  • Simple case: jQuery.xhr( url, options ).then( handlerA ).then( handlerB )
  • beforeSend case:
xhr = jQuery.xhr( url, { autosend: false } ).set( … );
jQuery.xhr({ url: ... });
jQuery.xhr( url );
xhr.then( handlerA );
xhr.send( body ).then( handlerB )
  • Super-advanced case:
xhr = jQuery.xhr( url, { autosend: false } );
xhr.then( handlerA );
if ( badFeeling(xhr.getNative()) ) { xhr.abort(); }
xhr.send( body ).then( handlerB );
Promise.resolve( xhr ).then( … )
jQuery.xhr( url ).send({ ... }), jQuery.xhr( url )
  • Does an unsent Promise that has mutability violate the Promise/A+ spec? Or does the mutability only apply to the resolution? No. Does not appear to apply to the returned promise, which can be augmented, only to the resolved value of the promise
  • options necessary to functionality: method, user, pass, body, query (RFC), beforeSend
  • options nice to keep: cache, ifModified, headers
  • jxrPromise: .abort(), .xhr property
    • Rejects on: Exception, timeout, abort
  • what about 4xx/5xx? or a 0 (network error)
    • implied success: jQuery.xhr( url ).then( jQuery.xhr.rejectHTTPError )
    • implied failure: jQuery.xhr( url ).catch( jQuery.xhr.ifResponse )
  • Resolved value: raw native xhr
  • Rejected value: Error object, potentially with .xhr property, .options object

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Sep 04 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 349 tickets +29
    • 18 pull requests -3

link 1.4.4

link 1.5 development

  • Roadmap update

    • Button, Checkboxradio, Controlgroup ui re-writes
    • Classes Option
    • Download Builder
    • Navbar
    • Table
  • Widgets:

  • Remove deprecated code

  • Navigation: Start with API review

    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
    • Unique entries when popstate is available? allows us to distinguish navigation to the same page twice
  • Namespacing:

    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Tests:

    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
    • pagecontainer needs tests
  • Download Builder:

    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this

link Other topics:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Sep 03 2014

  • Ticket triage
    • 388 tickets total +4
    • 41 pull requests +6
  • Button
    • Rebased with classes option.
    • Created a product selector demo.
      • Too complex, need to simplify.
    • Wrote tests and demos for controlgroup.
  • Datepicker
    • Keep translation in options and delegate to user to provide non-English values.
  • Selectmenu
    • Don't copy accesskey since it doesn't work everywhere.
  • Classes option needs to support changes after init.
  • Spinner
    • Replace culture and numberFormat options with parser and formatter options.

jQuery Core Team Meeting – Sep 01 2014

Attending: DaveMethvin, markelog, gibson042,

Note: Timmy on vacation Aug 31-Sept 21

link Trac

  • Volunteers are making progress on new setup
  • Had two new volunteers, including a Trac core contributor

link Promise/A+ compat

  • gibson042 proposal seems like it should work!
  • Checking with jaubourg on his availability, markelog and gibson042 are interested

link $.xhr

  • Build options object interface
  • Below it is a chaining interface?
    • exposes (not wraps) underlying xhr method
  • limited compat with old IE and ActiveX method?
    • (See discussion in IRC)

link Pull Requests

  • Please review and comment
  • markelog to land a few today
  • gibson042 and dmethvin to work on them tomorrow

link Tickets

jQuery Mobile Team Meeting – Aug 28 2014

  • Ticket Triage:
    • 320 tickets -32
    • 21 pull requests -16

link 1.4.4

link 1.5 development

  • Roadmap update

    • Button, Checkboxradio, Controlgroup ui re-writes
    • Classes Option
    • Download Builder
    • Navbar
    • Table
  • Widgets:

  • Remove deprecated code

  • Navigation: Start with API review

    • Start with API review:
      • Alex will work on this
    • Establish the API
    • Hash/query params according specs
    • Support deeplinking
    • Unique entries when popstate is available? allows us to distinguish navigation to the same page twice
  • Namespacing:

    • Switch to fixed namespace: data-ui-*
  • Tests:

    • Remove test for deprecated features and flaky tests (especially dialog)
      • in progress
    • pagecontainer needs tests
  • Download Builder:

    • Use jQuery UI’s download builder
      • Rafael working on this

link Other topics:

jQuery UI Team Meeting – Aug 27 2014